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ActionSettingsItemIndex|The action setting for a MouseClick or MouseOver event.

AddInsAddFileName|The full name of the file (including the path and file name
extension) that contains the add-in you want to add to the list of add-ins.
AddInsItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Addin object in the
collection to be returned.
AddInsRemoveIndex|The name or index number of the add-in to be removed from the
AdjustmentsItemIndex|The index number of the adjustment.
AnimationBehaviorsAddIndex|The position of the animation behavior in relation to
other animation behaviors. The default value is -1, which means that if you omit
the Index parameter, the new animation behavior is added at the end of the existing
animation behaviors.
AnimationBehaviorsAddType|The type of the animation behavior.
AnimationBehaviorsItemIndex|The index number of the single AnimationBehavior object
in the collection to be returned.
AnimationPointsAddIndex|The position of the animation point in relation to other
animation points. The default value is -1, which means that if you omit the Index
parameter, the new animation point is added to the end of existing animation
AnimationPointsItemIndex|The index number of the single AnimationPoint object in
the collection to be returned.
ApplicationFileDialogType|The type of dialog to return.
ApplicationHelpContextID|The context ID number for the Help topic. If this argument
is not specified or if it specifies a context ID number that is not associated with
a Help topic, the Help Topics dialog box is displayed.
ApplicationHelpHelpFile|The name of the Help file you want to display. Can be
either a .chm or an .hlp file. If this argument is not specified, Microsoft
PowerPoint Help is used.
ApplicationOpenThemeFilethemeFileName|The path of the theme file (*.thmx) to open.
ApplicationRunMacroName|The name of the procedure to be run. The string can contain
the following: a loaded presentation or add-in file name followed by an exclamation
point (!), a valid module name followed by a period (.), and the procedure name.
For example, the following is a valid MacroName value: "MyPres.ppt!Module1.Test."
AxesItemAxisGroup|The axis.
AxesItemType|The axis type.
AxisTitleCharactersLength|The number of characters to be returned. If this argument
is omitted, this property returns the remainder of the string (everything after the
Start character).
AxisTitleCharactersStart|The first character to be returned. If this argument is
either 1 or omitted, this property returns a range of characters starting with the
first character.
BordersItemBorderType|Specifies which border of a cell or cell range is to be
BroadcastAddMeetingNotesnotesUrl|Specifies the URL where the shared meeting notes
are stored, for attendees using the Microsoft OneNote 2013 rich client.
BroadcastAddMeetingNotesnotesWacUrl|Specifies the URL where the shared meeting
notes are stored, for attendees using the Microsoft OneNote 2013 web access client.
BroadcastStartserverUrl|The URL of the hosting Web service.
CalloutFormatCustomDropDrop|The drop distance, in points.
CalloutFormatCustomLengthLength|The length of the first segment of the callout, in
CalloutFormatPresetDropDropType|The starting position of the callout line relative
to the text bounding box.
CategoryCollectionItemIndex|The name or index number for the object.
CellMergeMergeTo|The Cell object to be merged with.
CellSplitNumColumns|Number of columns that the cell is being split into.
CellSplitNumRows|Number of rows that the cell is being split into.
CellRangeItemIndex|The index number of the single Cell object in the collection to
be returned.
ChartApplyChartTemplateFileName|The file name for a chart template.
ChartApplyDataLabelsAutoText|True if the object automatically generates appropriate
text based on content.
ChartApplyDataLabelsHasLeaderLines|For the Chart and Series objects, True if the
series has leader lines.
ChartApplyDataLabelsLegendKey|True to show the legend key next to the point. The
default is False.
ChartApplyDataLabelsSeparator|The separator for the data label.
ChartApplyDataLabelsShowBubbleSize|True to enable the bubble size for the data
label; otherwise, False.
ChartApplyDataLabelsShowCategoryName|True to enable the category name for the data
label; otherwise, False.
ChartApplyDataLabelsShowPercentage|True to enable the percentage for the data
label; otherwise, False.
ChartApplyDataLabelsShowSeriesName|True to enable the series name for the data
label; otherwise, False.
ChartApplyDataLabelsShowValue|True to enable the value for the data label;
otherwise, False.
ChartApplyDataLabelsType|One of the enumeration values that specifies the type of
data label to apply. Can be one of the xlDataLabelsType constants.
ChartApplyLayoutChartType|An XlChartType constant that represents the type of
ChartApplyLayoutLayout|The type of layout. The type of layout is denoted by a
number from 1 to 10.
ChartAxesAxisGroup|One of the enumeration values that specifies the axis group. The
default is xlPrimary.
ChartAxesType|The axis to return. Can be one of the following XlAxisType constants:
xlValue, xlCategory, or xlSeriesAxis (xlSeriesAxis is valid only for 3D charts).
ChartChartGroupsIndex|The chart group number. If specified, a single ChartGroup
object is returned. If omitted, a ChartGroups object is returned which contains a
collection of every ChartGroup object for that chart.
ChartChartWizardCategoryLabels|An integer that specifies the number of rows or
columns within the source range that contain category labels. Allowed values are
from 0 (zero) through one less than the maximum number of the corresponding
categories or series.
ChartChartWizardCategoryTitle|The category axis title text.
ChartChartWizardExtraTitle|The series axis title for 3D charts or the second value
axis title for 2D charts.
ChartChartWizardFormat|The option number for the built-in autoformats. Can be a
number from 1 through 10, depending on the gallery type. If this argument is
omitted, Word chooses a default value based on the gallery type and data source.
ChartChartWizardGallery|One of the XlChartType constants that specifies the chart
ChartChartWizardHasLegend|True to include a legend.
ChartChartWizardPlotBy|Specifies whether the data for each series is in rows or
columns. Can be one of the following XlRowCol constants: xlRows or xlColumns.
ChartChartWizardSeriesLabels|An integer that specifies the number of rows or
columns within the source range that contain series labels. Allowed values are from
0 (zero) through one less than the maximum number of the corresponding categories
or series.
ChartChartWizardSource|The range that contains the source data for the new chart.
If this argument is omitted, Word edits the active chart sheet or the selected
chart on the active worksheet.
ChartChartWizardTitle|The chart title text.
ChartChartWizardValueTitle|The value axis title text.
ChartCopyAfter|Not supported for this object.
ChartCopyBefore|Not supported for this object.
ChartCopyPictureAppearance|One of the enumeration values that specifies how the
picture should be copied. The default is xlScreen.
ChartCopyPictureFormat|One of the enumeration values that specifies the format of
the picture. The default is xlPicture.
ChartCopyPictureSize|One of the enumeration values that specifies the size of the
copied picture when the object is a chart on a chart sheet (not embedded on a
worksheet). The default is xlPrinter.
ChartExportFileName|The name of the exported file.
ChartExportFilterName|The language-independent name of the graphic filter as it
appears in the registry, for example, PNG or GIF. PNG is the default if no value is
ChartFullSeriesCollectionIndex|The index number in the series collection of the
series to return.
ChartGetChartElementArg1|When the method returns, this argument contains
information related to the chart element. For more information, see the Remarks
ChartGetChartElementArg2|When the method returns, this argument contains
information related to the chart element. For more information, see the Remarks
ChartGetChartElementElementID|When the method returns, this argument contains the
XlChartItem value of the chart element at the specified coordinates. For more
information, see the Remarks section.
ChartGetChartElementX|The x-coordinate of the chart element.
ChartGetChartElementY|The y-coordinate of the chart element.
ChartHasAxisIndex1|The axis type. Series axes apply only to 3D charts. Can be one
of the XlAxisType constants.
ChartHasAxisIndex2|The axis group. 3D charts have only one set of axes. Can be one
of the XlAxisGroup constants.
ChartPasteType|Specifies the chart information to paste if a chart is on the
Clipboard. Can be one of the following values:
ChartSaveChartTemplateFileName|The name of the chart template.
ChartSelectReplace|True to replace the current selection with the specified object.
False to extend the current selection to include any previously selected objects
and the specified object. This parameter is used only with sheets.
ChartSetBackgroundPictureFileName|The name of the file for the graphic.
ChartSetDefaultChartName|Specifies the name of the default chart template that Word
uses when it creates new charts. This name can be set to either the name of a user-
defined chart template in the gallery or a special XlChartGallery constant,
xlBuiltIn, to specify a built-in chart template.
ChartSetElementElement|One of the enumeration values that specifies the chart
element type.
ChartSetSourceDataPlotBy|Specifies the way the data will be plotted. Can be either
of the following XlRowCol constants: xlColumns or xlRows.
ChartSetSourceDataSource|The address of the chart data range that contains the
source data.
ChartCharactersInsertString|The string to insert.
ChartGroupCategoryCollectionIndex|The index number in the visible category
collection of the category to return.
ChartGroupFullCategoryCollectionIndex|The index number in the full category
collection of the category to return.
ChartGroupsItemIndex|The index number for the object.
ChartTitleCharactersLength|The number of characters to be returned. If this
argument is omitted, this property returns the remainder of the string (everything
after the Start character).
ChartTitleCharactersStart|The first character to be returned. If this argument is
either 1 or omitted, this property returns a range of characters starting with the
first character.
ColorSchemeColorsSchemeColor|The individual color in the specified color scheme.
