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Physics 161 Problems for Discussion

- Probability and Physics

January 24, 2020

Lecture Topics: (1) Derivation of Gaussian and Poisson distributions from the binomial distribution; (2)
Cumulative functions, joint and conditional probability densities; (3) sample physics problems.

Sample Problems
1. In an attempt to synthesize a thin film of graphene by non-epitaxial means, carbon atoms are evapo-
rated from a hot filament loaded with a graphite slab. These atoms are blown towards a silicon wafer
substrate that is kept at low temperature so that any carbon atom that collides with the substrate
surface immediately sticks and remain motionless at the point of impact.
a. Assume the surface of the substrate to be perfectly flat before the vapor deposition of carbon
atoms. Suppose we now divide the surface into square pieces with area d2 where d is the diameter
of a carbon atom. Assume also that the substrate’s total surface area is very much larger than
a single square piece. Among all the probability distributions discussed in class so far (binomial,
poisson and gaussian), which one can we use to approximate the number of carbon atoms con-
tained in a single square piece? (Note: For any square element, multiple layering of carbon atoms
is allowed.)
b. Suppose a graphene thin film is successfully synthesized using this method and the mean thickness
of the thin film is equivalent to 6 atom layers. What is the probability of a square element of the
substrate being uncovered by a carbon atom? What is the probability of a square element being
covered by 3 atomic layers of carbon? What about 6 atomic layers of carbon?
2. Find the probability W (n) that in a spin system composed of N electrons, n of them will be oriented
↑ and N − n will be oriented ↓. Assume there are no external electric and magnetic fields and that
there is no significant spin interaction between the electrons so that both states are equally probable.
a. Verify for this case that W (n) = 1.
b. Calculate the mean value of n and its standard deviation hn2 i − hni2
c. The dimensionless magnetization of a discrete spin system with N components is defined as
M = 2n − N . Give its mean value and standard deviation.
3. A container of volume V holds N particles. Define a subvolume v and assume that the probability of
finding a particle within v is v/V .
a. Calculate the probability pn of finding n particles within v.
b. Calculate the mean value n̄ and the mean square deviation (n − hni)2 .

c. Show with the help of the Stirling approximation x! ≈ 2πxxx e− x that pn corresponds approxi-
mately to a Gaussian distribution when both N and n are large.
d. In the limit Vv → 0 and V → ∞ while maintaining a constant ratio N/V , show that pn approaches
a Poisson distribution.

4. To clear out impurities from a freshly fabricated nanowire, a laser beam is swept repeatedly along
the wire in the presence of a parallel electric field. After one sweep, the probability that an impurity
initially found at x0 = 0 has been displaced to a new position x is
1 2
p(x) = δ(x) + e−x/a for x ≥ 0
3 3
=0 elsewhere

where a is just some characteristic length.

a. Find the cumulative function P (x).

b. What is the probability that x will be displaced by at least an amount a in a single sweep of the
laser beam?
c. Calculate the mean and variance of x in terms of a.
d. Give an approximate probability density for the total distance d that the impurity has moved
along the wire after 36 sweeps of the laser beam.

5. A certain scattering process in high energy physics produces a number of byproducts. When the
byproducts include two elementary particles A and B, the energies of those particles, EA and EB , are
distributed according to a joint probability density

4EB (EA − EB )
p(EA , EB ) = exp [−(EA − EB )/∆] for EA > EB > 0
=0 elsewhere

where ∆ is a free parameter with the units of energy, and EA is always positive and greater than EB .

a. Find p(EB ). Sketch the result.

b. Find the conditional probability density p(EA |EB ).
c. Are EA and EB statistically independent?

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