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Student: Yesica Eugenio

Teacher: Porfirio Juan Loli del Castillo

Intermediate VII

English language

28 DE JULIO DE 2021
The Manager
Happy Shoes
Main Street
Springfield MA 0110

Dear Sir / Madam.

I am writing to apply for the position of part-time shoe salesperson, as advertised in the
newspaper EL COMERCIO on July 15.

I am a 20-year-old student of the seventh cycle of administration at UNASAM.

I believe that I am the right person for the position, because I have previous experience in sales
and customer service skills, I also have a friendly and enthusiastic personality, so I could
perform very well in the position.

The last vacations I worked in the MEGAPLAZA shopping center in Lima and, before that, I
worked as a sales assistant for CAJA HUANCAYO in Huaraz.

In addition, I have part-time availability, since I study only in the mornings and in the
afternoons I am free.

I have attached a copy of my resume for your review. I hope that my request will be taken into
consideration. I look forward to a response from you.


Yesica Eugenio

B. Translate into English the following sentences:

1. My neighbor's brother-in-law has been wearing jackets and shin guards for years.
2. It is better that we do shopping in the morning but it is preferable to go to the hotel first.

3. He may do well on his English test.

4. It is too late to make an excuse. He must make a decision.

5. Really? Did you do your best to win the soccer game?

Yours faithfully,

Filomon Laurente

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