ColorSchemesAddScheme|The color scheme to add. Can be a ColorScheme object from any
slide or master or an item in the ColorSchemes collection from any open
presentation. If you omit this parameter, the first ColorScheme object (the first
standard color scheme) in the specified presentation's ColorSchemes collection is
ColorSchemesItemIndex|The index number of the single ColorScheme object in the
collection to be returned.
ColumnsAddBeforeColumn|The index number that specifies the table column before
which the new column will be inserted.
ColumnsItemIndex|The index number of the single Column object in the collection to
be returned.
CommentsAdd2Author|The author of the comment.
CommentsAdd2AuthorInitials|The author's initials.
CommentsAdd2Left|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the comment,
relative to the left edge of the presentation.
CommentsAdd2ProviderID|The service that provides contact information.Example: "AD"
(Active Directory)
CommentsAdd2Text|The comment's text.
CommentsAdd2Top|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the comment,
relative to the top edge of the presentation.
CommentsAdd2UserID|The ID of the user providing the comment.
CommentsItemIndex|The index number of the single Comment object in the collection
to be returned.
ConnectorFormatBeginConnectConnectedShape|The shape to attach the beginning of the
connector to. The specified Shape object must be in the same Shapes collection as
the connector.
ConnectorFormatBeginConnectConnectionSite|A connection site on the shape specified
by ConnectedShape. Must be an integer between 1 and the integer returned by the
ConnectionSiteCount property of the specified shape. If you want the connector to
automatically find the shortest path between the two shapes it connects, specify
any valid integer for this argument and then use the RerouteConnections method
after the connector is attached to shapes at both ends.
ConnectorFormatEndConnectConnectedShape|The shape to attach the end of the
connector to. The specified Shape object must be in the same Shapes collection as
the connector.
ConnectorFormatEndConnectConnectionSite|A connection site on the shape specified by
ConnectedShape. Must be an integer between 1 and the integer returned by the
ConnectionSiteCount property of the specified shape. If you want the connector to
automatically find the shortest path between the two shapes it connects, specify
any valid integer for this argument and then use the RerouteConnections method
after the connector is attached to shapes at both ends.
CustomerDataDeleteId|The ID of the CustomXMLPart object to be deleted.
CustomerDataItemId|The ID of the CustomXMLPart object.
CustomLayoutMoveTotoPos|The index position in the CustomLayouts collection to which
the CustomLayout object will be moved.
CustomLayoutsAddIndex|The index number of the custom layout. The default value is -
1, which means that if the Index argument is omitted, the new custom layout is
added at the end of existing custom layouts.
CustomLayoutsItemIndex|The name or index number of the single object in the
collection to be returned.
CustomLayoutsPasteIndex|The index number of the custom layout before which the new
custom layout is pasted. If this argument is omitted, the new custom layout is
pasted at the end of the CustomLayouts collection.
DataLabelCharactersLength|The number of characters to be returned. If this argument
is omitted, this property returns the remainder of the string (everything after the
Start character).
DataLabelCharactersStart|The first character to be returned. If this argument is
either 1 or omitted, this property returns a range of characters starting with the
first character.
DataLabelsItemIndex|The index number for the object.
DataLabelsPropagateIndex|The index number in the DataLabels collection of the data
label to propagate.
DesignMoveTotoPos|The index position to which to move the animation effect.
DesignsAdddesignName|The name of the design.
DesignsAddIndex|The index number of the design in the Designs collection. The
default value is -1, which means that if you omit the Index parameter, the new
slide design is added at the end of existing slide designs.
DesignsCloneIndex|The index location in the Designs collection into which the
design will be copied. If Index is omitted, the cloned design is added to the end
of the Designs collection.
DesignsClonepOriginal|Design object. The original design.
DesignsItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Design object in the
collection to be returned.
DesignsLoadIndex|The index number of the design template in the collection of
design templates. The default is -1, which means the design template is added to
the end of the list of designs in the presentation.
DesignsLoadTemplateName|The path to the design template.
DisplayUnitLabelCharactersLength|The number of characters to be returned. If this
argument is omitted, this property returns the remainder of the string (everything
after the Start character).
DisplayUnitLabelCharactersStart|The first character to be returned. If this
argument is either 1 or omitted, this property returns a range of characters
starting with the first character.
DocumentWindowExpandSectionExpand|Indicates whether the section was expanded.
DocumentWindowExpandSectionsectionIndex|The index of the section to be expanded.
DocumentWindowIsSectionExpandedsectionIndex|The index of the section.
DocumentWindowLargeScrollDown|Specifies the number of pages to scroll down.
DocumentWindowLargeScrollToLeft|Specifies the number of pages to scroll left.
DocumentWindowLargeScrollToRight|Specifies the number of pages to scroll right.
DocumentWindowLargeScrollUp|Specifies the number of pages to scroll up.
DocumentWindowPointsToScreenPixelsXPoints|The horizontal measurement (in points) to
be converted to pixels.
DocumentWindowPointsToScreenPixelsYPoints|The vertical measurement (in points) to
be converted to pixels.
DocumentWindowRangeFromPointX|The horizontal distance (in pixels) from the left
edge of the screen to the point.
DocumentWindowRangeFromPointY|The vertical distance (in pixels) from the top of the
screen to the point.
DocumentWindowScrollIntoViewHeight|The height of the rectangle (in points).
DocumentWindowScrollIntoViewLeft|The horizontal distance (in points) from the left
edge of the document window to the rectangle.
DocumentWindowScrollIntoViewStart|Determines the starting position of the rectangle
in relation to the document window.
DocumentWindowScrollIntoViewTop|The vertical distance (in points) from the upper
part of the document window to the rectangle.
DocumentWindowScrollIntoViewWidth|The width of the rectangle (in points).
DocumentWindowSmallScrollDown|Specifies the number of lines to scroll down.
DocumentWindowSmallScrollToLeft|Specifies the number of columns to scroll left.
DocumentWindowSmallScrollToRight|Specifies the number of columns to scroll right.
DocumentWindowSmallScrollUp|Specifies the number of lines to scroll up.
DocumentWindowsArrangearrangeStyle|Specifies whether to cascade or tile the
DocumentWindowsItemIndex|The index number of the single DocumentWindow object in
the collection to be returned.
EffectMoveTotoPos|The index position to which to move the animation effect.
ExtraColorsAddType|The red-green-blue (RGB) value of the color to be added.
ExtraColorsItemIndex|The index number of the single object in the collection to be
FileConvertersItemIndex|The individual object to be returned. Can be a Long
indicating the ordinal position or a String representing the name of the individual
FillFormatOneColorGradientDegree|The gradient degree. Can be a value from 0.0
(dark) to 1.0 (light).
FillFormatOneColorGradientStyle|The gradient style.
FillFormatOneColorGradientVariant|The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 to 4,
corresponding to the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Shape Fill tab. If
Style is msoGradientFromTitle or msoGradientFromCenter, this argument can be either
1 or 2.
FillFormatPatternedPattern|The pattern to be used for the specified fill. See
Remarks for possible values.
FillFormatPresetGradientPresetGradientType|The gradient type.
FillFormatPresetGradientStyle|The gradient style.
FillFormatPresetGradientVariant|The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 to 4,
corresponding to the four variants on the Gradient subtab on the Shape Fill tab. If
Style is msoGradientFromTitle or msoGradientFromCenter, this argument can be either
1 or 2.
FillFormatPresetTexturedPresetTexture|The preset texture.
FillFormatTwoColorGradientStyle|The gradient style.
FillFormatTwoColorGradientVariant|The gradient variant. Can be from 1 to 4,
corresponding to the four variants on the Gradient sub-tab on the Shape Fill tab.
If Style is msoGradientFromTitle or msoGradientFromCenter, this argument can be
either 1 or 2.
FillFormatUserPicturePictureFile|The name of the picture file.
FontsItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Font object in the collection
to be returned.
FontsReplaceOriginal|The name of the font to replace.
FontsReplaceReplacement|The name of the replacement font.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesEditingType|The editing property of the vertex. If
SegmentType is msoSegmentLine, EditingType must be msoEditingAuto.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesSegmentType|The type of segment to be added.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesX1|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto,
this argument specifies the horizontal distance (in points) from the upper-left
corner of the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of
the new node is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance
(in points) from the upper-left corner of the document to the first control point
for the new segment.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesX2|If the EditingType of the new segment is
msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance (in points) from
the upper-left corner of the document to the second control point for the new
segment. If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a
value for this argument.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesX3|If the EditingType of the new segment is
msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance (in points) from
the upper-left corner of the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the
EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a value for this
FreeformBuilderAddNodesY1|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto,
this argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from the upper-left
corner of the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of
the new node is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance (in
points) from the upper-left corner of the document to the first control point for
the new segment.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesY2|If the EditingType of the new segment is
msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from
the upper-left corner of the document to the second control point for the new
segment. If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a
value for this argument.
FreeformBuilderAddNodesY3|If the EditingType of the new segment is
msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from
the upper-left corner of the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the
EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a value for this
FullSeriesCollectionItemIndex|The name or index number of the item to return.
GroupShapesItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Shape object in the
collection to be returned.
