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SELENICK INTERNATIONAL presents "GONE WITH THE WIND" from the novel by MARGARET MITCESLL starring OLARK GABLE ‘VIVIEN LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIA DB RAVILLAND Final Shooting Seript Screon January 24, 1958. SIDNEY # Directed by VECTOR FLEMING : THE PLAYERS in the order of their appearance: Scr ccsta Brent Tarleton. Stuart Tarleton, Scarlett O'Hara, seseGeorge Reeves sEred Crane «Vivien Leigh Mammy... sEattie McDaniel «!_ 5. | Big Sam, Everest Brown | . ; Elfjah. jack Willians ] Gerald homas Mitchel : Pork. sOscar Polk 2 Ellen O'Hara, «Barbara O'Ned1 So Jonas Wilkersor Suellen O'Hare, Carreen O'Hara... Prissy... John Wilkes... India Wilkes. Ashley Wilkes. Melanie Hamilton. Charles Hamilton, Frank Kennedy. : Gathleon calvert Rhett Butler... Aunt "Pittypa! Doctor Meads irs, Meade Mrs. Kerriu Rene Picard......+ Maytelle Merriwether. sVictor Jory : ‘Evelyn Keyes «Ann Rutherford «Butterfly HeQueen Howard Hickman Alicia Rhett Be «Leslie Howard an Olivia de Havilland, sRand Brooks Harry Davenport - Leona Roberts sJane Darwell Ce ae tAlbert Morin cn 7+ sMary Anderson CC. Fanry Zlsing......+ «Terry Shero 76 be? Old Levi. vee William McClain ‘ Uncle Peter. Eddie Anderson ae - Phil Ueade sJackle Moran wee iH Reminiscent soldier. sC1ift Edwards % “is * Belle Watling, sna Munson i i The sergeant. t A wounded soldier. pos A convalescent soldier. [eb A dying soldier, ¥ Y An amputation case ‘at “A commanding office: ois “R mounted ofztcer The bartender... The Yankee deserter.. eee eee The Carpetbegger's frionds.scsccsee A retuming veteran. william Stelling sou. A hungry soldter., Louis Jean Heyat {4 Bmy Slattery... issIsabel Jowell Seeecarden Cripe Roy A, McLaughlin Janes’ Forney <+Ross B, Jackman seeeePlorence Yok Drapes. Special properties nade by, Tara landscaped by... Still photographer... Camera operators. Assistant Film Editors. . Vincent Farrer tereeeeneeeRichard van Enger Ernest Leadley Tillian K, Deighton William Cameron Kenzie Ernest Haller, A.S.c, Ray Rennshan, A.3.! G. AWS.C, Wilbur G, Kurtz *. 2 Ore “QONE WITH THE WIND" PADE IN: Cy | xorswoap : oe ‘SEmLE: There was a land of Cavalters and i { | : Cotton Fields called the Old South ys. : Ge age,» Here in this patrician world the ‘ : “\" Age of Chivalry took its last bow «+. 3) Hore was the last ever to be seen Sof Knights and ther Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave +e. c i . we j hes geopt book for it only in books, for it oe 25°F" 4a no more then a dream remembered, * 2 _ & Civilization gone ee the wind we. + +, FADE om, | » PADB IN: a : Ei. Faowe OP vara - sxmmeue toe suo? * (GinpsA Little pickantnny chases a turkey across the law to- oS ward the verandah, a SBME,’ FRONT OP TARA = Lowe SHO? a ‘foc? fhe turkey. runs past CAMERA - the plckantany after it. veve In the', om the verandah, Scarlett O'Hara, in her TO** pialowing skirts, forms the apex of a triangle of which Svaiy:, the sides ere the Tarleton twins = handsome, Long-legged, ‘high-booted, lounging on either side of her with their =~ mint juleps. Brent is standing with his back to CAMERA, locking Scarlett's face from view, Brent Re “Cy what do we care if we were expelled from college, Scarlett? Jl) the warts going to start any day now, 90 we'd havé left college anyhow, 4 eet Stuart Sp" le Wart Wheel Tan't it exciting, Scarlett? Those fool Yankees + ectually want a war! We'll show ten! ed's 5 CAMERA MOVES IN unobtrusively as Brent moves aside and 5 “no Longer blocks her fron view, to a IARGE CLOSE UP OF i Scarlett “Piddle-deo-dee! War, war, war! This war talk!s spoiling all’ . ‘the fun at every party this Spring I gst a0 bored T oould : cream! : She makes a motion to indicate in affected fashion just how annoyed she is by this boring subject, The twins look uncomfortable and embarrassed. Scarlett sees this and apeaks with all the superiority of ignorant youth. : Soarlett Besides, there Len! going to be any war, CONTINUED: tox v gether, . Eat, Scarlett honey! ape giving over at Twelve Oaks tomorrow. * CoNTRIED (2) ‘ ‘ : Brent (4natgnantay) Not going to be any warl oe! . Stuart a Cf course there's going to be a war! “ Scarlett % ee Great balls of fire! If either of you boys says war just gmce again, I'll walk in the house and Siam | the Ca ' Brent * 4 + Stuart Don't you want there to be a war? ‘ Scarlett rises indignantly and starts toward the door, Brent and Stuart call to her, both rising: | my? — : ao. Scarlett honey, please, We're sorry, 7 ao oo" stuart : - bron talk about sensthing else. 2 promise we wilde ena. (considers a moment, pouting) AML right, | But