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Bass Wanted!

Genre : Doo-Wop
Currently looking for a person who can sing in the Bass
range and very flexible with their voice and with
“Charles experience in singing in a band, preferably a male ages
Gonzalez” 16 - 18.
Our musical influence is All members currently are
“Sameer “Frankie Lymon & The tenors & baritones and
” Abdullah” Teenagers” because of their cannot reach notes near
H a ssan
song “Not a Juvenile the bass region.
“Justin Lee” Delinquent” connected with us
with its message and upbeat

Contact Us
“Jonathan Yi”
Practice Location
Our Local Barbershop : Telephone Number :
2314 Rock and Roll .Ave 213-123-4567
90005 Los Angeles,
Imagine you are a singer in 1955, and that you and your friends are putting
together a group to perform Doo Wop music — but you only have three people,
and you need one more! Write an ad (poster) to recruit a new group member.
Briefly explain what kind of music you will be singing and what your musical
influences are. Be sure to say where you will be practicing and what your new
group member will be expected to do. Include an image of your band or an
original symbol with your band name. Finally, include how you can be contacted.
Musicians Wanted and Available Classified Ads (

Writing A “Musicians Wanted” Ad | Lis Lewis • The Singers Workshop

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