GroupShapesRangeIndex|The individual shapes that are to be included in the range.
Can be an Integer that specifies the index number of the shape, a String that
specifies the name of the shape, or an array that contains either integers or
strings. If this argument is omitted, the Range method returns all the objects in
the specified collection.
GuidesAddOrientation|Specifies the orientation of a drawing guide, either
horizontal or vertical.
GuidesAddPosition|The position of the guide along the specified axis.
GuidesItemIndex|The index number of the single Guide object in the collection to be
HyperlinkCreateNewDocumentEditNow|Determines whether the document is opened
immediately in its associated editor.
HyperlinkCreateNewDocumentFileName|The path and file name of the document.
HyperlinkCreateNewDocumentOverwrite|Determines whether any existing file of the
same name in the same folder is overwritten.
HyperlinksItemIndex|The index number of the single Hyperlink object in the
collection to be returned.
LegendEntriesItemIndex|The index number for the object.
MasterApplyThemethemeName|The path and name of the theme file (.thmx) or design
template file (.pot) to apply to the Master object.
MediaBookmarksAddName|The name of the MediaBookmark.
MediaBookmarksAddPosition|The position of the MediaBookmark.
MediaBookmarksItemIndex|The position of the MediaBookmark.
MediaFormatResampleAudioSamplingRate|The audio sampling rate, in bits per second.
MediaFormatResampleSampleHeight|The sample resolution height.
MediaFormatResampleSampleWidth|The sample resolution width.
MediaFormatResampleTrim|Whether to trim the sample.
MediaFormatResampleVideoBitRate|The video bit rate, in bits per second.
MediaFormatResampleVideoFrameRate|The video frame rate, in frames per second.
MediaFormatResampleFromProfileprofile|The resample media profile to use.
MediaFormatSetDisplayPicturePosition|The time position in the media to set the
display picture.
MediaFormatSetDisplayPictureFromFileFilePath|The path to the display picture file.
Model3DFormatIncrementRotationXIncrement|Specifies how much (in degrees) the
rotation of the model around the x-axis is to be changed. Any value can be
provided, although any value will be effectively normalized into the range 0..360
Model3DFormatIncrementRotationYIncrement|Specifies how much (in degrees) the
rotation of the model around the y-axis is to be changed. Any value can be
provided, although any value will be effectively normalized into the range 0..360
Model3DFormatIncrementRotationZIncrement|Specifies how much (in degrees) the
rotation of the model around the z-axis is to be changed. Any value can be
provided, although any value will be effectively normalized into the range 0..360
Model3DFormatResetModelResetSize|True to reset the 3D model frame to the same size
as when a model is first inserted; False to leave the 3D model frame size alone.
NamedSlideShowsAddName|The name of the slide show.
NamedSlideShowsAddsafeArrayOfSlideIDs|Contains the unique slide IDs of the slides
to be displayed in a slide show.
NamedSlideShowsItemIndex|The name or index number of the single NamedSlideShow
object in the collection to be returned.
ObjectVerbsItemIndex|The index number of the single object in the collection to be
OLEFormatDoVerbIndex|The verb to perform. If this argument is omitted, the default
verb is performed.
PanesItemIndex|The index number of the single Pane object in the collection to be
PictureFormatIncrementBrightnessIncrement|Specifies how much to change the value of
the Brightness property for the picture. A positive value makes the picture
brighter; a negative value makes the picture darker.
PictureFormatIncrementContrastIncrement|Specifies how much to change the value of
the Contrast property for the picture. A positive value increases the contrast; a
negative value decreases the contrast.
PlaceholdersFindByNameIndex|The index of the placeholder to be found.
PlaceholdersItemIndex|The index number of the single Shape object in the collection
to be returned.
PointApplyDataLabelsAutoText|True if the object automatically generates appropriate
text based on content.
PointApplyDataLabelsHasLeaderLines|For the Chart and Series objects, True if the
series has leader lines.
PointApplyDataLabelsLegendKey|True to show the legend key next to the point. The
default is False.
PointApplyDataLabelsSeparator|The separator for the data label.
PointApplyDataLabelsShowBubbleSize|True to enable the bubble size for the data
label; otherwise, False.
PointApplyDataLabelsShowCategoryName|True to enable the category name for the data
label; otherwise, False.
PointApplyDataLabelsShowPercentage|True to enable the percentage for the data
label; otherwise, False.
PointApplyDataLabelsShowSeriesName|True to enable the series name for the data
label; otherwise, False.
PointApplyDataLabelsShowValue|True to enable the value for the data label;
otherwise, False.
PointApplyDataLabelsType|The type of data label to apply. Can be one of the
xlDataLabelsType constants.
PointPieSliceLocationIndex|Specifies which pie slice position coordinate to return.
The default is xlOuterCenterPoint.
PointPieSliceLocationloc|Specifies a horizontal or vertical coordinate.
PointsItemIndex|The index number for the object.
PresentationApplyTemplateFileName|Specifies the name of the design template.
PresentationApplyTemplate2FileName|Specifies the name of the design template.
PresentationApplyThemethemeName|The path and name of the theme file (.thmx) or
design template file (.pot) to apply to the Presentation object.
PresentationCheckInComments|Comments for the revision of the presentation being
checked in (only applies if SaveChanges equals True).
PresentationCheckInMakePublic|True allows the user to perform a publish on the
presentation after being checked in. This submits the document for the approval
process, which can eventually result in a version of the presentation being
published to users with read-only rights to the presentation (only applies if
SaveChanges equals True).
PresentationCheckInSaveChanges|True saves the presentation to the server location.
The default value is False.
PresentationCheckInWithVersionComments|Comments for the revision of the
presentation being checked in (only applies if SaveChanges equals True).
PresentationCheckInWithVersionMakePublic|True allows the user to perform a publish
on the presentation after being checked in. This submits the document for the
approval process, which can eventually result in a version of the presentation
being published to users with read-only rights to the presentation (only applies if
SaveChanges equals True).
PresentationCheckInWithVersionSaveChanges|True saves the presentation to the server
location. The default value is False.
PresentationCheckInWithVersionVersionType|Version number of the presentation.
PresentationConvert2FileName|The name of the file to be converted.
PresentationCreateVideoDefaultSlideDuration|The duration, in seconds, to view the
PresentationCreateVideoFileName|The name of the video file to create.
PresentationCreateVideoFramesPerSecond|The number of frames per second.
PresentationCreateVideoQuality|The level of quality of the slide.
PresentationCreateVideoUseTimingsAndNarrations|Indicates whether to use timings and
PresentationCreateVideoVertResolution|The resolution of the slide.
PresentationExportFilterName|The graphics format in which you want to export
slides. The specified graphics format must have an export filter registered in the
Windows registry. You can specify either the registered extension or the registered
filter name. PowerPoint will first search for a matching extension in the registry.
If no extension that matches the specified string is found, PowerPoint will look
for a filter name that matches.
PresentationExportPath|The path of the folder where you want to save the exported
slides. You can include a full path; if you don't do this, Microsoft PowerPoint
creates a subfolder in the current folder for the exported slides.
PresentationExportScaleHeight|The height in pixels of an exported slide.
PresentationExportScaleWidth|The width in pixels of an exported slide.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatBitmapMissingFonts|Whether to include a bitmap of
the text. The default is True.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatDocStructureTags|Whether to include document
structure tags to improve document accessibility. The default is True.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatExternalExporter|A pointer to an Office add-in that
implements the IMsoDocExporter COM interface and allows calls to an alternate
implementation of code. The default is a null pointer.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatFixedFormatType|The format to which the slides
should be exported.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatFrameSlides|Whether the slides to be exported should
be bordered by a frame.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatHandoutOrder|The order in which the handout should
be printed.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatIncludeDocProperties|Whether the document properties
should also be exported. The default is False.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatIntent|The purpose of the export.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatKeepIRMSettings|Whether the IRM settings should also
be exported. The default is True.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatOutputType|The type of output.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatPath|The path for the export.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatPrintHiddenSlides|Whether to print hidden slides.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatPrintRange|The slide range.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatRangeType|The type of slide range.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatSlideShowName|The name of the slide show.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormatUseISO19005_1|Whether the resulting document is
compliant with ISO 19005-1 (PDF/A). The default is False.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2BitmapMissingFonts|Whether to include a bitmap of
the text. The default is True.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2DocStructureTags|Whether to include document
structure tags to improve document accessibility. The default is True.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2ExternalExporter|A pointer to an Office add-in that
implements the IMsoDocExporter COM interface and allows calls to an alternate
implementation of code. The default is a null pointer.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2FixedFormatType|The format to which the slides
should be exported.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2FrameSlides|Whether the slides to be exported
should be bordered by a frame.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2HandoutOrder|The order in which the handout should
be printed.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2IncludeDocProperties|Whether the document
properties should also be exported. The default is False.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2IncludeMarkup|Whether the resulting document should
include associated pen marks.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2Intent|The purpose of the export.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2KeepIRMSettings|Whether the IRM settings should
also be exported. The default is True.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2OutputType|The type of output.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2Path|The path for the export.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2PrintHiddenSlides|Whether to print hidden slides.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2PrintRange|The slide range.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2RangeType|The type of slide range.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2SlideShowName|The name of the slide show.
