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Angelia Patrecia Putri


A. Read the text again and complete the following sentences,  using your  own words as much as

1  Herzberg suggested that good labour relations and working conditions ...

Answer : Herzberg wanted to know when someone felt very comfortable (satisfied)/uncomfortable
(dissatisfied) with their job. He concluded that the answers people gave when they were comfortable with
their jobs were significantly different from the answers consistently associated with work research.

In addition, Herzberg believes the data shows that the opposite of free gratification is as long believed.
Removing unsatisfactory characteristics from a job does not necessarily make the job more satisfying (or

Herzberg believed that the factors that lead to job satisfaction were separate and distinct from the factors
that led to job creation. Therefore managers who seek to eliminate the factors that cause work as hygienic
factors (hygienic) when these factors are sufficient, people will not be satisfied, but they will also be
dissatisfied (or reality). To motivate people, Herzberg suggests motivators.

2  According to Herzberg, the kind of things that motivate ...

Answer : Herzberg said that carrying out his work is influenced by two factors that are needed. Employee
needs that can motivate employees are hygienic factors and factors motivation.

Hygiene factors that are met by the company for production employees, such as: Salaries, work conditions,
company policy and administration, interpersonal relations, quality supervisors and for motivator factors
such as: achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, individual potential development

From the observation that the application of motivation to employees when viewed from Herzberg's two-
factor theory is in accordance with the theory, but for the hygienic factor, namely salary according to the
results of the salary questionnaire, apart from being a hygienic factor, it can be a

motivational factor because it can motivate employees in the production department to work harder. The
methods used by the company to employees are also in accordance with the theory, which is able to
motivate employees.

3 The problem with saying that only challenging, interesting and responsible jobs are motivating is
that ...

Answer : Achievement can be defined as the degree to which people expect to complete challenging
targets, succeed in a competition, and show a desire for clear feedback on performance. High achievers or
high achievers find task completion a personal pleasure; they do not expect or want award material. They
can't stand leaving their jobs behind and are dissatisfied with themselves until they put forth maximum

4  Ways of motivating people in unskilled jobs include ...

Answer : there will be a lot of tedious, senseless, repetitive and mechanical work in all three sectors of the
economy, and a lot of unskilled people will have to do it. This is due to interference or intervention in the
flow or format of the work. In fact, in some cases, interference in work will help in completing the work.
However, of course this will not affect those (workers) who ignore it because it is considered

5   The problem with trying to motivate workers by the belief that their company is the best is that

Answer : Analysis and discussion at PT Artistika Kreasi Mandiri can be concluded that The company
applies motivation to its employees, the goal is to encourage employees to be productive. The company
applies the motivation to get maximum performance from employees for the production department
company demands to be able to produce good quality for results production. There are two methods used
by PT Artistica Kreasi Mandiri, direct method, where employees feel what they get directly and indirect
methods such as perceptible facilities such as Comfort at work is proven to motivate employees. Hygienic
factors that are met by the company to its employees production such as: Salaries, work conditions,
policies and company administration (company policy and administration), Interpersonal relations
(interpersonal relations), Quality of supervision (quality supervisor) and for factors motivators such as:
Achievement (achievement), Recognition (recognition), the job the work itself, responsibility, individual
potential development (advancements). The conclusion obtained from the observation that the application
of motivation applied by PT Artistica Kreasi Mandiri to its employees when reviewed Herzberg's two-
factor theory is in accordance with the theory but for the hygienic factor, namely salary according to the
results of the salary questionnaire in addition to being a hygienic factor can bermotivational factor because
it can motivate production employees to work more active. The methods used by the company to
employees are also appropriate with theory, which is able to motivate employees.

 B. Read the text again and complete the following  sentences, using your own words as
much as possible.

1. According to Theory X, employers have to threaten  workers because ...

Answer : Theory X importance of tight control, external imbalance and punishment. This
management style presupposes that the average employee has little or no ambition, avoids work or
responsibilities and is goal oriented. Generally, Theory X style managers believe their employees are
less intelligent, lazy or work solely for income.

• Dislike their job.

• Avoid responsibility and need constant direction.

• Must be controlled, coerced and threatened to give work.

• Needs to be monitored at every step.

• Has no incentive to work or ambition, and therefore needs to be persuaded in exchange for
achieving goals.

According to McGregor, organizations with a Theory X approach tend to have several levels of
managers and supervisors to supervise and direct workers. Authority is rarely delegated, and control
remains centralized.

2. According to Theory Y, employers should give their workers responsibilities because .

Answer : Fully responsible for all his work and has a strong motivation to do all the work assigned to
him. It only requires little or no guidance in completing the task. Assume that work is a part of his
life. Can solve tasks and problems creatively and imaginatively.

3. Maslow criticized Theory Y because …

Answer : Maslow's theory is important because it describes what motivates employees. It is more
comprehensive than Taylor's theory because it lays out motives other than money. Employees don't
just need money to satisfy their needs. However, they also have other needs to be satisfied including
the need for security, love and respect (esteem). Money only satisfies their physiological needs.
Thus, once fulfilled, offering a competitive salary may not necessarily lead to higher motivation.

4. Maslow argued that even though they might want to be given responsibilities at work ...

Answer : Maslow's hierarchy of needs provides important insights in developing effective human
resource management. It explains how employees have diverse needs – and therefore, requires
different ways of satisfying them. Thus, designing a human resource program requires your company
to understand the needs of your employees. So, you can

C. Work and responsibility

 The following sentences define some basic words about work. Which ones?

1. To inspire,  to induce,  to give a  reason or incentive to someone  to do something.
A. motivate                
2. A  person  employed  by someone else, working  for money.

B  employee    

3. Relations  between  employers  and employees,  managers  and  workers, management and

B  labour relations

4. Having  control  of something as part  of your job.

C  responsibility

5. Money paid (per hour  or day or week)  to manual  workers.

C  wages

6. A fixed regular payment made by employers,  usually monthly, for professional or office

B salary                                  

7.  Advantages that  come with a job, apart  from  wages or salary.

A  benefits  or perks              

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