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Virtual World Congress 2020

1. Period : 2020.10.16 (Fri.) ~ 18 (Sun.) / 3 days

2. Venue : Virtual Exhibition
3. Programs
- “Intelligent Assist” Presentation
- Global KOL‘s HERA testimonial
- Total 3 Webinars (One per day)

Webinar Program

▶ Please Press on the Lecture Title to Register for each Webinar

16th Oct MV-FlowTM, LumiFlowTM and CrystalVueTM

17:30 ~ 18:00 in Abnormally Invasive Placenta
(UK time)
By Professor Christoph Lees (Imperial College London, UK)

17th Oct Imaging the Infected Fetus

15:00 ~ 15:30 By Professor Yves Ville (Necker Hospital, France)
(UK time)

18th Oct The Use of the New Vascular Tools

19:30 ~ 20:00 in the Advanced Ultrasound Study of the Fetal Brain
(UK time)
By Professor Tullio Ghi (Parma University, Italy)

Please visit Samsung Virtual Booth during ISUOG World Congress


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