PresentationExportAsFixedFormat2UseISO19005_1|Whether the resulting document is
compliant with ISO 19005-1 (PDF/A). The default is False.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkAddHistory|True to add the link to the current day's
history folder.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkAddress|The address of the target document.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkExtraInfo|String or byte array that specifies
information for HTTP. This argument can be used, for example, to specify the
coordinates of an image map or the contents of a form. It can also indicate a FAT
file name. The Method argument determines how this extra information is handled.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkHeaderInfo|A string that specifies header information
for the HTTP request. The default value is an empty string. You can combine several
header lines into a single string by using the following syntax: "string1" & vbCr &
"string2". The specified string is automatically converted into ANSI characters.
Note that the HeaderInfo argument may overwrite default HTTP header fields.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkMethod|Specifies how ExtraInfo is posted or appended.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkNewWindow|True to have the target application opened in
a new window. The default value is False.
PresentationFollowHyperlinkSubAddress|The location in the target document. By
default, this argument is an empty string.
PresentationMergePath|The path, including filename, of the presentation to merge
changes with.
PresentationMergeWithBaselinebaselinePresentation|The path that points to the
presentation to be used as baseline in the merge.
PresentationMergeWithBaselinewithPresentation|The path that points to the
presentation to be merged with the active presentation.
PresentationPrintOutCollate|If this argument is omitted, multiple copies are
collated. Specifying this argument sets the value of the Collate property.
PresentationPrintOutCopies|The number of copies to be printed. If this argument is
omitted, only one copy is printed. Specifying this argument sets the value of the
PresentationPrintOutFrom|The number of the first page to be printed. If this
argument is omitted, printing starts at the beginning of the presentation.
Specifying the To and From arguments sets the contents of the PrintRanges object
and sets the value of the RangeType property for the presentation.
PresentationPrintOutPrintToFile|The name of the file to print to. If you specify
this argument, the file is printed to a file rather than sent to a printer. If this
argument is omitted, the file is sent to a printer.
PresentationPrintOutTo|The number of the last page to be printed. If this argument
is omitted, printing continues to the end of the presentation. Specifying the To
and From arguments sets the contents of the PrintRanges object and sets the value
of the RangeType property for the presentation.
PresentationPublishSlidesOverwrite|True if the original presentation should be
PresentationPublishSlidesSlideLibraryUrl|URL to the slide library.
PresentationRemoveDocumentInformationType|Type of information to be removed.
PresentationSaveAsFileFormat|Specifies the saved file format. If this argument is
omitted, the file is saved in the default file format (ppSaveAsDefault).
PresentationSaveAsFileName|Specifies the name to save the file under. If you don't
include a full path, PowerPoint saves the file in the current folder.
PresentationSaveCopyAsEmbedTrueTypeFonts|Specifies whether TrueType fonts are
PresentationSaveCopyAsFileFormat|The file format.
PresentationSaveCopyAsFileName|Specifies the name to save the file under. If you
don't include a full path, PowerPoint saves the file in the current folder.
PresentationSaveCopyAs2EmbedTrueTypeFonts|Specifies whether TrueType fonts are
PresentationSaveCopyAs2FileFormat|The file format.
PresentationSaveCopyAs2FileName|Specifies the name to save the file under. If you
don't include a full path, PowerPoint saves the file in the current folder.
PresentationSaveCopyAs2ReadOnlyRecommended|Specifies whether the file should be
marked as ReadOnlyRecommended.
PresentationSendFaxOverInternetRecipients|A String that represents the fax numbers
and email addresses of the people to whom to send the fax. Separate multiple
recipients with a semicolon.
PresentationSendFaxOverInternetShowMessage|Whether to display the fax message
before sending it. True displays the fax message before sending it. False sends the
fax without displaying the fax message.
PresentationSendFaxOverInternetSubject|A String that represents the subject line
for the faxed presentation.
PresentationSetPasswordEncryptionOptionsPasswordEncryptionAlgorithm|The name of the
encryption algorithm. PowerPoint supports stream-encrypted algorithms.
for PowerPoint to encrypt file properties.
PresentationSetPasswordEncryptionOptionsPasswordEncryptionKeyLength|The encryption
key length. Must be a multiple of 8, starting at 40.
PresentationSetPasswordEncryptionOptionsPasswordEncryptionProvider|The name of the
encryption provider.
PresentationsAddWithWindow|Whether the presentation appears in a visible window.
PresentationsCanCheckOutFileName|The server path and name of the presentation.
PresentationsCheckOutFileName|The server path and name of the presentation.
PresentationsItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Presentation object
in the collection to be returned.
PresentationsOpenFileName|The name of the file to open.
PresentationsOpenReadOnly|Specifies whether the file is opened with read/write or
read-only status.
PresentationsOpenUntitled|Specifies whether the file has a title.
PresentationsOpenWithWindow|Specifies whether the file is visible.
PresentationsOpen2007FileName|The name of the file to open.
PresentationsOpen2007OpenAndRepair|Specifies whether to repair the file before it
is opened to prevent corruption.
PresentationsOpen2007ReadOnly|Specifies whether the file is opened with read/write
or read-only status.
PresentationsOpen2007Untitled|Specifies whether the file has a title.
PresentationsOpen2007WithWindow|Specifies whether the file is visible.
PrintRangesAddEnd|The number of the slide that is the ending slide in the range.
PrintRangesAddStart|The number of the slide that is the starting slide in the
PrintRangesItemIndex|The index number of the single PrintRange object in the
collection to be returned.
ProtectedViewWindowEditModifyPassword|The new password to change to.
ProtectedViewWindowsItemIndex|The index number of the single ProtectedViewWindow
object in the collection to be returned.
ProtectedViewWindowsOpenFileName|The name of the file to open.
ProtectedViewWindowsOpenOpenAndRepair|Indicates whether to repair the file.
ProtectedViewWindowsOpenReadPassword|The password to use for the protected file.
PublishObjectsItemIndex|The index number of the single PublishObject object in the
collection to be returned.
ResampleMediaTasksItemIndex|The index number of the single ResampleMediaTask object
in the collection to be returned.
ResearchIsResearchServiceServiceID|A GUID that identifies the research service.
ResearchQueryLaunchQuery|True launches the query. False displays the Research task
pane scoped to search the specified research service.
ResearchQueryQueryLanguage|Specifies the query language of the query string.
ResearchQueryQueryString|Specifies the query string.
ResearchQueryServiceID|Specifies a GUID that identifies the research service.
ResearchQueryUseSelection|True to use the current selection as the query string.
This overrides the QueryString parameter if set. Default value is False.
ResearchSetLanguagePairLanguage1|Specifies the language to translate from.
ResearchSetLanguagePairLanguage2|Specifies the language to translate to.
RowsAddBeforeRow|The row before which the row is to be added.
RowsItemIndex|The index number of the single Row object in the collection to be
RulerLevelsItemIndex|The index number of the single RulerLevel object in the
collection to be returned.
SectionPropertiesAddBeforeSlidesectionName|The name of the new section.
SectionPropertiesAddBeforeSlideSlideIndex|The index of the slide before which to
add the section.
SectionPropertiesAddSectionsectionIndex|The index of the section before which to
add the section.
SectionPropertiesAddSectionsectionName|The name of the new section.
SectionPropertiesDeletedeleteSlides|Whether to delete all the slides in the
section. True, to delete all the slides within the section; False not to delete
SectionPropertiesDeletesectionIndex|The index of the section to delete.
SectionPropertiesFirstSlidesectionIndex|The index of the section.
SectionPropertiesMovesectionIndex|The index of the section to move.
SectionPropertiesMovetoPos|The index position to which to move the section.
SectionPropertiesNamesectionIndex|The index of the section in the SectionProperties
SectionPropertiesRenamesectionIndex|The index of the section to rename.
SectionPropertiesRenamesectionName|The new name of the section.
SectionPropertiesSectionIDsectionIndex|The index of the section.
SectionPropertiesSlidesCountsectionIndex|The index of the section.
SequenceAddEffecteffectId|The animation effect to be applied.
SequenceAddEffectIndex|The position at which the effect will be placed in the
collection of animation effects. The default value is -1 (added to the end).
SequenceAddEffectLevel|For charts, diagrams, or text, the level to which the
animation effect will be applied. The default value is msoAnimationLevelNone.
SequenceAddEffectShape|The shape to which the animation effect is added.
SequenceAddEffecttrigger|The action that triggers the animation effect. The default
value is msoAnimTriggerOnPageClick.
SequenceAddTriggerEffectbookmark|The bookmark.
SequenceAddTriggerEffecteffectId|The type of animation.
SequenceAddTriggerEffectLevel|The level of animation.
SequenceAddTriggerEffectpShape|The Shape object with animation.
SequenceAddTriggerEffectpTriggerShape|The Shape object that represents the trigger.
SequenceAddTriggerEffecttrigger|The type of trigger effect to add.
SequenceCloneEffect|Effect object. The animation effect to be cloned.
SequenceCloneIndex|The position at which the cloned animation effect will be added
to the Sequences collection. The default value is -1 (added to the end).
SequenceConvertToAfterEffectAfter|The behavior of the after effect.
SequenceConvertToAfterEffectDimColor|A single color to apply the after effect.
