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Munson’s CSA Member’s Produce Seminar

Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm welcomes all farm members to our upcoming
produce seminar taking place the first weekend in April!
The primary goals of the produce seminar are to educate you in:

And don’t forget the most important goals!

Mingle with your farm member peers.
Have fun with your family.
Produce seminar registration process
To register for the seminar, please use our online registration to complete the following:
Provide your family name and address information as registered in your CSA member
Review the seminar sessions and select up to a maximum of:
Specify whether you will attend the vendor expo in the early evening.
Agree to the terms and conditions.
Event schedule
The following information outlines the proposed event schedule:
9am sessions
10 most popular apple varieties
Tips for effective fertilization
10 most popular Pear varieties
11am sessions
Recipes for Asparagus
Is Dandelion a vegetable?
1pm sessions
Recipes for Cabbage
Tips and tricks for an efficient harvest
Rutabaga; and what you can do with it
4pm sessions
Overview of new products for next season
Tools used for effective planting
7pm sessions
Vendor expo

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