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Adult learning is the practice of teaching and educating adults at work place during in
service education program. The field of adult learning was introduced by Malcolm
Knowles. It is a new area of study which involves understanding how adult learns best
as compare to children and teens team. Adult education is a normal and informal
instruction and aids to study of grown-up people. Efforts are made towards the self-
development of the people who take initiative to solve day –to-day life problem.
According to European commission defines adult learning as
“ All forms of learning undertaken by adults after having left initial education and
training, however far this process may have gone ( eg. Including tertiary education)”.
According to KG Sayyidain’s view
“Adult education as inclusive of education of politics, of citizenship and of morality”.
According to humayun kabir
“Adult education aims at the development of an educated mind in an illiterate individual”.
According to Bryson
“Adult education includes all activities with an educational purpose, carried on by people,
in the ordinary business of life that uses only part of their energy to acquire intellectual

 The entire range of formal, non formal and informal learning activities undertaken by
adult and out of school youth, which result in the acquisition of new knowledge, skills
and attitude.
 Adult learning is a term used to describe any person socially accepted as an adult
whose is in a learning process, whether it is formal education, informal learning or
corporate sponsored learning.
 Learning may be defined as the mental activity by means of which knowledge, skills,
attitude appreciations, and idea are acquired , resulting in the modification of behavior
 Learning may be defined as a process of internal organization within the learner of a
complex of thought pattern, perceptions assumption, skills, habits attitude in relation
to the problem of living.
 Adult learning is simply a situation where adult are pursuing education , this can be
done in a formal setting in higher education trade school or apprenticeship .
Aims of adult learning
1. General aims
 Developing a critical understanding of major contemporary problems and social
 Developing an aptitude for gaining new knowledge qualification, attitudes or forms of
 Ensuring the individual’s conscious and effective incorporation into the world of
 Promoting increased awareness of the relationship between people of their physical
and cultural environment.
 Creating understanding of respect for the diversity of customs and cultures.
2. Functional aims
 To provide functional literacy education for adults who have never had the advantage
of any formal education.
 To provide functional remedial education for those young people who prematurely
dropped out of the formal school system.
 To provide further education for different categories of completers of the formal
education system in order to improve their basic knowledge and skill.
 To provide in service, on the job, vocational and professional training for different
categories of workers and professionals in order to improve their skills.
 To give the adult citizen of the country the necessary aesthetic, cultural and civic
education for public enlightenment.
1. Needs assessment.
2. Safety in the environment and process.
3. Sound relationship between teacher and learner and among learners.
4. Sequence of content and reinforcement.
5. Praxis, which mean action with reflection or learning by doing.
6. Respect for learner as decision-maker.
7. Involve cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspect of learning.
8. Immediately for learning.
9. Clear roles and role development.
10. Team work and use of small groups.
11. Engagement of learner in what they are learning.
12. Accountability how do they know.
13. Adult learning is a common and public good and transforms lives and societies.
14. Everyone should have the right and opportunity to access high quality adult
15. Anyone can learn irrespective of age and background.
16. Participation of all learners and especially those with how basic skill is encouraged
17. A key task for adult education is to reach out to disadvantaged learners in order to
combat the Mathew effect.
18. The learner is at the centre of the development, methodology process and outcomes of
learning offers.
Philosophy of adult learning-

