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-xk. fur,yysl'yrnrU rÍ,ot"ln* I^,rtd

§ffiffit Egri Pászttlrvölgyi Általánas Iskola és Girnnáziurn
ANGoL NyELyI Lovnr-Rzós vtrrsnNy
p}$;I*n,r*] 2Uíl2022.I. forduló

please. after doing all the exerci§es. senüforward it to the follolying email address:
pvgangolversenv@ till 11 October. 2021.

I. Warm-up. Write the letter of the correct answer in the boxes.

1) What is the word the first two letters of which stand for a man, the first three, for
a woman, the first four, for a brave man, and the whole, for a brave wom an? Ir
a) wife c) mother
b) heroine d) aunt

2) What starts with a T, ends with a T and lras T in it?

a) a tourist b) a teapot
c) a ticket d) talent

3)Today is December the 9th. It's a Thursday. Sally's birthday is on December

13th. Which day of the week is it this year?

a) Sunday b) Monday
c) Tuesday d) Saturday

n. Mistakes. Each sentence Gontains a mistáke. Find and Gorrect it. Write
th€ corre€t sentences on the lines.

,l. This summer is hotter as last summer. Pp,] 'i'"'nnj{ u, U/ lhl !4 |,n1l|."r,^",,
2, We were too tired climb to the top of the mountain. 4ű/ ,,1*"11.-. !,*qrl i n
3. ,? lJ ^', ,", i,y',l4jz
Well done! You have all worked very hardly. lJl-rr'"L, ),,1tt , '

4 Please couId you drive more..r"ful? Í.l.*l ir"ilu, ;4la*,4tr,-túut ld,.

"wl VU |
5, The mechanic said that he vliIl repair the bike that afterndon]- '"{,ú: {,|,,
^^-'r-l, 1,
6, I took an umbrella so it was raining. 'J d',, ú^l, ,,^múutJlU Át4M1 ,_Í 4r;4 ",1,1n,io
7. Is the bosses going to make a long speech? ): +fu, /7l- yr4s '< .l^l1)z ,, ) i
8, These are the earrings that my sister bought th.ep for ^" r*)r*ri*^, i,, 'f? 'lu*
^Í^'^ á4lh
9, Have you given to Maty the money? y§ffir.&?ű* .;"''q-() "lL-/ 'l,|-,,-
,;:l "',J'TUt
10. If I take tnat job, I will have fewer rnohÁy"but ,ÍÓió tfiiE '" 'l ^,";^' "u i
k 1 tr!4 ú 17
?F' , 1 otil,.l. 4't4,L Ll ng.plJ ]t,"t. ,_.rl-
nL Read and match the sentences. write the correct numbers next to the
a. Hey! That's my coat! (L
b. Ouchl That's my íoot! 7.
Can I see your driving licence, sir? 4.
Who? I've never heard of him. o.
you should be more careful. ?.,
Smith. Helen Smith, 4c,
Why didn't you say'hello'to me yesterday? 4q.
You didn't miss the bus again, did you? lL
There is a queue, you know. This is England.
you can't come in here. you must be a member.
I'm afraid, you are sitting in my seat, 1
This is a ladies toiletl L_,

m. Who are you? I've never met you beíore in my life. ,r

n. You can pay next time, You are a regular customer. l]
o. You promised ot ring me, 1r
p. It's really kind of you. 4i
I'm terribly sorry, officer. I just didn't see the red light,
Yes, you're right. It was very careless of me. I'm sorry. I hope you are not hurt.
I must have really dialled the wrong number. Sorry.
Is it? Oh, yes. I'm terribly sorry. It looks like mine.
Oh, my God! Is it? I didn't realize, I thought it was the Gents. Sorry.
1 am sorry. I am a foreigner. It won't happen again.

Really! I didn't know it was a private club. Sorry.

I'm awfully sorry. I thought you were someone else.
/,On,Ym ever so sorry. I didn't see you sitting there.It's so dark in here.
1Ó.Ot ,ourr. it is. How silly of me! 1 don't usually forget names.
awíully sorry. I thought they were all unreserved.
'Yl.No, not this time. The alarm clock didn't 9o oíf. lt won't happen again.
fi;t really must apologize. I thought I had my wallet with me.

/l,.t'm sorry.I didn't mean to ignore you. I just didn't see you, that's all.
7Í.Ves,I know. I'm sorry but I lost your number.
1f .Vou're welcome.
lV. Halloween. write the Ietter of the correct answer in the boxes.

1. Halloween is traditionally celebrated in the United Kingdom, the USA

V, , -,
ana ..,
b) Austral;a c) the Netherlands
are carved into lanterns called ..k_...
a)ja m-o-|anterns b)ack-o-|a nterns c) jim-o-1anterns
3. If people had no pumpkins, they used ...{....
a)parsnips b)tuín/ps c) potatoes
4, A popular Halloween game is 4|: , when children have to pick up
apples floating in a tub using their teeth only.
a)pear-bobbing b)apple-bobbing c) nut-bobbing
5, People believed thai if they dressed up at Hallowee ....k.....,.-
a)they wouíd be lucky next year.
b)evil spirits wouldn't recognise them.
c) they could get in touch with the dead,
6, ,,..4],,.,......,. is a popular food at this time of year.
a)mince pie b)pumpkin pie c) pork pie
7. Trick-or-treat mears 1-, . . . . ca n dy.
. . ,. . . . , ,. . .

a)show me a good trick for some

b)I'll show you a good trick for some
c) l'll trick you if you don t give me solne
8. It is believed that ,...lJa,...,,,., fly on broomsticks.
a)fairies b)witches c) g h osts
9. ..,..t1...,.,.,,.,,. are also associated with Halloween.
a)black dogs b)blackbirds c),black cats
10, Halloween lanterns were oriqinally carved to ....(-'... .

a)light your way home from the party.

b)scare away evil sp irits,
c) help the dead find the cemetery
V. The Historv of Halloween. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.

witches, contraction, holiday, scary, missionaries, costumes. believe, celebrate.


Halloween is a l, ?, rJhhtríA many English speaking countries that is celebrated on the

night oí october 31st. ChilHren wear Z. Crfr,ta^ul,ta nd they go to peopl€'s homes saying
"Trick or treat!" -r1
to ask for3. ?n+ N,r ana then the people give it to them. People
sometimes dress up as ghosts, 4, a?íl/v. +t 4Qa9 oblrns, and other scary things for Halloween.
The word Halloween is from Haltowe'en. This is a S rntrrnát§)ltt Hallow's Eve. A||

Hallow's Eve is the day beíore the Catholic holiday,4ll Saints holy day. All saintsholy day
was once called Al/ Hallows.Fhis was short for ,4ll Hallowed Souls. Hallowed means holy.

This holiday All Saints holy day was made by Christia n a. .i^,f.lÁa/ .Itwas the same day as
a Paqan holiday. The missionaries came to areas where Pagans lived. They tried to make the
Pagans 7. htr/Ű $. in christianity. so they made some Pagan holidays into Christian
íhe Pagan holiday that All saints holy day replaced was the Day oí the Dead. Many Wiccans

and modern eagans anÚ]rvaűthe Day ofthe Dead. This is a happy holiday (even though

it says 'Dead'). It is the day that the 4,Glt!A oí dead people come back to Earth, So in
Pagan religions it is not about rc, & atl. ,:rrlings. It is about being with (íemembering)
family or friends who have died.


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