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FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

Module FV2113
Module Title Professional Development
Module Tutors Mark Bailey
Level 5
Handout Date Sunday 12th September 2021
Thursday 14th October 2021 - deadline 15:00hrs

Tutor information
Mark Bailey
Address Office 103, RLESC
Mobile 50168121

Coursework - Written assignment (2000 word)

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1. Discuss different personality types, giving and receiving feedback, dealing with stress
and time management.

2. Utilise meeting and employee engagement skills and recognise skills required to
manage the transition into a middle management role.

3. Discuss the importance of change and how to manage the change process in an
organisation, including various change management models and identifying sources of


This assessment will test your ability to define and critically evaluate objectives, as described during this
module, specifically:

Answer all the 6 questions fully with regards to Personal development.

FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

Q1. There are 4 dimensions of a normal behavioral profile, give 5 characteristics of each one.

“Four Dimensions of Normal Behaviour Behavioural Profile (DISC)”

Dominance: The “Ds” are often direct, immediate, and forthright in their interactions with people. They
speak exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say. They can be rude, even caustic, but they
never hold a grudge. They readily erupt and engage in lively debate with their coworkers. They take it for
granted that people look up to them; they like taking the initiative and being the center of attention. They
might become offensive when they're not the center of attention. They readily damage people's sentiments
without realizing it and like being complimented, although they are egoistic at heart.
Influence: People with “influence” find new friends quickly. When they first meet, they address people by
their first names and assume the friendly and straightforward demeanor of long-term friends. They claim to
know a large number of individuals and like passing around names. The "i"s are prone to superficiality and
can switch sides in an argument with no visible indication that they are aware of their contradiction. They
frequently reach hasty conclusions and act on emotional impulses. People with “influence” make broad
choices based on a cursory examination of the facts, and their faith in and acceptance of others causes them
to overestimate others' skills.

FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

Steadiness: They are generally highly "acquisitive," and they are particularly connected to their workgroup,
club, or family. They are very attached to their family and cannot stand being apart from them for lengthy
periods. The “S”-the person works effectively in groups and has a strong ability to coordinate his efforts with
those of others. They are fast to establish excellent working habits and excel at regular activities (not
necessarily at a low level).
Compliance: The “Competent” individual is calm and adjusts to the circumstances to prevent animosity.
They are humble and calm, and they work hard to accomplish their jobs as best as they can. They practice a
high level of self-criticism to avoid criticism from their surroundings. They are cautious and may take a long
time to make crucial judgments because they want to evaluate all available data. This can irritate their
coworkers, who may respond more quickly as a result. The "competent" individual may shape himself into
the image that he believes is expected of him. He will go to great efforts to avoid a confrontation and seldom
walks on the toes of others.
Q2. What options are available to you with regards to positive strategies when dealing with a stressful
situation at work (name 5)?

Increasing Self-Awareness. “Individuals might become more conscious of how they act in the workplace.
They can learn to identify their boundaries and notice warning signals of impending disaster. Employees
should understand when to withdraw from a situation (referred to by some as a "mental health day" rather
than absence) and when to seek assistance from coworkers in an attempt to alleviate the problem”.

Developing Extracurricular Interests. Individuals “might also establish outside interests to divert their
attention away from work. This approach is especially crucial for Type persons, whose physical health is
dependent on curbing their desire for achievement. Employees can reduce pent-up tension by getting regular
physical activity. Many businesses fund sporting events, and some have even developed athletic facilities on
their grounds to promote staff participation”.

Finding a Personal: Solution Individuals can also cope with stress by employing many personal or unique
methods. For example, one manager described his reaction to a difficult scenario as follows: "If someone
eventually bothers me, respectfully hang up the phone and then pound the heck out of my typewriter,
expressing everything on paper that intended to say to that person over the phone." It is always effective.