remember (looks from the other) 4 on I aeze. 7 ie . e Big Sem au Pee 2 you can't sea, S¥s0 de foanen, Itse de one dat sez when t's time to quit. . COMPINUED: 6 10 ted (a)! . : - : “Big Sam *(eontta)” "(ne calls to the other siavea) A Pal So it's proud of yourself you are! me eat 16 Quittin! tims. ‘The other. slaved atop work... The bell stops ringing, ; j SERIES OF CUTS OF QUITTING TRG AT THE PLANTATZON LONG’ SHOTS = GERALD O'HARA. on his finely bred big white horse riding at breakneck “speed toward direction of the plantation, He jumps his horse across a narrow streem to a glade where a half | lozon fine saddle horses are pastured. ‘They stampede as | ssa Gerald gallops in and out of the scene, ducking expertly under the low-hanging branch of a tree as he passes. 2 | PL GERALD He enters scene, on his hunter, a TOWARD CAMERA, Ee jumps the fence to the road, crosses the road at an angle, » heading directly for the fence at the opposite side of. fhe Toad. Ae ‘the horse takes off for the second jump, cut To “HE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE - ON asd chomelaretanesl, GROUNDS 4 the horse clears it easily"and lands, es -CLOSE SHOT - GERALD s F “Gerald pulls up nis reins, pata his mount, Gerald (to his horse) ar “ therats none in.the County can touch you, nor in’ the State. “He sete about amoothing his hair and his’ cravat, j Searlett!s laughter is heard off scene. Gerald looks in her direction, “gn LONG SHOT gy S0erlett, laughing, muna alongside a pond, toward Gerald, Scarlett (calling) GLOSE SHOT - OERALD { “ie re Mee f, ae <<. es “cowemiven (2) ' * and starta toward oo as che enters to him, He “pinches her. cheek. a 7 Gerald 7 Well, Katte Scarlett O'Hara, So you've been spying on me! (with indignation) 4nd like your sister, Suellen, you'll be telling your mother . On me = that I was jimping again, Scarlett 5 Oa, Pas You know Tim no tatéle-tale like Suellen, Bub tt does seem to ne that after you broke your knee lest year fumping that sane fence... oF Gerald . 2121 hot have me own daughter telling me what J shall jump and not jump, It's ny own'neck, so it is. (he Slaps his horse, and the horse starts out alone) magi Scarlett ae : os * ALL right, Pa. You jump what you please, Scarlett links her arm in his, and they eeeee to walk oy the water's edge toverd the house. " i Searlett - a Fy How,are they ‘all over at Twelve Oaks? ¢ : “+ Gerald : ‘tne 'Witicesea?’ Gh; in the stew you'd expect with the barbecue tomorrow, and talicing nothing but war - * Scarlett’ (interrupting) ~ Rother the war! Was...Was anyone else there? : Gerald Oa..,their cousin Melanie, Hamilton from Atlanta, and her brother Charles, A shadow passes over Scarlett !s face, which’ darkens with Anger and disiixe, Scarlett (contemptuously) ‘ol. Welande Hamiltond A pale-faced, mealy-mouthed ninny - and = hate herd 5 Gerald “taghley Wilkes doesn't think so. °° = Scarlett (flaring) Ashley Wilkes couldn't like enyone 1tke' her! '- Gerald ~ What's your interest in Ashley and ites Morente? . Scarlett . + Able nothing, “Let's go in the house, Pas CONTINUED: oO 26 CONTINUED (3) * eet wor Gerald ie Has he been trifling with you?’ Haa‘he asked you'to merry hin? Scarlett Gerald 7 Sot Noy nor will hel TI had it in strictest confidence from John, + inv Wilkes this afternoon, that Ashley's going to marry Mise Melanie, It'll be announced tomorrow night at the Ball, | | { ) 8 Yow. 7 Scarlett takes the nows badly: Tears come to her eyes, Involuntarily she blurts out: .’»,” aed s * searlett : eos = t cone believe itl Sheth.) (ahe flfes off ona run)’ = Gerald (calling after ner} Hierel Where are you off to? Scarlett! 5 te “The authority of his voice stops her, ; Aj 7 Gerald : +) Mhat.are-you about? . : (he catches up with her and takes her by the arm, a with dawning realization) Have you been making a spectacle of yourself? - Running about efter a man who's not in love with you when you might have any of the bucks in the County? Scariott ot Z haven't been running after hin, It's « . (she turns away from. him) + tts just a surprise, that's all, : Gerald be Yow.don't, be Jerkin! your chin at me.” ue (he "follows her, pute his arm around’ her) cee oii) -Ef Ashley wanted to marry you, t!would be with miagivings a evi) Ta aay Hyes." T want my girl to be bappy.,y.and you'd not be, j happy with him: peo Scarlett 5 “Le: Ewould, I woulds Gerald = * ae 1G ‘Bat what difference does it make who you matry, so long as ke'a a Southerner and thinks lixe you? 5 Tears of frustration come thto Scarlett's eyes. She bors” her head. Gerald takes her arm; they start walling again, tuming toward a rise of ground, i : Gerald . And when I'm gone'-- 7 / Carreen. 7 t : Sh, Mother.-. can't I stay up for the bali tomorrow night? Ellen (over her shoulder to Sueiien) . But you may wear my garnets with it, ee Suellen gurgles delightediy. Zlien leoks over and sees Scarlett who has hung back and who is standing silently at the foot of the stairs, : Carreen . ‘why can't I stay up for the ball tonerrew ‘ntght? | Ellen, not ensworing, goes to Soarlett and takes her ~ 0 bande 7 : “act 2 ac fos Ellen. geamlett, you look tired, my dear, I'm worrted about you, Scarlett © -i+ \ Oh, Im all right, mother, Garreen (inaisting) Oh, why can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow night? I'm thirteen nom. : ~ Ellen a 5 vow, you may go fo she barbecue and stay uP through suppers = She continues on into the living room for preyers. “Suellen cones’ near to Scarlett. Suellen 7 “Zidontt want to wear your tacky green dress et stingy! Scarlott's hand darts out; and sho gives Susllen's heir yy 2 Viodous yanks Scarlett |, 08," hush up! Suolien gasps,out, before she can retaldate Blien's voice calls: . Elion (oft scone) Prayers, girls. . = "Suellen assumea a demure expression and goes toward. tho parlor, Scarlett follows slowly. fad DISSOLVE TO: TNT, PARLOR -° NIGHT A clzele of yollow lights Ellen 19 on the floor on her Imees, the open prayer book on tho table before hor ant CONTINUED: | | | _ CLOSE SHOT - SCARLETT. at + GONTINVED (2) her hands clasped upon tt, Gerald 1s kmseling beside her; Scarlett and Suellen on the opposite sides of the table, their voluminous petticoats in pads under thoir ' ymees; Carreen kneeling facing a chair, hsr elbows on the seat, “The house servants are kneeling by the door." way: Mommy; Pork, straight as a ramrod; two maids, graceful in spreading bright calicoes; the cook, gaunt “tc, and yellow beneath her snowy head-rag; Prissy; and a A "Little colored house boy, very sleepy. Their dark eyes pis." ape gleaming expectantly. 7 Ellen's eyes are closed, her voice rises and falls, 3 Iullingly and adothingly. The negroes sway as they re- + spond. : Ellen and to all the saints that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault == . + Bien and ali : : “therefore I beseech Blessed Mary, ever Virgin - . Her face has ‘come up as though to -show the Diety the depths of her suffering. She does not respond with ths cothers. . : All (except Scarlett, 0.8.) ‘e+ Blessed Michael, the Archangel, Blessed John the Baptist ++ : Close SHOT - scARLETT =<" : atx | ! then a bright light seems to turn on suddenly within oh, >Searlett, and an ecatatio smile spreads over her face. 5, Scarlett (as she looks up with sudden revola~ tion, gasps to herself) But Ashley doesn't know I love hin, zi (a sudden thought) UEILD tell him. And then”he gon't marry hert Bo yt any : 29.0 CLOSE SHOT - ELLEN ot fe ‘ 4 [Yoo tbiat she Locks over severely at Soarlett as she continues ie |. the prayer, ee Ellen and'olt ° ” * ” 7 the holy Apostlos Peter and Poul «= ' : Baste a ~' She realizes her: mother's eyes are on her and bows he> ¢ y head with the others. . Scarlett’ (joining the others) wee and all the Saints to pray to the Lord our God for me. CONTINUED: “Cookd - : tae + Ho, I'm nots” So put on the dress because we're late already. : 16 ° CONTINUED (2) a “ » Qn the portrait of the pious Scarlett, we Bor FADE IN: * ae © INT, SCARLEIT'S BEDROOM = oLosE sor + SCARLETT = Day Standing in her underolothes and stays, chinging to the dedpost. : ‘Searadtt (gasping as if in pein, Suddenty, as OeSey Mammy pulls her tighter) eae .” GAMERA PULLS BACK to a LONG SHOT of the room to ‘show i yore that Mammy is lacing Scarlett's stays, On the bed lies yA long clothestox with Scarleté'a dress for the Ball, Mammy . ‘ust hole on an! auck ins slag AMA dors ESat this moment, Prissy ednes in the room with a teey full of food. She atarts to sot it dom, Scarlett seca her “Scarlett (over her shoulder) on oan take all that back to the kitchen! I won't eat « 2, Prissy, scared, starts to turn’ eway with the tray.) Mommy . : Gh, yas'm, you ist You'se gwind ter eat evely moutful of dis, 40+” Mommy wins, Prissy sets down the tray and beats a hasty retreat. Scarlett . . (she glares at Mammy) Manmy (giving the last tug) Waut mah lemb gvine wear? Scarlett (points te a auery 5) That. : (in arms) Yo, you-ain's You knin show yo! buzzum befo! three ofclocit (Scarlett grabs up the dress) ° Anta gine to speait ter yo! a ‘bout you! Scarlett : f you say one word to mother I won't eat a bite, :/* Mammy, who has" been on her way out, suddenly stops dead on this, She admits defeat by coming back to Scarlett CONTINUED: “31234 + Scarlett) Scarlett o'Harai Ce 16 CONTINUED (2) ’ and carefully dropping the twelve yards of green aprig- ged muslin over the mountainous petticoats and hooks up the top of the tight, low-cut basque, Manmy (muttering) Keep yo! shawl on yo' shoulders, Ah ain!