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ene ee te ee ees Ea tilaS Ce weasel ee EL eM as eS ee ame KHOONI TANTRIK 2001, D: Terra Singh Friends Video release Like many of the low-budget directors whose work appears in this book, Terra Singh shares much the same casts and crews as his con- temporaries. In this present tale of warring tantriks, a funky gog- gle-eyed monster makes-a brief appearance, and it looks nothing at all ike the devilish Sam Raimi monster that appears on the cover of the VCD; nor does cute Tamil actress Kiran Rathod (at top left) show upanywhere in this sloppy-if-entertaining horror film, either. The original image from Raimf's:third Evil Dead film ARMY, OF DARKNESS (1992), which is very popular with designers oF aie VeB-coyers;

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