Physical Exercise: Because the person's physiological reaction to stress contributes to weariness, exercise
can be an effective method of allowing the body to deal with the physical parts of stress more effectively.
Exercise regularly might be an essential and successful individual technique.
FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

Cognitive Point of View: Finally, because stress is somewhat determined by how events are seen and
understood, regulating one's cognitive viewpoint on events can be an effective technique. Although one does
not go as far as to frame a vehicle rushing at one as a potential rather than a danger, positively framing events
and distinguishing variables are important.

Q3. With regards to time management, what are the 5 key points to successful delegation?

1. Decide what want to delegate. Defining the responsibilities is the first step in effective delegation.
Make a list of all of the activities and obligations. Examine the master list and divide it into two
secondary lists: things that must accomplish alone and things that others can perform or assist out
with. Anything on the second list provides a possibility for delegation.
2. Select the appropriate person to allocate the work to. “The secret to success rests not in performing
their job, but in selecting the proper person to execute it,” stated Andrew Carnegie. Matching talents
and attitude to the work at hand is the key to identifying the proper person to delegate a project to.
3. Clarify the targeted outcomes. When the outcomes are clear, the employee is free to use his or her
ideas and resources to complete the work. Another advantage of good delegation is that the individual
may discover a better and more efficient way to complete the work or obtain the intended objectives.
4. Clearly describe the employee's responsibilities and authority about the assigned work. Communicate
the expectations, duties, and timetable clearly and concisely. Make sure to ask the employee to
express his or her thoughts.
5. Schedule a follow-up meeting. Follow-up sessions should be focused on two things: progress
monitoring and assessing the need for support. “The number of follow-up meetings will vary based
on the scope of the task or project and whether the employee is new or a long term member of the

Q4. What are the 5 key principles to be kept in mind when managers are managing change?
Allow for crystal-clear communication: Change management refers to managing people as much as it is
about managing the change themselves. Communication is also important in managing change in an
organization, just like it is in employee management. Managers must be proactive, intelligent, and strategic in
their attitude to sharing communication between employees at any level of the company to achieve good
results during and after a significant change event.

FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

Maintain an emphasis on company culture: It is critical to keep your corporate culture in mind when
handling change in the workplace.
The features and characteristics that characterize the company's distinct culture are extremely essential right
now yet easy to overlook when everyone is working remotely and feeling anxious about the future. So, to
choose how to handle change, look at your organization's common assumptions, beliefs, and habits.
Maintain a steady pace: Also on the list of change management principles is this straightforward suggestion
— which isn't always easy to follow: When it comes to handling change in an organization, people must be
patient. Managing change is endurance rather than a sprint. To be sure, the COVID-19 epidemic has forced
several firms to scramble out of necessity. However, when the need to implement change such as asking all
employees to work from home for an indeterminate length of time fades, managers will want to do
everything they can to limit disruption.
Establish accountability: While the manager doesn't want to overburden the staff right now, do need to
provide them clear tasks. This will assist to increase accountability. However, it also helps to empower and
involve your employees so that they feel that have a role in guiding the business during a period of transition.
Track the success: Managers who have been on the front ranks of managing workplace transformation may
wish to start keeping track of their team's accomplishments and losses. The most essential items to describe
in this case are how the problem was addressed and what lesson was gained from the event. This information
may be used to create a playbook for dealing with similar issues in the future.
Q5. During the change process, Claude Lineberry identified that there are many ‘types of people that may be
encountered and devised an "Energy Investment Model’’, complete the diagram below identifying these
clusters. Headings and attributes.