-aimin! fo! you to git all treckled after de buttermilk Ah done put on you oi] dis winter, dleachin! dem freckles ~= . The dross on ~ end to Scarlett's satiafaction - Memy ». barns back to the tray. e Mammy” - AR now, Miss Scarlett, you come on an! be good an! eat jes! allt, a : Scarlett (belligerent and determined) “Mot Itm going to have a good time today and do my eating at the barbecue. Mammy (squares of?) Ef yo' don't care whut folks says "bout dis _ Ab. ‘dces!™ Ah has tole you an! tole you dat you kin allus tell a lady dy de way dat she eats in front o! folks lak a bird! An Ah ‘ain! aimin! fer you to go ter Mist' John Wilkes! an! eat lak, Ja f4el" han! an! gobble lak a hag. Scarlett : Fiddle-des-dee, (she picks up her parasol, goes toward the door) Ashloy Wilkes told me he liked to see a girl with a healthy appetite. a “ Mermy (shakes her head) Waut gempmums says an! whut doy thinks is two diffunt things. | Ant ab ain! noticed Mist! Ashley axin! fer ter mahy you. ‘Tits stops Scarlett, She turns, throws down her parasol + vielousiy and sits down to the tray, starting to thro the food down hastily and distastetliy, : * Mammy Now don! eat too fast! No use havin''4t come right back up aging : . Scarlett, eating, now discovers that she can take nour- | dament after ali. “""Garaid's voice 1a heené calling tmpattentiy fron cut side. Gerald's voice (0.84) Scarlett is on her feet and hastily prepares to leave. Gerald's voice If youtre not here before I count ten, Katte Scarlett, we'l2 be going without youl . CONTINUED: ' . iv 31-34 CONTINUED (3) Q : 4+, Searlett gets up, rua to the wintew, and leoks out aa (Sols: phe calla in answer, 7 Scarlett (calls down) ‘Tm comin', Pal a - 400" gearlett tums back into the room,’ gete on her knees to Fecover' the parasol which has landed under a dresser. ee Scarlett ae a fa LL gay oh dear, mg stays are: 90) bight, I lmow I shall never got « thBough the’asy without belching, i She is out the door, and as Mommy, who has gathered up wigs, BHO CLothesbox from'the bed, starts to follow, we , DISSOLVE 70: “Een, COUNTER ROAD - TWELVE OAKS IN DISTANCE (cOSoROVE rz) = EXTREME “LONG SHOT ‘ Tne O'Hara carriage and Gorald on horseback, In the ‘ distance ahead of the O'Haras, we seo other’ carriages on “the road going toward Twelve daks, Pork is driving the ccnJe' O'Hara carriage. Mammy 1s on the seat beside hin with x. : the long clothesboxes containing the girls! dresses for - j the evening. Suellen, Carreen, and Scarlett sit in back, Geraid, riding alongside, pays Little attention to his 4 daughters, He is singing: "Peg in a Low Backed Car. DISSOLVE TO: EXT, VERANDAH, TWELVE OAKS =" DAY FAY John Wilkes, silver haired, erect, and radiating hospi- tality, stands on the verandah steps greeting arriving gogaests. Around them the hubbub and activity of swarm- ing guests. The O'Hara carriage has just arrived and WE FOLLOW GERALD’ as he comes up the last atep toward , John Wilkes. fae ee Gerald 7 oS Wel2, John Wilkes; it's a grand dey youtil be havin! for the sou TRY, pambeoues . + + * (they shake hands) i. "John witkes . So it seems, But why isn't Mres O'Hara atte your - Gerald . 7 “Oh, she's after settling accounts with the oversee: be along for the Ball tonight, India Wilkes comes up alongside her father and greets Gerald, too. . : conrzNvED: 36 gontnYED (2) ~ : ° Indta Welcome to Twelve Oaks) Mr, O'Hara. Gerald 7 ‘Thank you kindly, India. 5 (turns to Wilkes aa he exits). c +. Zour, Case getting prettier every oa Jobn. on (ne pinches her cheek) ae jac Wilkes and India Laugh approctatively. Gerald passes on: Se" toward the entrance to the hall, calling "Good morning” ® 0 some one as hb leaves, John Wilxes turns to India who j is starting away. : John Wilkes a ce 5 India, hero are the O'lare gizls.” We must greet then, India (with a toss of the Head) “E can't stand that Scarlett, If you'd see the way she throws cherself at Ashley -- . oo Joha Wilkes cee" Now, now, that's your brother's business, India = You renen- Ey * per’ your’ gutien an hostess ‘He starte down the steps ‘and helps ‘the girls out of « their carriage. iy John Witkes 9) 2 : : 4, “Y Good morning, Miss Carreen re looling ovely.. G0 voc! morning, Scarlett. oa So \. seartett and her slaters reach the steps where india La waiting. ' 7 i Scarlett +. Way, Indta Wilkes, what a lovely dress! 