 Adult education does not imply only to make adults literate. in fact, it means to
educate total personality of adult and adult literacy is of fundamental importance for
the round development of the country . we make them literate, i.e. in other words we
help them to acquire command over the tools of knowledge or reading, in acquiring
this command, we strive to educate them into economic, social and political problems
of the day in order that they may become intelligent citizen for taking right decisions
when they fail to acquire this skill, the mean and self-centered people will exploit
them for their own interests. Consequently the demands will fail and will yield place
to dictatorship.
 From above it is clear that the purpose of adult education is not only to impart bookish
knowledge. Infact, it aims at the education of the total personality of the adult. This
will be possible only when we try to develop in them successful and socially useful
members of the society. We have to help the adults to acquire useful knowledge in
professional, political, economic and social spheres. The main philosophy of adult
education is need based and adult education is based on the prior experience and
 From above it is clear that the purpose of adult education is not only to impart bookish
knowledge. Infect it aims at the education of total personality of the adult. this will be
possible only when we try to develop in them various types of skill with a view to
make them successful and socially useful members of the society. We have to help the
adults to acquire useful knowledge in professional, political economic and social
spheres . the main philosophy of adult education is need based and adult education is
based on the prior experience and knowledge.
Importion of adult learning -
1. Too many people think that because they have attained a certain age, they are too old
to be educated. This is not true, as long as you are alive, there is still a lot that you can
achieve, studying might be tough, but many adult education programs take that into
2. Getting a higher education is never a bad idea, the latter years still count for
3. By the content or complexity of an adult education program, you can tell if it is
something you can do or not. However, if you are the type who really wanted to do
that course, you would not let it make any difference to you if it were complex or not.
4. Sometimes your lack of a diploma can hold you back professionally, at that time adult
learning is very importance.
5. Adult learning helps in updating the knowledge.
6. It helps in improving professional growth and also in productivity.
7. It helps in maintaining the interest during the work period.
Scope of Adult learning in Nursing -
There are rapid scientific and technological changes which have greatly affected the learning
process of individuals. The purpose of adult learning is improve one’s competency and
knowledge due to the following factors.
1. Changing social trends- As the trend is changing at a faster pace it helps to keep an
individual updated with the new technology.
2. Population mobility- It helps the migrating population to adapt themselves with the
new trend.
3. Changing roles of hospitals - The hospitals are not only concerned with the providing
medical treatment they are also engaged in other activities like research. This help the
individual to take-up new challenges and roles.
4. Health statistics- Adult learning helps in updating an individual’s knowledge
regarding various health related aspects e.g. mortality, morbidity, crude birth rate,
specific rates and other rates and ratios.
The scope of adult learning in nursing practice is very significant and nurses are
committed for lifelong learning to themselves and it needs to be continued throughout
the professional life. If the nurse lacks motivation in learning new concepts, she will
continue practicing the old trends in nursing practice which are suppose to change
with time and social trends.
Characteristics of adult learning
 Adult are autonomous and self directed- They need to be free to direct themselves,
their teachers must actively involve adult participants in learning process and serve as
facilitators for them.
 Adults are goal oriented – As the adults wants to attain, sense of appreciate adult
 Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge that may
include work related activities family responsibility and previous education.
 Adults are relevancy oriented- so they must see a reason for learning something
every individual have their own personal and professional objectives and they only try
to increase their learning horizon in these particular objectives by directing them
towards these objectives.
 Adults are practical, focusing on the aspect of a lesson must useful to them in their
work- they may not be interested in knowledge for its own sake. Instructions must tell
participants explicitly how the lesson will be usefull to them on job.
 Adults needs to be shown respect- adults are people with years of experience and a
wealth have established values, believe and opinion hence, they need to be respected.
 Adults tend to have a problem centered oriented to learning – emphasizing how
learning can be applied in a practical setting. Use case studies, problem, solving group
and participatory activities to enhance learning.
 Individual difference among people increase with age.
 Self direction- adult have a deep need to be self-directed and motivated to have
effective learning.

Adult learning style-

As the education of adults has developed so has an awareness of the differences between
children and adults as learners.
1. Andragogy- Refers to the process of engaging adult learners in the structure of the
learning process.
- Adults have accumulated knowledge and experience which can either add value to
a learning experience or hinder it.
- Adult are thus more independent, responsible for their own actions, and self
- Adults tend to have ingrained behaviors and personalities that are firmly
established. While this means that their self –awareness is greater and ability to
focus, rationalize, and apply new information may be greater.
- Adults can be more resistant o new modes of thinking and behaving.
- Educators of adults share a different type of relationship with their students. A less
significant difference in age and experience often means that educators must treat
their students on a more equal level with more respect, sensitivity, and
Andragogy now regards six factors as important in adult learning.