Spectators Players 

FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF


- Victims/Walking Dead Cynics 

“Claude Lineberry outlines the four types of audiences that exist within most teams in his Energy Investment

 Spectators: The "Spectators," who live to the north, are the classic "yes men" who laud the
proclaimed reform but do little to make it a reality. They are all in favor of developing a culture of
safety as long as it is pushed by others. They are content to sit on the fence and let events unfold.
 Cynics – People with negative views yet a lot of enthusiasm to act on them can be found on the lower
right. Their discussions usually revolve around why what is being proposed would never work. They
will obsess over the slightest things and find fault with every one of them. They are willing to go
through every failed endeavor and explain why it was lost and how they knew it would fail, but did
anybody ask them? Oh no! These are all the cynics, in extreme situations.
 Victims/Walking Dead: People in the bottom left quadrant have negative views about the intended
change (and generally anything further going on in the company), but they have very little energy to
act on their viewpoint. They may groan a little, sigh a little, and scratch their heads, although they are
not aggressive resisters. These people have essentially retired in situ, and Claude has dubbed them the
“Walking Dead”.
 Players: The “Players” (or victors) in the northeast corner have optimistic mindsets and the
enthusiasm to match. These aren't gullible Pollyannas or starry-eyed newcomers. These are
individuals who see the value of what the company is attempting to achieve in regards to the safety

FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

culture on employee performance and are ready to commit discretionary effort to assist make it a
reality. These people's favorite words are “yes”, “we”, and “we”.

Q6. When dealing with conflict there are many resolution methods, name them.
Focusing on interests: would support in dealing uncover underlying concerns and identify which topics are
most important to them. In Acquiring Disputes Solved, concentrating on interests can more successfully
settle the difficulties underlying a disagreement than concentrating on rights or authority. This is because
balancing interests produces a higher degree of mutual pleasure, healthier relationships, and cheaper
transaction costs than rights or power disputes.
Look for shared interests and grounds of agreement: Considering interests instead of opinions frequently
leads to a settlement.
Be tough on the dispute but kind on the people: To effectively handle conflict, one must be both a competent
speaker and a skilled listener.
Consider the following possibilities for resolving the conflict: You may start thinking for solutions now that
understand the interests of both sides and how to effectively connect with the opposition.
Look for mutual benefit: Treat the issue rather than the individuals. Begin by imagining oneself in the shoes
of the other party.
Be logical and open to logic: The greatest strategy for building good, long-term relationships post-conflict is
to establish an ongoing conversation between both parties.
In standards and procedures, use equality and fairness: If all parties believe that the process is fair, they are
much more inclined to take it genuinely and 'get into the outcome.
Check to check whether all parties are happy with the results: Considering interests rather than opinions
frequently leads to agreement.


FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

This assignment is set for the purposes of a summative assessment. It forms part of the culmination
assessments of the module.

Students should make sure that they understand the task and so the lecturer may be approached to clarify
aspects of the assignment.
This assignment carries 50% of the module mark.

REPORT REQUIREMENTS: The answers must be written in English, is to be the students own work and
word processed (electronic format) which should be submitted on Turnitin on Blackboard on the date and
time highlighted below. The Work must have a signed and completed coursework assessment cover sheet
attached in accordance with the School regulations regarding submission of coursework.

The deadline for submission is Thursday 14nd October 2020 @ 1500hrs (3.00pm)
Marking criteria

Part Criteria Marks

1 What are the 4 dimensions of a normal behavioural profile and give 5 20
characteristics of each one?
2 What options are available to you with regards positive strategies when 10
dealing with a stressful situation at work (name 5)?
3 With regards time management, what are the 5 key points to successful 10
4 What are the 5 key principles to be kept in mind when managers are 10
managing change?
During the change process Claude Lineberry identified that there are 20
5 many ‘types’ of people that may be encountered and devised an
"Energy Investment Model’’, complete the diagram below identifying
these clusters. Headings and attributes.
When dealing with conflict there are a number of resolution methods, 30
6 name them.

FV2113 Short Note Answers ASSIGNMENT 1 BRIEF

Return Date
Every attempt will be made to ensure that the work will be marked and available to you as soon as possible
after submission of your work, within 15 working days.
The use of work produced for another purpose by you, working alone or with others, must be acknowledged.
Copying from the works of another person (including Internet sources) constitutes plagiarism, which is an
offence within the University’s regulations. