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Ryston : Septa, what’s the matter? Why you don’t join in the class last week?

Septa : I can’t join in the class last week because I’m sick, Ton ..
Ryston : I’m sorry for hearing that, what’s your illness?
Septa : I’m having fever and cough, I think I have it because I got it by the rain on the way back home
Ryston : But now you feel better right??
Septa : I’m feel pretty well but I still need to drink my medicine.
Ryston : I’m grateful to hear that.
Septa : By the way Ton, do you still have a note about mathematics from last week?
Ryston : Yep, I still have it, why you ask?
Septa : Can I borrow it until Friday?
Ryston : Sure .. Why not?
Septa : Really? Don’t you use it right now?
Ryston : Nah .. you can have it right now.
Septa : Ohhh, thanks a bunch.
Ryston : Yeah you’re welcome now go copy the note.
Septa : Ok .. I will copy them after the school.
Ryston : Keep spirit! Gan batte!
Septa : Ohh and one more thing, the note about indonesian langguage from earlier, Do you completed it?
Ryston : Yeah I completed.
Septa : Can I borrow it? I promise I will give it back to you tomorrow.
Ryston : Sure.. But you also take note in that class right?
Septa : Not really, I just take a little note because the teacher explained it too fast.
Ryston : OK.. I hope next class he explain the subject slowly then today
Septa : Ok, Thank you Ton ..
Ryston : Don’t forget to give my note tomorrow because Reno called me earlier that he also want to borrow my book
Septa : Ok.. But the note about mathematics will be give it back to you in Friday OK ..
Ryston : Alright no problem, I don’t really need it right now.
Septa : Ohh, well I will give it back to you on Friday.
Ryston : Okk Septa ..
Septa : Well it’s time to me to go home.
Ryston : Okee .. See ya tomorrow!

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