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Soulé Sophiath

Reading comprehension
Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D
1. Which film does the reviewer refer to as a “charmer”?
C. Sing Street
2. The main character starts a band to:
A. Influence a girl
3. The film is set in:
B. Emerald Isle
4. F According to the text, the director’s main themes are:
B. Falling in love and Eighties music

Choose the correct phrase from the text to complete the following
5. Rising up the charts and the economy is in deep trouble.
6. To the least expensive private school they can find
7. The feisty playground bully
8. A fashion models
9. Schoolboys a year below her
10. He has to recruits whatever classmates he can.

Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D

11. According to the storyline, Conor’s Band is:
B. An unexpected success
12. In the film the music is:
A. At the centre of every scene
13. Overall, the reviewer thinks the film is:
B. Humorous

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