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Deri : Ryston, What do you think of Indralaya?

Ryston : It’s Ok, They have many cheap foods but the city have too much dust,
you know, how about you? Do you like something about indralaya?
Deri : I really like Tanjung Senai. The scenery is beautiful, cool and relaxing.
Do you ever go there, Ryston?
Ryston : Yes, I go there once but I don’t really like them because of cow waste
Around the place.
Deri : I also feel the same. I hope someone deal something about it.

Ryston : How about you? Do you like instant noodle, Der?
Deri : Yes, I like them, it’s so easy to make and also delicious. What about you,
Ryston? Do you like instant noodle too?
Ryston : It’s not bad but i more of a meatball person. There are great delicious and
It come with a noodle too.
Deri : I also like them, but I prefer it without bean sprouts on them.

Deri : Ryston, What do you think of online class?
Ryston : I really like it. But sometimes i have a problem with connection so i can’t
Focus on the class.
Ryston : How about you? Do you like online class, Deri?
Deri : It’s not bad. I have some problem with my attendence but overall I like it
Ryston : Oh really that’s great. Btw, Do you like reading book, Deri?
Deri : I don’t like it, it’s boring I prefer watching film something rather then
Reading a book. Do you also prefer watching film, Ryston?
Ryston : Yeah, I also love watching film, its fantastic too see something move in the
Screen rather then reading someword in the paper.
Deri : Right? I agree with your opinion.

Deri : Ryston, by the way do you like miss rahmi?
Ryston : I really like studying with her, it’s so fun and relaxing. I also really like when miss Rahmi
make room for us to speak together it’s so fun. how about you, Deri do you like
Miss Rahmi or Miss Hani?
Deri : I Like both of them, they are both fun and their lesson are so easy to understand.
Ryston : Ya me too, Der. I hope we still in contact even after this course is over.
Ryston : Deri, do you like playing games?
Deri : Yes, i like playing mobile legends i really like the character in the game, how about you,
Ryston do you play any games?
Ryston : Ya, I love playing valorant but I also know about mobile legend. I really like valorant
Because it’s first person shooting game and I really love it.

Ryston : Deri, what do you think of Covid – 19 (nineteen) ?
Deri : I hate them. They keep us at our home for almost three years now, do you like Covid – 19
Ryston : I don’t like it at all, because it’s stop all activity with our university. I hope situation got
Better over time.
Deri : Yes, I hope for the samething too ..

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