 The learner’s need to know,

 The self-concept of the learner,
 Prior experience of the learner,
 Readiness to learn,
 Orientation to learning and,
 Motivation to learn.
Adults differ from children in a variety of ways along these six dimensions, requiring
adult education to develop different methodologies from traditional education in order to
be successful.
2. Transformative learning -
 Jack mezirow developed this learning theory in the 1970’s. the transformative adult
learning theory( sometimes called transformational learning) is focused on changing
the way learners think about the world around them, and how they think about
themselves, for example, learners studying religious, their assumption may change
based on what they learn.
 Sometimes transformative learning utilizes dilemmas and situation to challenge your
assumptions and principles, learners then use critical thinking and questioning to
evaluate their underlying beliefs and assumptions and learn from what they realize
about themselves in the process.
 Mezirow saw transformative learning as a rational process, where learners challenge
and discuss to expand their understanding.
 There is criticism that transformative learning doesn’t account well for relationship,
feeling, and culture contexts, making learners feel unsafe or nervous to share their
thoughts, with teachers or other learners in an educational setting. There are ups and
down with transformative learning and many adult learners find that working to
change their underlying beliefs can be rewarding and demanding at the some time.
3. Self directed learning-
 Self directing learning is an interesting adult learning theory that has been around
learning theory that has been around for hundreds of years, it become a more formal
theory in the 1970’s with alantough and is used by teachers in a variety of educational
setting to help improveadult learning.
 Self directing learning(sometimes called self-direction learning) is the process where
individuals take initiative in their learning-they plan, carry out, and evaluate their
learning experience without the help of others.
 Learners set goals, determine their educational or training needs, implement a plan,
and more to enhance their own learning. Self directed learning may happen outside
the classroom inside of it, with students working by themselves or collaborating as
part of their self directed learning process.
 Criticism for this self-directing approach comes from those who say that some adult
learning lack the confidence and understanding to do self directed learning well.
Critics also say that not all adult want to pursue self directed learning. But for many
adults, self directed learning happens naturally without anyone explaining it or
suggesting it.
 Adult learners are more prone to self directed learning because they are aften excited
about their education and feel confident in their ability to take it on themselves. For
many adult students, self directed learning is a fantastic way to learn.
4. Experiential learning -
 David kolb championed this theory in the 1970’s drawing on the work of other
psychologists and theorists. Experiential learning theory focuses on the idea that adult
are shaped by their experiences, and that the best learning comes from making sense
of your experiences instead of memorizing facts and figures, experiential learning is a
more hands on and reflective learning style.
 Adult learners are able to utilize this theory and learn by doing, instead of just hearing
or reading about, something Role-play, hands on experiences, and more are all part of
experiential learning.
 Critics of experiential learning say that there are many benefits to non-experiential
learning that can be overlooked with this theory. These critics suggest that there is
great valve on goals, metrics decision- making and details that can be overlooked in
experiential learning.
 Many adult learners find that this more hands on approach is a great option for them,
instead of reading or memorizing adult learners can utilize their past life experiences
and their current understanding to improve their education.
5. Project based learning -
 As early 1900 john Dewey supported a “learning by doing” method of education.
Project-based learning (sometimes called problem based learning) is similar to
experiential and action learning in that the overall idea is to actually do something to
help you learn, instead of reading or hearing about it.
 Project-based learning utilizes real-world scenario and creates projects for students
that they could encounter in a job in the future.
Adult learning can be difficult for many reason including
 1. Lack of time
 2. Self doubt
 3. Neuroplasty
 4. Financial barriers
 5. Contradiction
 6. Lack of support

1. LACK OF TIME-Learners who are adults after have full time jobd and sometimes
children or other dependents that are replying on them this can make finding the time
to continue learning very difficult

2. SELF DOUBT-Its common for learner for learner to feel that are too old to
continue their education. They are old to continue their education. They may feel it us
too late.and they have missed their chance That's simply not true you are never to late
fordream, whether or so years, left, you deserve to follow you passion and pursue
acarrier that you're exited about.

3. NEUROPLASTY-Our brains have an element of plasty to them that help as learn

and grow, with every repetition of a thought, we reinforce a pathway, when we learn
something new, we create a new pathway. The connection in our brain are constantly
getting stronger or weaker, creating new pathway or strengthening older ones,
younger people have brains that are more plastic, so changes are easier for them, as
we our brains become less plastic and we are more fixed in what we believe and know
that is direct struggle for learner who are trying to take on new concepts, forge new
pathway's and more, adult learners may have a harder time understanding new things
simply because theu brains are less plastic

4. FINANCIAL BARRIER- Younger learners may have parental help when it comes
to higher education That's usually not the case for adult learners Finance ca get in the
way of leafners pursuing their dream of earning a degree.

