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I am currently finishing my degree of Industrial Electronic and Automation Engineering.

I will
just need to defend my thesis on July to complete it.

I will be completely able to start working from 1st of March, with the amount of 20 hours per

Yes, I recently took one course in model based system engineering, it was a theoretical course.

Yes, in some subjects from my degree in Madrid I had to write documents in English, as well as
this year in the University of Applied Science of Frankfurt.

I will try to write some possible sketches for the UI prototype, each "-" means one that we
could design.
-App logotype

-Login page: email, password, forgotten password.

-Principal pages for customer or contractor, also

/Customer sections: order summary ( with current orders and previous ones), new order

-order summary: List of all the orders, with their status V

-new order for customer: Language selection, document importation, topics selection, infos about documents, upload document, (after that


Amount of money, gaps for the credit card

After the order is done

-feedback: the document prepare to download, a gap for some comments

/Contractor sections: orders summary, search available orders and filters depending topics, languages verified

-order summary: list of all the orders accepted and with their status ( finish or not) V

-search available orders and filters depending topics: a gap for search, some topics written that could be selected or not

-languages verified: just one list(?)

/Administrator section: list of contractors hired, list of customer enrolled, list of contractor verification and status

-list of contractors hired: list

-open profile: Feedbacks, languages verificated, personal information

-list of customers: list

-open profile: information

-verifications summary: list

-open request: certificate and status

Customer: Contractor: Administrator:

-Home -Home -Home
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• About us • About us • About us
• Business • Business • Business
-Summary Orders (Sergio) -Summary Orders (sergio) -Verification Request (Elvira)
(inside order) (inside order)

• Feed back(Elvira) • Translation(Sergio)

-New Order (Hector_Infos -Search Orders (sergio)

about the doc)

(inside order)

• Laguage selec
• Payment (Hamed)
Ich heiße Ilterkaan. Ich bin 25 jahre alt. Ich komme aus die Türkei. Ich habe zwei Schwesteren,
ich bin der Älteste. Ich sprache Englisch und Türkisch. Icn studiere Informatik und arbeite als
Entwickler. Meine hobbys sind Computerspiele spielen und Serie anschauen. Meine
Lieblingsserien sind True Detective, Bojack Horseman, Sopranos und The Office.


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