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NIM : 63210105
KELAS : 63.1A.05

Respon to there invitation. Then write three invitations for the given responses.
1. A: I have tickets to the baseball game. On Saturday, would you like to go?
B: Yes, thank you. I’d really like to see it.
2. A: Would you like come over for dinner tomorrow night?
B: Yes, I would.
3. A: Would you like to go to a pop concert with me this weekend?
B: Yes, I’d really like to go.

1. A: Would you like to go to classical music?

B: Yes, I’d love to. But I have to study.
2. A: Would you like to go to a teater drama?
B: Well, I’d like to. But I have to study.
3. A: I have tickets to watch the movies. On Sunday, would you like to go?
B: Yes, thank you. I’d really like to see it.

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