5. CONTRACDICTION-Some of the things adult learners will learn in their

education may be different than what they thought they knew or learned before. This
can be difficult for adult Iraners to wrap their heads around Their previous knowledge
base have to shift to make room for new things, and that takes some mental power

6. LACK OF SUPPORT- It can be overwhelming to try and tackle earing a degree

without support. Students may find they don't have the support system need in place
to be able to tackle the difficult of classess and learning.
Methods and techniques-
Just as the internal aspects of adult learning (motivation, relationship between teach and
student, personality and goals of the student, and so forth) differ from those of children and
youth in traditional education, so do the external methods and techniques.
The method of delivery of continuing education can include
A. Traditional types
- Classroom lecture and
- Laboratories
B. Distance learning
This not only includes independent study, but can include.
- Videotaped/CD-ROM material
- Broadcast programming,
- Online/internet delivery, and online interactive course.
C. Conference type group study
In addition to independent study, the use of conference-type group study, this can
- Study network ( which may meet together online through web- conferencing)
- Workshop can be used to facilitate learning. A combination of traditional,
distance, and conference type study may also be used for continuing education
courses or programs


1. Preparing the learners: If the learners are well prepared for the adult learning then
it will be easy in conducting the adult learning. set-up should be appropriate, so that it
can be done
2. Climate setting: The environment and the physical effectively.
3. Mutual setting. Sometimes for particular learning topics help of other department is
also needed. So that case it should be managed properly. For example, if the learning
program is decided to taught on projector and by use of other machines, instruments

then there should be in the collaboration Mutual of the technicians.

4. Identification of learning needs: As the aim of adult learning is to improve the

knowledge in that field in which learner is no efficient but need to be efficient, and
learning program is provided on any other topic which is of no use in one's
profession. Then that learning is not fulfilling the objectives of adult learning.
5. Formation of learning objectives- before the adult learning there should be setting
of the objectives so that effectiveness can be maintained.

6. Learning plan design –learning plan of teaching makes the teaching program fruitful
and decreases the chance of tie wastage.

7. Learning plan execution – for every making learning plan execution is must,
because it shows that learning plan is appropriate or not. So that after implementing
the plan there should be no hindrance in learning and teaching process.

8. Evaluation- evaluation is done in for checking the effectiveness of the teaching-

learning program so if it is not performed properly, then it is difficult to assess the
extent of learning by learners.

Research study- Applications of Andragogy in Multi-Disciplined Teaching and Learning

Sang Chan
Arguments regarding the distinction between child and adult learning have existed for
decades. Pedagogy has a long tradition of providing educational guidance in which there is
little differentiation between child and adult education. The two groups of learners are
assumed to learn under the same philosophy. Conversely, andragogy, advanced by Malcolm
Knowles in the 1970s, is a well-known approach to address the distinct needs of adult
learners. Knowles’ concept of andragogy has been widely adopted by educators from various
disciplines around the world. Andragogy is based upon six assumptions: (a) self-directedness,
(b) need to know, (c) use of experience in learning, (d) readiness to learn, (e) orientation to
learning, and (f) internal motivation. This paper presented a synthesis of research that
discussed the applications of Knowles’ andragogy in different settings.
Andragogy is applicable in multiple contexts. The andragogical approach has changed the
teaching philosophy of educators around the world. Given the current educational needs, the
pedagogical approach has become less effective in teaching adult learners. Adult learners
need more than passive transfer of knowledge from one person. Instead, they need to be
involved actively in the learning process to construct their own knowledge, to make sense of
the learning, and to apply what is learned. Educators as well as the educational systems
world-wide should provide all learners, both children and adults, with the opportunities to be
actively engaged in learner-centered educational experiences. It is understood that the
traditional teacher-centered teaching style has been well grounded in educational systems
world-wide. Educators have been trained to use this one-way teaching mode to teach
learnersand it is true that the educators are a product of their own environment. However,
educators should not use this as a reason to deprive learners of more active and meaningful
learning experiences. Therefore, it would be in the best interest of the learners if educators
were to abandon traditional teacher-centered assumptions and consider adopting and applying
andragogical principles, learner-centered approaches, and constructivist principles in the
classroom. The use of these strategies will create a more engaging and practical learning
environment, which can lead to creativity and innovation in the classroom and, ultimately,
competent individuals prepared to compete in the 21st century workforce.

Summary- adult learning theory is the concept or study of how adults learn and how it
differs from children. It aims to show how adult learning is distinct and identify the learning
styles which suit them best.

1. Shabeer p . Basheer “textbook of nursing education”2 nd edition 2018,
published by manjunath S. Hegde, EMMESS medical publishers, page
no. 303-305.
2. Jaspreet kaur sodhi “textbook of nursing education”, first edition,2017,
jaypee brother’s publishers(p) ltd. Page no. 324-326
3. P Prakash, “Textbbok of mental health & nursing concepts of care in
evidence based practice, 7th edition, 2012, page no. 8
4. Net reference:
 http:/






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