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Christian C.

Magbanua BSMA II-A March 6, 2022

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

ELABORATE: Reflective Thinking, Analytical Skills


1. Define ethics and discuss how it impacts global business.

A system of moral norms or ideals might be termed as ethics. Our morals are influenced
by cultural beliefs and programming. A sense of ethics is shaped by a variety of social, cultural,
and religious elements, and it affects us from an early age. Families, exposure to education and
thinking, and the culture in which they live all teach people how to behave. Ethical behavior can
also relate to behavior that is widely accepted in a certain culture. Some actions are universally
recognized, such as not physically harming other individuals. Discrimination based on age, color,
gender, or ethnicity, for example, is less evident. At first glance, spotting unethical activity may
appear to be pretty simple. When it comes to corporate ethics, most people automatically think of
bribery and corruption. While this is an important consequence of unethical activity, the concept
of business ethics, particularly global business ethics, is considerably broader. Human resources,
social responsibility, and the environment are all affected. The following areas of business are
influenced by worldwide conceptions of ethical, moral, and socially responsible behavior:
 Ethics and Management
 Ethics and Corruption
 Corporate Social Responsibility

2. How does culture impact global business ethics?

Culture has an impact on how a country's local beliefs influence global corporate ethics
and specific ethical behavior. Culture has an impact on global business in areas such as
communication, which is crucial to the success of any commercial enterprise but also critical in
areas such as lack of translation and gestures. The other is workplace etiquette, where the rules
from around the world were compiled into an infographic that can be used as a quick reference
for cultural variances in corporate etiquette around the world. The attitude is the last one.

3. How can global firms develop and enforce ethical guidelines and standards?

Many multinational corporations have established ethics assistance lines (also known as
help desks) to provide support and allow employees to ask inquiries or report ethical concerns.
An easily accessible help desk or hotline can act as a safety net, increasing the likelihood of
recognizing and responding to unethical behavior in a timely manner. If a company isn't making
progress toward establishing and maintaining an ethical culture, it needs to figure out why and
take remedial action, either by enforcing present standards more strictly or by establishing new
ones. Employees who follow corporate policies and standards may be rewarded, while those who
do not may be punished. If the company does not take corrective action against unethical or
unlawful activity, it is likely that it will persist.

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