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Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Breanna MacEachern

Grande Prairie Regional College

ED2510 Winter 2022 A3

Melanie Matheson

January 28th, 2022

Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is that I want to create an encouraging, safe, fun, and

positive environment that is suitable for every student's learning needs. My goal with creating

such an environment is to help create a positive relationship that students have with their

education and school overall. I believe that if students are in a safe, positive, and encouraging

classroom that it will help motivate the student to strive throughout their academic journey and

not be as afraid to make mistakes. Acknowledging that not every student learns and understands

information in the same style, incorporating a good balance between both teacher centered

approach and learning centered approach in lesson plans is important while keeping in mind each

student's learning style. Including a variety of activities that work with each student's learning

style is important because incorporating those activities will help the students understand the

material and also encourages the student to apply themself more. I want to build relationships

with my students to encourage them to prosper with their learning and with creating those

relationships promotes the classroom as a safe space. My first grade teacher is my biggest

inspiration. She went above and beyond to ensure every student was treated equally and made

the classroom such an engaging, safe, and positive learning environment. My unpleasant

experiences at school influenced me to strive towards providing the support system that I needed

when I was a student in the classroom and that is one of the main reasons I chose to become a

teacher. From my own personal experience as a student, teachers can leave one of the largest

impressions on a student during their time in the school environment as did my grade one

teacher. I want to leave that same impact on my future students. My personal desire as a teacher

would be to have each one of my students feel comfortable in my classroom and also feel

valued, listened to, seen, and appreciated for who they are. Building a relationship with the

student is one the biggest assets in their education because that relationship between the teacher
Philosophy of Education

and student creates trust and gives the student a sense of a support system within the school

walls. Teaching is not all about throwing material at students, teachers are also learning with

their students. I want to enable my students to feel it's acceptable when they find I have made a

mistake or an error because I want the classroom to feel like a safe space where mistakes are

allowed to be made. Being able to make mistakes in the classroom enables students to be able to

problem solve and reflect on how to do better. During my experience as a student when I was

given the opportunity to reflect on my homework and work through it with peers and my teacher,

it helped me grasp a better understanding of the material especially if it was something new. One

of the influences for how I want my classroom environment is one of Alberta Intestines quotes

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”. I would love my students

to leave my classroom at the end of the year feeling accomplished and confident. My dream

would be to enable change within every one of my students' relationships with school because if

I would have that support as a student then my relationship with school would have grown in a

positive direction. I would want any visitor in my classroom to be able to feel the warm, safe,

and encouraging environment that I will strive to provide to my students.

Philosophy of Education


O’Toole, G. The Person Who Never Makes a Mistake Will Never Make Anything. Quote


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