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The(di) advantages(edventeches) of learning a foreign(foren) language (lenguech)is that it will

allow us to generate social relationships with other people, and even find love and be able to
understand the different cultures they have, also if you travel the world you can have better
(beder)experiences, it is also an advantage (edventeches because it opens more possibilities in
the(di) international labor (leibort)market, that is, you can find a quality job in other countries or
in the same (seim)country and (end) it allows us to access better quality information since a large
part of the research that is generated in the world is in a language(lenguecht)different.

Among the disadvantages, learning a language(lenguech is usually difficult to learn, in addition,

cultural (culchurt) identity(aedenteti) can be lost and therefore generates a cost.

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