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Pham Nguyen Ngoc Chau - 185120013

1.What is the employer position in the workplace? Give your examples.

The Employer Position:

- Recruitment, arrangement, management, administration and supervision of

labor; reward and handle violations of labor discipline;

- Establishing, joining and operating in employer representative organizations,

professional organizations and other organizations in accordance with law

- Employers are required to withhold federal, state, Medicare, and Social Security
taxes for their employees.


- The recruitment specialist or the human resources department of the

company needs to give a detailed and complete job description to recruit the
best and most suitable candidate for the job position of your business.

- CEO: A is the CEO of a financial investment company, which is the highest

position of the company. A has responsibility:

+ in favor of merging – efficiency and conflict minimized

+ Opposed to merging – governance needs checks and balances

2.What are the benefits of doing business ethics?Give your examples.

The benefits of business ethics:

Avoid lawsuits. Complying with regulations can be expensive but not complying
with them can be even more expensive, for example, requiring companies to pay
significant fines.

Attract high-performing talent. Many professionals are attracted to work in ethical

companies. In addition to being a match with their moral principles and values,
working in such a company also reduces the chances of getting caught up in the
negative consequences of ethical mistakes such as lawsuits. Moreover,
companies have ethical guidelines, which can make them more comfortable
when facing ethical dilemmas.
Good corporate image. Ethical policies can generate good publicity. For
example, environmentally friendly operations can be a strong reason for
environmentally conscious consumers to continue to buy products from the
company. On the other hand, unethical actions can lead to decreased consumer
confidence, loss of their loyalty, and decreased sales.

Adaptive to the business environment. Ethical behavior is gaining popularity, and

many people are demanding corporate social responsibility. Thus, promoting
ethics can make companies more successful than those that do not.

Business ethics gives a sense of security and opportunity for future

development. It must be emphasized that business ethics is essential in every
business situation, with no exceptions.

Ethical companies will abnegate short-term profit to have a long-term positive

image in the eyes of the public.

By operating in this way, the company creates a positive climate, growing

confidence and the possibility of constant progress. These kinds of
companies have a great advantage over the non-ethical ones. Business ethics is
one of the types of means of differentiation because there are only a small
number of companies which fully applies and uses its many benefits.

EX1: a Unilever survey which found a third of consumers (33 percent) choose to
buy from brands that are making a positive social or environmental impact.

EX2: by a 2015 survey of more than 2,000 Brits which found that 36 percent of
people would work harder if they knew their company helped society and 62
percent of people born between 1981 and 1996 (millennials) want to work for a
company that makes a positive impact.

EX3: A printing company may be interested in sourcing sustainable materials

and manufacturing their products in an eco-friendly manner. When printed
products are created, it will be in an eco-friendly way – such as using sustainable
inks or an energy efficient printer.

3. A worker knows that a fellow worker occasionally snorts cocaine on the

job. Should she inform the boss? Explaining?

It depends on what occupation you are... Mind your own business. If they have a
legitimate drug problem, it will eventually show up in their work and then they'll
either have to shape up or get fired. They don't need you to help them get fired,
particularly if their job doesn't impact anyone's health or safety. After all, people
that do drugs need jobs, too.
If you suspect that a coworker may be abusing cocaine. You should:
- If it is an option, refer your colleague to your company’s Employee Assistance
Program (EAP). EAPs may offer confidential assessment, counseling, and
referrals for treatment for addiction, mental illness, and other issues that can
impact a person’s performance at work. If available, provide your coworker with
information on the program. You may choose to do this anonymously.
- Discuss the issue with a supervisor in private. If the situation requires
immediate intervention or a person’s safety is at risk, do not wait to have this

However, if your coworker is a surgeon or a judge or a air traffic controller or their

respnsible work related to the safety of community and is doing drugs (anything
that can impair your judgment, coordination, response time, or level of
consciousness) then you should probably bring it up.

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