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Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Facultad de Educación
English Didactics

In-class exercise

A) Fragment 1

In Japan, there are still a significant number in people who have to lived on the streets.
They are someover 20,000 homeless people over in Japan. The government have been
worked hard to solve this social problem. Some homeless people are on the streets
temporary. Many people are misconceived that homeless people are filthy and jobless.
Some homeless people in Japan will rather goes hungry then to beg because begging
is a offensive act there.

B) Fragment 2

On cold, wet morning, my class was filled with excitement. Someone have discover that
the next day was our teacher's birthday. Our teacher was the kindest person that ever
exist. Thus it is no surprise she was the favourite teacher to the pupils. Everyone want to
get her a present. I very much wanted to shown any appreciation too. That afternoon,
I spends the whole afternoon shop for a present. After a long search, I finally made on my
mind. The next day I gived her a bouquet of beautiful roses and she exclaimed with

C) Fragment 3

After a whole morning of mowed the lawns, Pablo was absolute exhausted.
He droped under a tree onto the freshly-mowed lawn and dozed off. will have has a good
sleep because for the fire ant mound. Several of the insects crawls over your feet
and stinged he on the toes. The bites were so painful that the tired man is jumping around
the lawn. At the same time, he was slaping at the ants which had crawled to your ankles.

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