SequenceConvertToAfterEffectDimSchemeColor|A predefined color scheme to apply to
the after effect.
SequenceConvertToAfterEffectEffect|The effect to which the after effect will be
SequenceConvertToAnimateBackgroundAnimateBackground|Determines whether the text
will be animated separately from the background.
SequenceConvertToAnimateBackgroundEffect|The animation effect to be applied to the
SequenceConvertToAnimateInReverseanimateInReverse|Determines the text animation
SequenceConvertToAnimateInReverseEffect|The animation effect to which the reversal
will apply.
SequenceConvertToBuildLevelEffect|The specified animation effect.
SequenceConvertToBuildLevelLevel|The animation build level.
SequenceConvertToTextUnitEffectEffect|The animation effect to which the text unit
effect applies.
SequenceConvertToTextUnitEffectunitEffect|How the text should be animated.
SequenceFindFirstAnimationForShape|The shape for which to find the first animation.
SequenceFindFirstAnimationForClickclick|The specified click number.
SequenceItemIndex|The index number of the single Effect object in the collection to
be returned.
SequencesAddIndex|The position of the sequence in relation to other sequences. The
default value is -1, which means that if you omit the Index parameter, the new
sequence is added to the end of the existing sequences.
SequencesItemIndex|The index number of the single Sequence object in the collection
to be returned.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsAutoText|True if the object automatically generates
appropriate text based on content.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsHasLeaderLines|For the Chart and Series objects, True if the
series has leader lines.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsLegendKey|True to show the legend key next to the point. The
default is False.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsSeparator|The separator for the data label.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsShowBubbleSize|True to enable the bubble size for the data
label; otherwise, False.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsShowCategoryName|True to enable the category name for the data
label; otherwise, False.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsShowPercentage|True to enable the percentage for the data
label; otherwise, False.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsShowSeriesName|True to enable the series name for the data
label; otherwise, False.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsShowValue|True to enable the value for the data label;
otherwise, False.
SeriesApplyDataLabelsType|The type of data label to apply.
SeriesDataLabelsIndex|The number of the data label.
SeriesErrorBarAmount|The error amount. Used for only the positive error amount when
Type is xlErrorBarTypeCustom.
SeriesErrorBarDirection|One of the enumeration values that specifies the error bar
SeriesErrorBarInclude|One of the enumeration values that specifies the error bar
parts to include.
SeriesErrorBarMinusValues|The negative error amount when Type is
SeriesErrorBarType|One of the enumeration values that specifies the error bar type.
SeriesPointsIndex|The name or number of the point.
SeriesCollectionAddCategoryLabels|True if the first row or column contains the name
of the category labels. False if the first row or column contains the first data
point of the series. If this argument is omitted, Word attempts to determine the
location of the category label from the contents of the first row or column.
SeriesCollectionAddReplace|If CategoryLabels is True and Replace is True, the
specified categories replace the categories that currently exist for the series. If
Replace is False, the existing categories will not be replaced. The default is
SeriesCollectionAddRowcol|One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the
new values are in the rows or columns of the specified range.
SeriesCollectionAddSeriesLabels|True if the first row or column contains the name
of the data series. False if the first row or column contains the first data point
of the series. If this argument is omitted, Microsoft Word attempts to determine
the location of the series name from the contents of the first row or column.
SeriesCollectionAddSource|The new data as a string representation of a range
contained in the Workbook property of the ChartData object for the chart.
SeriesCollectionExtendCategoryLabels|True to have the first row or column contain
the name of the category labels. False to have the first row or column contain the
first data point of the series. If this argument is omitted, Word attempts to
determine the location of the category label from the contents of the first row or
SeriesCollectionExtendRowcol|One of the XlRowCol enumeration values that specifies
whether the new values are in the rows or columns of the given range source. If
this argument is omitted, Microsoft Word attempts to determine where the values are
by the size and orientation of the selected range or by the dimensions of the
SeriesCollectionExtendSource|The new data to be added to the SeriesCollection
object, represented as an A1-style range reference.
SeriesCollectionItemIndex|The name or index number for the object.
ShadowFormatIncrementOffsetXIncrement|Specifies how far the shadow offset is to be
moved horizontally, in points. A positive value moves the shadow to the right; a
negative value moves it to the left.
ShadowFormatIncrementOffsetYIncrement|Specifies how far the shadow offset is to be
moved vertically, in points. A positive value moves the shadow down; a negative
value moves it up.
ShapeConvertTextToSmartArtLayout|The SmartArt layout to convert text to.
ShapeFlipFlipCmd|Specifies whether the shape is to be flipped horizontally or
ShapeIncrementLeftIncrement|Specifies how far the shape is to be moved
horizontally, in points. A positive value moves the shape to the right; a negative
value moves it to the left.
ShapeIncrementRotationIncrement|Specifies how far the shape is to be rotated
horizontally, in degrees. A positive value rotates the shape clockwise; a negative
value rotates it counterclockwise.
ShapeIncrementTopIncrement|Specifies how far the shape is to be moved vertically,
in points. A positive value moves the shape down; a negative value moves it up.
ShapeScaleHeightFactor|Specifies the ratio between the height of the shape after
you resize it and the current or original height. For example, to make a rectangle
50 percent larger, specify 1.5 for this argument.
ShapeScaleHeightfScale|The part of the shape that retains its position when the
shape is scaled.
ShapeScaleHeightRelativeToOriginalSize|Specifies whether the shape is scaled
relative to its current or original size.
ShapeScaleWidthFactor|Specifies the ratio between the width of the shape after you
resize it and the current or original width. For example, to make a rectangle 50
percent larger, specify 1.5 for this argument.
ShapeScaleWidthfScale|The part of the shape that retains its position when the
shape is scaled.
ShapeScaleWidthRelativeToOriginalSize|Specifies whether a shape is scaled relative
to its current or original size.
ShapeSelectReplace|Specifies whether the selection replaces any previous selection.
ShapeZOrderZOrderCmd|Specifies where to move the specified shape relative to the
other shapes.
ShapeNodesDeleteIndex|Specifies the node to be deleted.
ShapeNodesInsertEditingType|The editing property of the vertex.
ShapeNodesInsertIndex|The node that the new node is to be inserted after.
ShapeNodesInsertSegmentType|The type of segment to be added.
ShapeNodesInsertX1|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, this
argument specifies the horizontal distance (in points) from the upper-left corner
of the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new
node is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance (in
points) from the upper-left corner of the document to the first control point for
the new segment.
ShapeNodesInsertX2|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this
argument specifies the horizontal distance (in points) from the upper-left corner
of the document to the second control point for the new segment. If the EditingType
of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a value for this argument.
ShapeNodesInsertX3|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this
argument specifies the horizontal distance (in points) from the upper-left corner
of the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new
segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a value for this argument.
ShapeNodesInsertY1|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, this
argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from the upper-left corner of
the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new node
is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from
the upper-left corner of the document to the first control point for the new
ShapeNodesInsertY2|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this
argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from the upper-left corner of
the document to the second control point for the new segment. If the EditingType of
the new segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a value for this argument.
ShapeNodesInsertY3|If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this
argument specifies the vertical distance (in points) from the upper-left corner of
the document to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new
segment is msoEditingAuto, don't specify a value for this argument.
ShapeNodesItemIndex|The name or index number of the single ShapeNode object in the
collection to be returned.
ShapeNodesSetEditingTypeEditingType|The editing type.
ShapeNodesSetEditingTypeIndex|The node whose editing type is to be set.
ShapeNodesSetPositionIndex|The node whose position is to be set.
ShapeNodesSetPositionX1|The x-position (in points) of the new node relative to the
upper-left corner of the document.
ShapeNodesSetPositionY1|The y-position (in points) of the new node relative to the
upper-left corner of the document.
ShapeNodesSetSegmentTypeIndex|The node whose segment type is to be set.
ShapeNodesSetSegmentTypeSegmentType|Specifies if the segment is straight or curved.
ShapeRangeAlignAlignCmd|Specifies the way the shapes in the specified shape range
are to be aligned.
ShapeRangeAlignRelativeTo|Determines whether shapes are aligned relative to the
edge of the slide.
ShapeRangeDistributeDistributeCmd|Specifies whether shapes in the range are to be
distributed horizontally or vertically.
ShapeRangeDistributeRelativeTo|Determines whether shapes are distributed evenly
over the entire horizontal or vertical space on the slide.
ShapeRangeFlipFlipCmd|Specifies whether the shape is to be flipped horizontally or
ShapeRangeIncrementLeftIncrement|Specifies how far the shape range is to be moved
horizontally, in points. A positive value moves the shape range to the right; a
negative value moves it to the left.
ShapeRangeIncrementRotationIncrement|Specifies how far the shape range is to be
rotated horizontally, in degrees. A positive value rotates the shape range
clockwise; a negative value rotates it counterclockwise.
ShapeRangeIncrementTopIncrement|Specifies how far the shape range is to be moved
vertically, in points. A positive value moves the shape range down; a negative
value moves it up.
ShapeRangeItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Shape object in the
collection to be returned.
ShapeRangeMergeShapesMergeCmd|The merge operation to perform on the shape range.
