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Mathematics Worksheet
Topic: Data Handling Class : VIII

1. Collect the data regarding “Corona Virus affected people in Chennai” in the
past 10 days and draw a data table (using the collected data).

2. Dhoni scored 100,99,75,50 runs in a four innings. Calculate the mean runs he
scored in an inning.

3. The ages in years of 5 students of a school are: 12, 10,8,7,5. What is the range
of age of the students?

4. Find the median of the following data 23,27,34,39,42,25,48

5. A mathematics teacher wants to compare the maths half-yearly and maths

annual marks of the following students.(Out of 100). Draw a Bar Graph for the
Student’s Name Half-yearly mark Annual mark
Ananth 78 67
Susi 35 54
Gaya 92 85
Dana 97 100

6. Find the mean, median , mode and range of the following data

12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 34, 22, 34, 45

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