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1) Split out into their own sheet the following tabs: Daily task view, daily task view

continued, daily
metric view, safety shoe roster, incident narratives.
2) For the remaining tabs, add SI similar to that of RIR, FAIR, etc…
3) For daily metric view, add in header just above west region as well.

4) Safety Give and Take summary not working for October. Survey is there starting with AMXL-FC.
5) AMXL Incident narratives not getting data current for the week. Should update daily.
6) AMXL Incident narratives not getting all data from previous week(s). Example, from 10/17 to
10/27 it is only showing 5 level C cases when gensuite shows 25. (same issue for AMXl incidents
summary page and incidents summary 2 page)
7) AMXL Incident narratives only need to have AMXL-FC’s, no other suborgs.

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