2 ne Suellen "pertectiy’ lovely, dariingh, °° 4s Carreen “Just Lovely!” Hiv erethete. “Pie gag : E ten y te; Scarlett (not looking at the dress, ut lock- 7 > dng around for Ashley) » "y gust can't take my eyes oft 1% @ {Bul She moves on into the BALL, CAMERA FOLLOWING HER DY, sti21 looking around anxiously for sight of Ashley. The hall is crowded with guests, most of the young velles “sand bloods of the County being present. The girls in «| qrinoline and the laughing young men in fawn and grey ‘trousers. Colored maids are hurrying up the stairs bear~ ,ing the long boxes containing their mistresses’ gowns “for the evening, The Wilkes! butler and his assistants hurry through the halls, bowing ond grinning ond CONTINUED: = 1s 36 CONTINUED (3) ‘ offering tall, mint topped, frosted glasses. Young men greet Scarlett eagerly as she moves through the crowd, scarcely noticing their greetings, her mind on Ashley alone. : . Fominine Voices Masculine Voicos Ty v Soaplett, honey!... You're looking mighty fine Misa Scarlett, good mornint this moming, Miss scarlett, Where you goin’, Scarlett?. Good mornin’, Miss Scarlett, Scarlett, honey! Where you Wait a minute, Scarlett!.. going 5 + It's a pleasure to soe you, : : Miss Scarlett... Scarlett (scarcely turning her head) ‘*~ Good mornin’ + Mornin! 4s. Mornin! ses CLOSE SHOR ="SOKRIROT et ee Scat! suddenly her face lights up as“ she a Scarlott “She starts to run toward the steireas: (om stazns) ‘= as he-reaches the lovar step = a' filmy acarf in'his; “hand, He locks up at sound of Scarlett's voice, © ~ CLOSE UP -"ASELEY Me Ashley cc Beamlatt, my dearl Two SHOT J vos? ii seeplett ‘stops a few'paces away from him, ve Scarlett : ; Itve"been looking for you everywhere. I've got ‘something = must tell you - Can't we go someplace where it's quiet? : (she 4s smiling and beaming) Ashisy * . oo I'd Like to, Hut I - I have something to tell you, Something I - I hope you'll be glad to hear. *“Searlett's faco is a mixture of fright and hope. Ashley takes her arm and starts to lead her down the hall. A Ashley, ae But come say "helio" to my cousin Melanie first. . Scarlett oon Oh, do wo have to? : poe CONTINUED: ‘contmyuD (2) Ashley +. She's beon so looking forward to seeing you. again, fs Soaplett's face is a aullen mask. By now they heve coms upon Melanis, whose back is to them and to the CAIGERA, ' Ashley wolante, here's Scarlett. = 10) CLOSE UP = MELANIE ~ f : Sne turns toward the CAMERA on hearing Ashley's votes and 5 her face lights up with the greatest friendliness. THREE SHOT - SCARLETT; MELANIE, AND ASHLEY a Molante (advances toward them) soil i] Searletti I'm aq glad $0 gee you: again! : SER Scarlett (gushing ‘inaincoroly) ." Molante Hamtiton! What a surprise to Tun auto you hore! hope you're going to stay a fev days with us at least, oY, During Scarlett's line Ashley has been tenderly adjust- ing the scarf over Melanie's shoulder = almost ag if in caress. Scarlett watches, jealous and resentful, ‘ muroughout the remainder of the scene Ashley grova in- \-_" greasdngly omberraseed end annoyed at Searlott's catti- ness. Melanie Pre wert, I hope\Iil1 be able to satay” ong enough for-us to become. peal. i” frends; Scarlett, I do so want us to ba. 7 -: Ashley (quite lightly) . Wetld cee! her here, won't we, Scarlett? , * Scarlett tu Oh, we'll just have to make the biggest tass over thoes won't: I we, Ashley? (links her arm through Ashley's; to Molanio:) o », And if there's anybody knows how to give a girl a good time, a it's Ashley, Though I expect our good timos hero will scem terribly silly to you because you're so serious. : Malanie (laughs) . ! Qh, Scarlett, you have ao mich life, I'vo always admired yeu 30, I wish I could be more like you. ae “ Scariott {wow mustsitt ttatter ne, Welento, ond say things you don't mean, Molanto ie ombarrassed, and Ashley comes to her reaouo, CONTINUED: i al CONTINUED (2) © Ashley — - Nobody could acouse Helante of being insincere »..2tnz, (to Melanie) Could they, my dear? . : cond a8 Scarlett a : \2) 0a Well, than sheta not tke you, ia she, Ashley? ; (with a fake laugh) ' 10 Ashley never means a word he says to.eny girl. ~~ : (she turns straight to Charles Hamilton, Melanto!s- vrothor, who has come up beside them) Way,, Charles Hemfiton, you handsome old thing, you! i Charles gue Bat pye0h voy Mhss OMBAPE woe ons : Scarlett tums back to Melanie as Charles attempts to BET TOE 2 he seam * Scarlett Do you think that was Kind to bring youn good looking brother aon here just to broak my poor, simple, country girl's heart? she has extended hor two hands to Charles in a manner that is neither poor nor simpio) Sack GLOSE SHOT - SUELLEN AND INDIA WILKES .Who stand apart. They have observed