ShapeRangeMergeShapesPrimaryShape|The shape that the resulting shape inherits its
formatting from.
ShapeRangeScaleHeightFactor|Specifies the ratio between the height of the shapes
after you resize them and their current or original height. For example, to make
shapes 50 percent larger, specify 1.5 for this parameter.
ShapeRangeScaleHeightfScale|The parts of the shapes that retain their position when
the shapes are scaled.
ShapeRangeScaleHeightRelativeToOriginalSize|Specifies whether shapes are scaled
relative to their current or original sizes.
ShapeRangeScaleWidthFactor|Specifies the ratio between the width of the shapes
after you resize them and the current or original width. For example, to make all
the shapes in the range 50 percent larger, specify 1.5 for this parameter.
ShapeRangeScaleWidthfScale|The parts of the shapes that retain their positions when
the shapes are scaled.
ShapeRangeScaleWidthRelativeToOriginalSize|Specifies whether shapes are scaled
relative to their current or original size.
ShapeRangeSelectReplace|Specifies whether the selection replaces any previous
ShapeRangeZOrderZOrderCmd|Specifies where to move the specified shape range
relative to the other shapes.
ShapesAdd3DModelFileName|The file from which the 3D model object is to be created.
ShapesAdd3DModelHeight|The height of the 3D model, measured in points (enter -1 to
auto-calculate a height based on the 3D model dimensions).
ShapesAdd3DModelLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the 3D
model relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAdd3DModelLinkToFile|Determines whether the 3D model will be linked to the
file from which it was created.
ShapesAdd3DModelSaveWithDocument|Determines whether the linked 3D model will be
saved with the document into which it is inserted. This argument must be msoTrue if
LinkToFile is msoFalse.
ShapesAdd3DModelTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the 3D
model relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAdd3DModelWidth|The width of the 3D model, measured in points (enter -1 to
auto-calculate a width based on the 3D model dimensions).
ShapesAddCalloutHeight|The height of the callout's bounding box, measured in
ShapesAddCalloutLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the
callout's bounding box relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddCalloutTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the
callout's bounding box relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddCalloutType|The type of callout line.
ShapesAddCalloutWidth|The width of the callout's bounding box, measured in points.
ShapesAddChart2Height|The height, in points, of the chart.
ShapesAddChart2Left|The position, in points, of the left edge of the chart,
relative to the anchor.
ShapesAddChart2NewLayout|If NewLayout is true, the chart is inserted by using the
new dynamic formatting rules (Title is on, and Legend is on only if there are
multiple series).
ShapesAddChart2Style|The chart style. Use "-1" to get the default style for the
chart type specified in Type.
ShapesAddChart2Top|The position, in points, of the top edge of the chart, relative
to the anchor.
ShapesAddChart2Type|The type of chart.
ShapesAddChart2Width|The width, in points, of the chart.
ShapesAddConnectorBeginX|The horizontal position, measured in points, of the
connector's starting point relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddConnectorBeginY|The vertical position, measured in points, of the
connector's starting point relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddConnectorEndX|The horizontal position, measured in points, of the
connector's ending point relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddConnectorEndY|The vertical position, measured in points, of the
connector's ending point relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddConnectorType|The type of connector.
ShapesAddCurveSafeArrayOfPoints|An array of coordinate pairs that specifies the
vertices and control points of the curve. The first point you specify is the
starting vertex, and the next two points are control points for the first Bézier
segment. Then, for each additional segment of the curve, you specify a vertex and
two control points. The last point you specify is the ending vertex for the curve.
Note that you must always specify 3n + 1 points, where n is the number of segments
in the curve.
ShapesAddInkShapeFromXMLHeight|The height of the ink shape, measured in points. If
this parameter is not specified, the hight is calculated based off of the
ShapesAddInkShapeFromXMLLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of
the ink shape relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddInkShapeFromXMLTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of
the ink shape relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddInkShapeFromXMLWidth|The width of the ink shape, measured in points. If
this parameter is not specified, the width is calculated based off of the
ShapesAddLabelHeight|The height of the label, measured in points.
ShapesAddLabelLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the label
relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddLabelOrientation|The text orientation. Some of these constants may not be
available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example)
that you have selected or installed.
ShapesAddLabelTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the label
relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddLabelWidth|The width of the label, measured in points.
ShapesAddLineBeginX|The horizontal position, measured in points, of the line's
starting point relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddLineBeginY|The vertical position, measured in points, of the line's
starting point relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddLineEndX|The horizontal position, measured in points, of the line's ending
point relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddLineEndY|The vertical position, measured in points, of the line's ending
point relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddMediaObject2FileName|The name of the file to be added.
ShapesAddMediaObject2Height|The height, in points, of the media object. Default
value is -1.
ShapesAddMediaObject2Left|The distance, in points, from the left edge of the slide
to the left edge of the media object.
ShapesAddMediaObject2LinkToFile|Indicates whether to link to the file.
ShapesAddMediaObject2SaveWithDocument|Indicates whether to save the media with the
ShapesAddMediaObject2Top|The distance, in points, from the top edge of the slide to
the top edge of the media object.
ShapesAddMediaObject2Width|The width, in points, of the media object. Default value
is -1.
ShapesAddMediaObjectFromEmbedTagEmbedTag|The embed tag.
ShapesAddMediaObjectFromEmbedTagHeight|The height, in points, of the media object.
ShapesAddMediaObjectFromEmbedTagLeft|The distance, in points, from the left edge of
the slide to the left edge of the media object.
ShapesAddMediaObjectFromEmbedTagTop|The distance, in points, from the top edge of
the slide to the top edge of the media object.
ShapesAddMediaObjectFromEmbedTagWidth|The width, in points, of the media object.
ShapesAddOLEObjectClassName|The OLE long class name or the ProgID for the object
that's to be created. You must specify either the ClassName or FileName argument
for the object, but not both.
ShapesAddOLEObjectDisplayAsIcon|Determines whether the OLE object will be displayed
as an icon.
ShapesAddOLEObjectFileName|The file from which the object is to be created. If the
path isn't specified, the current working folder is used. You must specify either
the ClassName or FileName argument for the object, but not both.
ShapesAddOLEObjectHeight|The initial height of the OLE object, in points.
ShapesAddOLEObjectIconFileName|The file that contains the icon to be displayed.
ShapesAddOLEObjectIconIndex|The index of the icon within IconFileName. The first
icon in the file has the index number 0 (zero). If an icon with the given index
number doesn't exist in IconFileName, the icon with the index number 1 (the second
icon in the file) is used. The default value is 0 (zero).
ShapesAddOLEObjectIconLabel|A label (caption) to be displayed beneath the icon.
ShapesAddOLEObjectLeft|The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the new
object relative to the upper-left corner of the slide. The default value is 0
ShapesAddOLEObjectLink|Determines whether the OLE object will be linked to the file
from which it was created. If you specified a value for ClassName, this argument
must be msoFalse.
ShapesAddOLEObjectTop|The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the new
object relative to the upper-left corner of the slide. The default value is 0
ShapesAddOLEObjectWidth|The initial width of the OLE object, in points.
ShapesAddPictureFileName|The file from which the OLE object is to be created.
ShapesAddPictureHeight|The height of the picture, measured in points.
ShapesAddPictureLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the
picture relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddPictureLinkToFile|Determines whether the picture will be linked to the
file from which it was created.
ShapesAddPictureSaveWithDocument|Determines whether the linked picture will be
saved with the document into which it is inserted. This argument must be msoTrue if
LinkToFile is msoFalse.
ShapesAddPictureTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the
picture relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddPictureWidth|The width of the picture, measured in points.
ShapesAddPicture2compress|Determines whether the picture should be compressed when
ShapesAddPicture2FileName|The file from which the OLE object is to be created.
ShapesAddPicture2Height|The height of the picture, measured in points.
ShapesAddPicture2Left|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the
picture relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddPicture2LinkToFile|Determines whether the picture will be linked to the
file from which it was created.
ShapesAddPicture2SaveWithDocument|Determines whether the linked picture will be
saved with the document into which it is inserted. This argument must be msoTrue if
LinkToFile is msoFalse.
ShapesAddPicture2Top|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the
picture relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddPicture2Width|The width of the picture, measured in points.
ShapesAddPlaceholderHeight|The height of the placeholder, in points.
ShapesAddPlaceholderLeft|The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the
placeholder relative to the upper-left corner of the document.
ShapesAddPlaceholderTop|The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the
placeholder relative to the upper-left corner of the document.
ShapesAddPlaceholderType|The type of placeholder. Placeholders of type
ppPlaceholderVerticalBody or ppPlaceholderVerticalTitle are found only on slides of
layout type ppLayoutVerticalText, ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText,
ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndText, or ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart. You cannot
create slides with any of these layouts from the user interface; you must create
them programmatically by using the Add method or by setting the Layout property of
an existing slide.
ShapesAddPlaceholderWidth|The width of the placeholder, in points.
ShapesAddPolylineSafeArrayOfPoints|An array of coordinate pairs that specifies the
polyline drawing's vertices.
ShapesAddShapeHeight|The height of the AutoShape, measured in points.
ShapesAddShapeLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the
AutoShape relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddShapeTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the
AutoShape relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddShapeType|Specifies the type of AutoShape to create.
ShapesAddShapeWidth|The width of the AutoShape, measured in points.
ShapesAddSmartArtHeight|The height of the SmartArt diagram.
ShapesAddSmartArtLayout|The SmartArt diagram to add.
ShapesAddSmartArtLeft|The distance, in points, from the left edge of the slide to
the left edge of the SmartArt diagram.
ShapesAddSmartArtTop|The distance, in points, from the top edge of the slide to the
top edge of the SmartArt diagram.
ShapesAddSmartArtWidth|The width of the SmartArt diagram.
ShapesAddTableHeight|The height (in points) of the new table.
ShapesAddTableLeft|The distance (in points) from the left edge of the slide to the
left edge of the table.
ShapesAddTableNumColumns|The number of columns in the table.
ShapesAddTableNumRows|The number of rows in the table.
ShapesAddTableTop|The distance (in points) from the top edge of the slide to the
top edge of the table.
ShapesAddTableWidth|The width (in points) of the new table.
ShapesAddTextboxHeight|The height of the text box, measured in points.
ShapesAddTextboxLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the text
box relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddTextboxOrientation|The text orientation. Some of these constants may not
be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example)
that you have selected or installed.
ShapesAddTextboxTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the text
box relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesAddTextboxWidth|The width of the text box, measured in points.
ShapesAddTextEffectFontBold|Determines whether the font used in the WordArt is set
to bold.
ShapesAddTextEffectFontItalic|Determines whether the font used in the WordArt is
set to italic.
ShapesAddTextEffectFontName|The name of the font used in the WordArt.
ShapesAddTextEffectFontSize|The size (in points) of the font used in the WordArt.
ShapesAddTextEffectLeft|The position, measured in points, of the left edge of the
WordArt's bounding box relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesAddTextEffectPresetTextEffect|The preset text effect.
ShapesAddTextEffectText|The text in the WordArt.
ShapesAddTextEffectTop|The position, measured in points, of the top edge of the
WordArt's bounding box relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesBuildFreeformEditingType|The editing property of the first node.
ShapesBuildFreeformX1|The horizontal position, measured in points, of the first
node in the freeform drawing relative to the left edge of the slide.
ShapesBuildFreeformY1|The vertical position, measured in points, of the first node
in the freeform drawing relative to the top edge of the slide.
ShapesItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Shape object in the
collection to be returned.
ShapesPasteSpecialDataType|A format for the Clipboard contents when they're
inserted into the document. The default value varies, depending on the contents in
the Clipboard. An error occurs if the specified data type in the DataType argument
is not supported by the clipboard contents.
ShapesPasteSpecialDisplayAsIcon|MsoTrue to display the embedded object (or link) as
an icon.
ShapesPasteSpecialIconFileName|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is
the path and file name for the file in which the icon to be displayed is stored. If
DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, this argument is ignored.
ShapesPasteSpecialIconIndex|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is a
number that corresponds to the icon you want to use in the program file specified
by IconFilename. For example, 0 (zero) corresponds to the first icon, and 1
corresponds to the second icon. If this argument is omitted, the first (default)
icon is used. If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, then this argument is ignored.
If IconIndex is outside the valid range, then the default icon (index 0) is used.
ShapesPasteSpecialIconLabel|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is
the text that appears below the icon. If this label is missing, Microsoft
PowerPoint generates an icon label based on the Clipboard contents. If
DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, then this argument is ignored.
ShapesPasteSpecialLink|Determines whether to create a link to the source file of
the Clipboard contents. An error occurs if the Clipboard contents do not support a
ShapesRangeIndex|The individual shapes that are to be included in the range. Can be
an Integer that specifies the index number of the shape, a String that specifies
the name of the shape, or an array that contains either integers or strings. If
this argument is omitted, the Range method returns all the objects in the specified
SlideApplyTemplateFileName|Specifies the name of the design template.
SlideApplyTemplate2FileName|Specifies the name of the design template.
SlideApplyThemethemeName|The path and name of the theme file (.thmx) or design
template file (.pot) to apply to the Slide object.
SlideApplyThemeColorSchemethemeColorSchemeName|The path and name of the color
scheme file to apply to the slide.
SlideExportFileName|The name of the file to be exported and saved to disk. You can
include a full path; if you don't, Microsoft PowerPoint creates a file in the
current folder.
SlideExportFilterName|The graphics format in which you want to export slides. The
specified graphics format must have an export filter registered in the Windows
registry. You can specify either the registered extension or the registered filter
name. Microsoft PowerPoint will first search for a matching extension in the
registry. If no extension that matches the specified string is found, PowerPoint
will look for a filter name that matches.
SlideExportScaleHeight|The height in pixels of an exported slide.
SlideExportScaleWidth|The width in pixels of an exported slide.
SlideMoveTotoPos|The index position to which to move the animation effect.
SlideMoveToSectionStarttoSection|The section to move to.
SlidePublishSlidesOverwrite|Whether to overwrite existing content at
SlideLibraryURL. The default is False.
SlidePublishSlidesSlideLibraryUrl|The URL to which to publish the slide library.
SlidePublishSlidesUseSlideOrder|Whether to use the existing slide order. The
default is False.
SlideRangeApplyTemplateFileName|Specifies the name of the design template.
SlideRangeApplyTemplate2FileName|Specifies the name of the design template.
SlideRangeApplyThemethemeName|The path and name of the theme file (.thmx) or design
template file (.pot) to apply to the SlideRange object.
SlideRangeApplyThemeColorSchemethemeColorSchemeName|The path and name of the color
scheme file to apply to the range of slides.
SlideRangeExportFileName|The name of the file to be exported and saved to disk. You
can include a full path; if you don't, Microsoft PowerPoint creates a file in the
current folder.
SlideRangeExportFilterName|The graphics format in which you want to export slides.
The specified graphics format must have an export filter registered in the Windows
registry. You can specify either the registered extension or the registered filter
name. Microsoft PowerPoint will first search for a matching extension in the
registry. If no extension that matches the specified string is found, PowerPoint
will look for a filter name that matches.
SlideRangeExportScaleHeight|The height in pixels of an exported slide.
SlideRangeExportScaleWidth|The width in pixels of an exported slide.
SlideRangeItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Slide object in the
collection to be returned.
SlideRangeMoveTotoPos|The index position to which to move the animation effect.
SlideRangeMoveToSectionStarttoSection|The section to move to.
SlideRangePublishSlidesOverwrite|True if the original presentation should be
SlideRangePublishSlidesSlideLibraryUrl|URL to the slide library.
SlidesAddSlideIndex|The index of the slide to be added.
SlidesAddSlidepCustomLayout|The layout of the slide.
SlidesFindBySlideIDSlideID|Specifies the ID number of the slide you want to return.
Microsoft PowerPoint assigns this number when the slide is created.
SlidesInsertFromFileFileName|The name of the file that contains the slides you want
to insert.
SlidesInsertFromFileIndex|The index number of the Slide object in the specified
Slides collection you want to insert the new slides after.
SlidesInsertFromFileSlideEnd|The index number of the last Slide object in the
Slides collection in the file denoted by FileName.
SlidesInsertFromFileSlideStart|The index number of the first Slide object in the
Slides collection in the file denoted by FileName.
SlidesItemIndex|The name or index number of the single Slide object in the
collection to be returned.
SlidesPasteIndex|The index number of the slide that the slides on the Clipboard are
to be pasted before. If this argument is omitted, the slides on the Clipboard are
pasted after the last slide in the presentation.
SlidesRangeIndex|The individual slides that are to be included in the range. Can be
an Integer that specifies the index number of the slide, a String that specifies
the name of the slide, or an array that contains either integers or strings. If
this argument is omitted, the Range method returns all the objects in the specified
SlideShowViewDrawLineBeginX|The position (in points) of the line's starting point
relative to the upper-left corner of the slide.
SlideShowViewDrawLineBeginY|The position (in points) of the line's starting point
relative to the upper-left corner of the slide.
SlideShowViewDrawLineEndX|The position (in points) of the line's ending point
relative to the upper-left corner of the slide.
SlideShowViewDrawLineEndY|The position (in points) of the line's ending point
relative to the upper-left corner of the slide.
SlideShowViewGotoClickIndex|The index number of the mouse click that initiates an
SlideShowViewGotoNamedShowSlideShowName|The name of the custom slide show to be
switched to.
SlideShowViewGotoSlideIndex|The number of the slide to switch to.
SlideShowViewGotoSlideResetSlide|Whether animation effects should be rerun when
returning to the first slide. See Remarks for more information.
SlideShowViewPlayerShapeId|The playback control.
SlideShowWindowsItemIndex|The index number of the single SlideShowWindow object in
the collection to be returned.
TableApplyStyleSaveFormatting|True preserves table formatting.
TableApplyStyleStyleID|The identifier of the table style to apply.
TableCellColumn|The number of the column in the table to return. Can be an integer
between 1 and the number of columns in the table.
TableCellRow|The number of the row in the table to return. Can be an integer
between 1 and the number of rows in the table.
