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1. Display all the processes.

2. Print pid,ppid and command for each process.

3. Create a file named file1 in the current directory, change the permission for
file to following
a. rwx for user rw for group r for others
b. rw for user r for group and other
c. rwx for all
d. rwx for user r for group and other
e. rw for user rw for group and r for other
Use symbols and numeric values both to allocate permissions.
4. Write a shell script to display the contents of file MoreCountries1.
5. Accept name of a file from user and display the contents of file.
6. Write a shell script to copy contents of one file into another. Accept file name
from user.

7. Write a shell utility to copy top n lines from a file into fileCopy.txt file.
Accept number of lines and
filename from user.
8. Write a shell utility to Count number of files and directories in your current
9. Write a shell utility to print count of files of given extension. Accept
extension from user.
10. Complete Q21 from previous assignments.
11. Try sort -r , nl and uniq commands.

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