the scene between Scarlett and Charles Hamilton, and India locks like a thundercloud. : 4 Suellen , » Took at Scarlett! She's ‘never even noticed Charles before. Wow just because he's your beau, she's after him like a hornet, BACK TO GROUP No: Scarlett (gushing) i: charles Hantiton, f vant £0 sat parbecue with you, and mind you don't go off philendering with any other girl, ‘cause I'm mighty jealous! + Charles ae “23 Oa, -E wontt, Miss OfHeral “How, could Ti Scarlett starts up the stairs, looking back toward, Ashi>7 to seo what impression she is’making. « _# 0°... SCARLET? on ‘stares 2, $he aecosts Frank Kennedy whe 1 coming down, stil oas:- ia. dng glances over her shoulder hoping that Ashley 4s no- tacing, = CONTINUED: . ‘. 22 4 |” coNrmED (2) $ : Scarlett Ae Ido declare, Frank Kennedy, if you don't look dashing with that new set of whisker! obs Frank (flattered) os . ‘Thank you...thank you, Miss Scarlett. 7 “ Scarlett 7 pre ay You lmow, Charles Hantiton and Rafe Calvert’ asked me’ to eat" wo 1S Barbecue ‘with them, buf Z-told them I couldn't because I prom Lea mised yous : CLOSE SHO? -'SUELLEN AND INDIA WILKES 7 TA; gp yi Sttld, glaring off at Searlettta antics, India ‘You needn't be so oa Suellen: peor at ert chad acter | our beau now. tide oe “guelien takes one look, then starts to exit, Men Pade termined to recover hor property. a : 7 STAIRS ~ SCARLETT AND FRANE ' Thee, Neuere, ef Oba: Slab mh aby flattering of you, Mas Scarlett... Suellen marches in end érags Franc away by the am.! ‘enna: : Prank (calling back over his shoulder, flustered) I'll see what I can do, Miss Scarlett. *. CAMERA MOVES WITH SCARIETT as she starts up the stairs, Another girl, Cathleen Calvert, cones from the better. of the steps to walk beside her. Cathleen : matte your sister so mad sbout, Scarlett? ‘You sparkin! ner’ — 7 ». dean? fA? “2 Suarlett (with a toss of her head) me As ae T couldn't get a detter beau than that old maid in te ‘Sritchea! . They continue on up the stairs and find the Tarleton twins in their path - a Georgia belle hanging ‘to the '! arm of each. Scarlett | - sue 7 brent and Stuart fariston, you handsone old things, youl - 0h, - no, you're noti I'm not going to say that! I'm mad et you! CONTINUED: : : 23 | oe bas ol CONTINUED (2) ° ms i. i : Way," Scarlett, Eonyl 7 : : a Le have we ones Honey? . j boyte ; <2 geariett (coquetting) : “You havenit been near me ali day - and I wore this old dress |. 0& fust because I thought you liked ites. was counting on eat- | ing barbecue with you'two. * : | 7 Brent : | cot! Meld, you are, Searletts > ey ‘Stuart 5 “" 9€ course you are, honey. : i ee i Scarlett = tven ef ve ' ‘Qh, Z never ean make up my mind which of you two is the hand- A lets somer, Iwas awake all last night trying to figure it out. ~ oe cena Brent (embarrassed) i Mb.) Oh,’ shucks! farts | ab f 82 |. sodelett atarts’up the stairs again as the twins! compan | POP eei is tr dons come ‘back inte scene, annoyed at being forsaken for 7 Scarlett, and dreg them away, Scarlett catches up with f : : Cathleen, Suddenly shs stops and steres at someone belov, = 1 py AS She catches Cathleen's wrist. 7 ee cath "Scarlett '~ Me Ye gathleen"= who's that? =~: pee 2 _Cathleen Scarlett Mat man looking at us and sntitag « thal! ‘nasty;. dark one, QLOSE SHO? ~ REIT BUTLER - (FROi. THEIR anozz)’ oe ee “ze lounges at the foot of the stairs, a mint julep, glass ee | “in hia Rand, smiling up at them. 47°." * GATHLEEN AND SCARLETT «~~ ce) UE" continuing up the stairs, rc a Cathleen (whispering) My dear, don't you lmow? That's Rhett Butler, He's from ‘Charleston + And he has the most terrible reputation! : Scarlett (4n the same guarded voice as before, casting another look downward) Ho looks aa if + as 4 he knows what I look Liko without my shimmy! CONTINUED: So gelad gels pee .. (the most incredible thing tn the world) nede ar : CONTINUED (2) . : Cathleen (shocked) oo -, Searletty : (in a voice only a little sbove a whisper) "| May, my dear, he isn't received! "He's had to spend most of his time up North because his folks in Charleston won't ever speak to him. He was expelled from West Point, he's so fast, 4nd then there's that business about that girl he didn't marry, Scarlett (eagerly) oe acre Cathleen a . Well, he took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon = without a chaperone) And then -- : \and then he refused to marry her} a Gathleen's voice drops even lower, and she whispers in wjiy Searlett's ear, By this time they have reached the tor “ef the stairs,’ Scarlett whispers something tack. ++, Cathleen (aloud) ” a but she was ruined just the same... * DISSOLVE 