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1. What is the MIDDLE WAY?

The Way to end all suffering is called the Middle Way because it avoids the two extremes of sensual
indulgence and self-mortification. Only when the body is in reasonable comfort but not over-indulged has
the mind the clarity and strength to meditate deeply and discover the Truth.

2. Anything Lavish is bad”.

Lavish or unlavish is besides the point in Buddhism . It is your attachment to one dime or one million
dollar which is the cause of suffering . There were Kings during the Buddha’s time , who became his
disciples and attained Srotappana/ the first level enlightenment ,without leaving their kingdom or
kingship . Buddha said in the Anguttara Nikaya that it is not the world out there that creates
suffering/Dukha for you but your craving/grasping/clinging to them that creates suffering.

Do you agree with the above precept? Why and why not?

I agree to this compromise, but we are not truly happy with it. It is a sacrifice made to survive and not a
viable way of living.

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