TableScaleProportionallyscale|The proportion to scale the table, between 0.01 and
100. For example, a scale value of 1 keeps the table layout unchanged; a value of 2
makes it twice as large; a value of 0.5 makes it half the size.
TabStopsAddPosition|The position of the tab stop in the tab stops collection.
TabStopsAddType|The type of the tab stop to be added.
TabStopsItemIndex|The index number of the single TabStop object in the collection
to be returned.
TagsAddName|The name of the tag.
TagsAddValue|The value of the tag.
TagsDeleteName|Tthe name of the tag to be deleted.
TagsItemName|The name of the single tag in the collection to be returned.
TagsNameIndex|The tag number.
TagsValueIndex|The tag number.
TextRangeChangeCaseType|Specifies the way the case will be changed.
TextRangeCharactersLength|The number of characters to be returned.
TextRangeCharactersStart|The first character in the returned range.
TextRangeFindAfter|The position of the character (in the specified text range)
after which you want to search for the next occurrence of FindWhat. For example, if
you want to search from the fifth character of the text range, specify 4 for After.
If this argument is omitted, the first character of the text range is used as the
starting point for the search.
TextRangeFindFindWhat|The text to search for.
TextRangeFindMatchCase|msoTrue for the search to distinguish between uppercase and
lowercase characters.
TextRangeFindWholeWords|msoTrue for the search to find only whole words and not
parts of larger words as well.
TextRangeInsertAfterNewText|The text to be inserted. The default value is an empty
TextRangeInsertBeforeNewText|The text to be appended. The default value is an empty
TextRangeInsertDateTimeDateTimeFormat|A format for the date and time.
TextRangeInsertDateTimeInsertAsField|Determines whether the inserted date and time
will be updated each time the presentation is opened.
TextRangeInsertSymbolCharNumber|The Unicode or ASCII character number.
TextRangeInsertSymbolFontName|The font name.
TextRangeInsertSymbolUnicode|Specifies whether the CharNumber argument represents
an ASCII or Unicode character.
TextRangeLinesLength|The number of lines to be returned.
TextRangeLinesStart|The first line in the returned range.
TextRangeParagraphsLength|The number of paragraphs to be returned.
TextRangeParagraphsStart|The first paragraph in the returned range.
TextRangePasteSpecialDataType|A format for the Clipboard contents when they're
inserted into the document. The default value varies, depending on the contents in
the Clipboard. An error occurs if the specified data type in the DataType argument
is not supported by the clipboard contents.
TextRangePasteSpecialDisplayAsIcon|MsoTrue to display the embedded object (or link)
as an icon.
TextRangePasteSpecialIconFileName|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument
is the path and file name for the file in which the icon to be displayed is stored.
If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, this argument is ignored.
TextRangePasteSpecialIconIndex|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is
a number that corresponds to the icon you want to use in the program file specified
by IconFilename. For example, 0 (zero) corresponds to the first icon, 1 corresponds
to the second icon. If this argument is omitted, the first (default) icon is used.
If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, then this argument is ignored. If IconIndex is
outside the valid range, then the default icon (index 0) is used.
TextRangePasteSpecialIconLabel|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is
the text that appears below the icon. If this label is missing, Microsoft
PowerPoint generates an icon label based on the Clipboard contents. If
DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, then this argument is ignored.
TextRangePasteSpecialLink|Determines whether to create a link to the source file of
the Clipboard contents. An error occurs if the Clipboard contents do not support a
TextRangeReplaceAfter|The position of the character (in the specified text range)
after which you want to search for the next occurrence of FindWhat. For example, if
you want to search from the fifth character of the text range, specify 4 for After.
If this argument is omitted, the first character of the text range is used as the
starting point for the search.
TextRangeReplaceFindWhat|The text to search for.
TextRangeReplaceMatchCase|Determines whether a distinction is made on the basis of
TextRangeReplaceReplaceWhat|The text you want to replace the found text with.
TextRangeReplaceWholeWords|Determines whether only whole words are found.
TextRangeRunsLength|The number of runs to be returned.
TextRangeRunsStart|The first run in the returned range.
TextRangeSentencesLength|The number of sentences to be returned.
TextRangeSentencesStart|The first sentence in the returned range.
TextRangeWordsLength|The number of words to be returned.
TextRangeWordsStart|The first word in the returned range.
TextStyleLevelsItemLevel|The index number of the text style level in the collection
to be returned.
TextStylesItemType|The text style type.
ThemeVariantsItemIndex|The index number of the single ThemeVariant object in the
collection to be returned.
ThreeDFormatIncrementRotationHorizontalIncrement|The number of degrees to rotate
the ThreeDFormat object, between -180 and 180 degrees.
ThreeDFormatIncrementRotationVerticalIncrement|The number of degrees to rotate the
ThreeDFormat object, between -180 and 180 degrees.
ThreeDFormatIncrementRotationXIncrement|Specifies how much (in degrees) the
rotation of the shape around the x-axis is to be changed. Can be a value from -90
through 90. A positive value tilts the shape up; a negative value tilts it down.
ThreeDFormatIncrementRotationYIncrement|Specifies how much (in degrees) the
rotation of the shape around the y-axis is to be changed. Can be a value from -90
through 90. A positive value tilts the shape to the left; a negative value tilts it
to the right.
ThreeDFormatIncrementRotationZIncrement|The number of degrees to rotate the
ThreeDFormat object, between -180 and 180 degrees.
ThreeDFormatSetExtrusionDirectionPresetExtrusionDirection|Specifies the extrusion
ThreeDFormatSetPresetCameraPresetCamera|The ThreeDFormat object's effects camera
type and rotation.
ThreeDFormatSetThreeDFormatPresetThreeDFormat|Specifies a preset extrusion format
that corresponds to one of the options (numbered from left to right, from top to
bottom) displayed when you click the 3D Rotation submenu on the Shape Effects menu.
TrendlinesAddBackward|The number of periods (or units on a scatter chart) that the
trendline extends backward.
TrendlinesAddDisplayEquation|True to display the equation of the trendline on the
chart (in the same data label as the R-squared value).
TrendlinesAddDisplayRSquared|True to display the R-squared value of the trendline
on the chart (in the same data label as the equation)
TrendlinesAddForward|The number of periods (or units on a scatter chart) that the
trendline extends forward.
TrendlinesAddIntercept|The trendline intercept. If specified, the value must be a
double-precision floating-point number. If omitted, the intercept is automatically
set by the regression, and the InterceptIsAuto property of the resulting Trendline
object is set to True.
TrendlinesAddOrder|The trendline order. Required ifType is set to xlPolynomial. If
specified, the value must be an integer from 2 through 6.
TrendlinesAddPeriod|The trendline period. Required ifType is set to xlMovingAvg. If
specified, the value must be an integer greater than 1 and less than the number of
data points in the series to which you are adding a trendline.
TrendlinesAddType|One of the enumeration values that specifies the trendline type.
The default is xlLinear.
TrendlinesItemIndex|The index number for the object.
ViewGotoSlideIndex|The number of the slide to switch to.
ViewPasteSpecialDataType|A format for the Clipboard contents when they're inserted
into the document. The default value varies, depending on the contents in the
Clipboard. An error occurs if the specified data type in the DataType argument is
not supported by the clipboard contents.
ViewPasteSpecialDisplayAsIcon|msoTrue to display the embedded object (or link) as
an icon.
ViewPasteSpecialIconFileName|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is
the path and file name for the file in which the icon to be displayed is stored. If
DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, this argument is ignored.
ViewPasteSpecialIconIndex|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is a
number that corresponds to the icon you want to use in the program file specified
by IconFilename. Icons appear in the Change Icon dialog box, accessed from the
Insert tab (click Object, select Display as icon, click Change Icon): 0 (zero)
corresponds to the first icon, 1 corresponds to the second icon. If this argument
is omitted, the first (default) icon is used. If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse,
this argument is ignored. If IconIndex is outside the valid range, the default icon
(index 0) is used.
ViewPasteSpecialIconLabel|If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is the
text that appears below the icon. If this label is missing, Microsoft PowerPoint
generates an icon label based on the Clipboard contents. If DisplayAsIcon is set to
msoFalse, this argument is ignored.
ViewPasteSpecialLink|Determines whether to create a link to the source file of the
Clipboard contents. An error occurs if the Clipboard contents do not support a
ViewPlayerShapeId|The playback control.
ViewPrintOutCollate|If this argument is omitted, multiple copies are collated.
Specifying this argument sets the value of the Collate property.
ViewPrintOutCopies|The number of copies to be printed. If this argument is omitted,
only one copy is printed. Specifying this argument sets the value of the
NumberOfCopies property.
ViewPrintOutFrom|The number of the first page to be printed. If this argument is
omitted, printing starts at the beginning of the presentation. Specifying the To
and From arguments sets the contents of the PrintRanges object and sets the value
of the RangeType property for the presentation.
ViewPrintOutPrintToFile|The name of the file to print to. If you specify this
argument, the file is printed to a file rather than sent to a printer. If this
argument is omitted, the file is sent to a printer.
ViewPrintOutTo|The number of the last page to be printed. If this argument is
omitted, printing continues to the end of the presentation. Specifying the To and
From arguments sets the contents of the PrintRanges object and sets the value of
the RangeType property for the presentation.

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