10. INT, HALL AT TWELVE OAKS Ashley and Melanie are waliing to a door leading to a side verandah, Ashley opens the door for Melanie end ~ as they go out,.we seer, ee q a EXT, TWELVE OAKS LAWNS - (FROM THEIR ANGLE ON VERANDAZ) ‘A scene of gatoty and wild charn,"’ The barbecue + a.furs Delow feast - is spread over the lawn, Chiléron run under the trees. Black Mommies tag after thom, Gallants. and their ladies aro eating, drinking, laughing - and “negroes, grinning and shiny-eyed, wander ovor the grass holding aloft great trays of food and drink, yi, There “is a long table stretching down the center of the *+ lawn at which many guests sit. 8 7 BACK 20 ASHLEY AND MELANIE ON VERANDAR a “Vali. Melanie's lips part as if overcome for a moment by a. | :") sense of rapture as she and Ashley look at the scene, " * Melante : 7 v0 Ashley! 5 » ashley : ape? nea . #25 50 \ CONPINUED (2) 2 : oMolanto : So. Rappy. = Ares wage Ashley 3 9% Rhee You deem to belong here’~ as ag “tt haa 011 been imagined for ous Melanie’ (tendeziy)"~ like: to feel that I belong with the bhings you love. coe Ashley, SO rou love Gwenve Oaks" "aa,T dos, 5 [ye Melanie On 3, Ashley = I love 1¢ as more thon a house, It's’ world that wonts only to be graceful and beautiful. 7 got Ashley (with a sed smile) “rete go unconscious that 1% may not Inst - forever. 3 «Melanie (takes his arm, her voice grows softer) : You're afraid of what may happen if the war-comes, aren't you? But we don't have to be afraid - for us. No war can come -in- sto our world, Ashley, Whatever cones, "12 love you = just os Syl do mow = watil I die, jAshley raises her hand and kisses it. 7 |, EXD," BARBECUE - GROUP SHOT UNDER A TREE - Where Scarlott on a high rosewood ottoman is surrounded “py a cirels of young mon, Scarlett 1s laughing. Scarlett Yow isn't this better than sitting at an old table? A gizl hasn't only two sides to her at a table! : : Laughter and hearty approval as Scarlett beans around her at the circle, Brent and Stuart Tarleton and Charles . Hamilton jump’ to their féot, Brent : ° a TLL got her dessert. : Site ~. Stuart a Sho ‘seid me. * : e : Charles pAllow me, Miss O'Hare Be ce © SearLott looks the three over Judtctously and makes her selection. as ite ‘voht ‘ Scarlett * oe 2 thinlees-mmm = a. ' (asa great favor) a : "think Charles Hamilton may get 1t,** ** © 7 CONTINUED: Go get iti Isn't he the luckiest -- 26 coNrENTED (2) ‘ : ' Charles : ; Oh, thank you, Miaa O'Hara] Thank you. © ‘+ He hurries away; the other beaux greatly impressed. ve Stuart . Scarlett's face suddenly falls es sho seca! ‘LONG SHOT + (FROM SCARIETI'S ANGLE) + MELANIE AND ASHLEY ; Arm in am, walling across the lawn under the trees, ab- “sorbed in ach other, coming from direction of the House. pan A : CLOSE UP = SCARLETT Hoe ta Watching, jealous. Charles Hamilton's face comes into the Close Up, bending over to whisper to Scarlett. He * , _ has returned with her dessert. ' 2 : Gharies (whispers in Searlett's oar)... Miss OtHera, I love youl en gn an | Scarlett locks at the focd, shakes her head,’ distracted, : - Soarlett . = Zidon!t guess I'm as hungry as I thought. 7", Mammy 4s just helping Scarlett off with her dress, In the b.g., are other Yammies and other girls in stages of undress. As the scene progresses the Mammies leave and the giris go to Iie on the, beds and sofas, Babble of voices interrupted by girlish laughter. Mamny is mitter= _ ig to Scarlett who, we observe, is in none too pleasant a frame of mind, 7 Scarlett Way do I have to take a nap? I'm not tired! Well brought up young ladies takes naps at parties. And it's high tine you started bohavia! Tale you wuz iitss Ellen's dauchs ; fare ‘ Scarlett g ©. When we were at Saratoga I didn't notice any Yankee girls taking naps. Mexy 2 ; Now Ant you won't see any Yankee girls at de Ball tonight, neither. CONTINUED: 27 4-58 CONTINUED (2) . By this time has Scarlett's dross in her hands and eucte wile tt ae Suction cones sate tae scene, also in her pantalettes, . . Suellen (cattily to Scarlett): ow's Ashiey today, Seariett? “He didn't seen to be paying mish attention to you. - : Scarlett (gives a little look around to be eit gure no ona has heard and speaks in A an enraged undertone) ” You mind your own. business!..,You'll be lucky if you don't poserold Wataxer-Face Zomnedy. x rigites ty . (Scarlett 1s removing her shoes) 7 * Suellen (trembling with rage)... +) Youtve been sweet on Ashley for monthal And his’ engagenents going to be announced tonight. Pa said so this morning! +. sug: Seaplott takes this for a moment, then covers up hastily: ~ =" Scarlett © That's how much you Imow! | de ; She sticks out her