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Name: Charles Gonzalez

Period: 4
1 unique aspect
1 unique aspect of korea is its culture and how diverse it is. The korean culture
has dominated the internet world and the media scene. What I'm referring to is the
Kpop outbreak that has been so prevalent in corners of the internet world and the
world that preceded it in the past with Cds and such. Every time I got to public
places on the internet there would always be korean culture prevalent in any
media. Not only on the internet they are domentin but they are also dominate in
conventional entertainments such as movies as The Train to Busan which was a
hit all around the world.In my opinion I think this is something very special and an
unique aspect of korea as a whole. I believe this is something we will see continue
into the future.
2nd unique aspect
Another unique aspect of korea is its history. I think the history of korea as a whole
is very strange because they are in between some of the greatest superpowers in
the world such as Russia, China and somewhat Japan at one point. Leading
Korea to be influenced by the powers around like the mongols during genghis
kongs rule of the Asia where he would use korea as a place to invade Japan
because they were not conforming to Genghis rule but ultimately failed twice.
Korea would fall into peace for a bit but 1587 Japan a growing force at the time
would try to go through korea to attack China and conquer it. Korea responded to
This with thinking that is a bluff and not siding with Japan. Then the Japan attack
Korea and failed. Korea would not have as much luck with war in the future and
would have to rely on other nations to defend korea and this would allow korea to
focus on economics and culture development leading them to what we know

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