fea at Suellen, Suellen sticks f. gut her tongue in return, Mammy has come back into the scene in tine to see thiay-and stands aghast looking on, oval vias Soarlott{ Misa Suollent” Behave’ youraeffs! Actin' lak “pore white trash chillen! If you'se old ermff to go to parties, you'se old enuff to ack lak ladies! During this speech Scarlett has stretched out on the .. nearby divan or mattress, which has been unoccupied un- til now, although there is room for two, Ona little stable next the divan is a photograph of Charles Hamilton, Scarlett affects a yawn and stretches back with the ele- gant indifference of a woman of the world. Then reaches Bor erm around and scratches her back. : : wamy (indteabing Scarlett! bea): ‘Miss “suellen, you lie dom there! ne Suelien a don't want ‘anything to do with hort ee She flounces out to find a bed in'the’ next ‘room.’ Memy vlooks after her a moment enraged, then exits after hor. oe ‘qLOSE_ SHOT = SCARLET ON BED, VERY,WORRIED, HER THOUCETS ON ASHLEY ‘We hear tho ‘whispering voices of Maybelle vervivether ‘and another girl as they approach Scarlett: GONTINUED: or | Tiheard in Atlanta’ that India's going to marry Charles!” CONTINUED (2) Girl Now you didn't really!‘ What did he eay?,.’* ‘Maybelle Merrivether He said, "W411 you take a walk with me later?” he: os i+ Gael (impressed) And ‘what did you say then? i The girls have now come up almost to Scarlett's aide. Maybelle Merriwether I dropped my eyes and I said, "Ur, Calvert, sir, I should be honored,” . a ‘The other girl spies Chatles Hamilton's picture on the table, goes to 1t, and picks it up. airt one . he Be Searlett, look! There's a picture of that’ cute Charles Hamilton» and in India's room, tool, — ju: Scarlett turns, casually: locks at the picture, and.) “8! snorts in disgust. : . Maybelle Merriwether * {Scarlett (with disgust) fee Who, caréal’ a (she turns over) INT, ADJOINING BEDROOM AT TWELVE OAKS = LATE AFTERNOON, It ta the quiet of late afternoon, The shutters are closed, and through the half open slats the sunlight streams, A door is open between this room and the ad= joining room in the byg. The beds and couches in both “ls pooms are crowded with young ladies who are resting for” the evoning gatety, three or four to a bed, Their stays are loosened, their hair let down, and they are asleep. yo. Edttle negro girls sit next each bed fanning the young ‘ladies to keup them cool while they nap. CAMERA PANS ACROSS the array of sleeping girls in one bed, to the doorway from the adjoining room, where we pick up Scarlett, fully dressed, tiptoeing out, She motions th ,little négro girl to silence, leans over to make sure ‘that Melanio and Suellen, who are side by side in one of the beds, are still asleep, Then, first taking a quick lock into the mirror and pinching her cheeks to ring the color into them, she noiseleasly opens the door, peers out, and slips out into the hall, closing ‘the, door softly behind her. INT, UPPER HALL - AT HEAD OF STAIRS - (SHOOTING UP Fr: HALLWAY BELOW AT SCARLETT) { Soarlett enters scene and starts down. the stairs on tip. toe, Men's voices come from the dining room below, + Gerald's voices We've borne enough insults from tho meddling Yankees, It's time we made thom to understand we'll keop our slaves with or without their approval. 'Twas the soveroign right of the State of Georgia to secede from the Unton! ad Lib” That's right -- “ Gerald's voice : ee w) lhe South must ageort hersel? by force of arms. After weve fired on the Yankee rascals at Fort Dae a got to Flights Secarlott has reached the turn in the staircaso, Sho jocks over and down into dining room as sho continues down +, CAMERA PANNING WITH EE} Gerald's voico “gnore's no othor way! 3 x Ad Lith on °"Pighti Thatta right. | Fight! Let the Yankees be the ones to ask for peace! | Kennedy's voice (We!22, have ‘abe Lincoln on his Imes, Brent's voice “ They can't start this war too quick to suit me, a ,A chorus of approval from the other men in the dining e _' 'Foom. By this tine Scarlett has descended to e point : from which she can see into the dining room, She pauses, : (drawing closer to the banister, : INT, DINING ROOM ~ (FROM SCARLETT'S ANGLE) Through the uprights of the banister, a portion of the dining room is visible, Here all the gentlemen of the party have gathered and are drinking. . Gerata Lo The situation 4s very simple, The Yankees. can't fight and we can, : : + stuart” * ‘There won't even be a battle =, that's what I think,’ They'll just turn and run every time. © Gharlea + One Southerner can lick twenty Yankoes, 7 CONTINUED: a

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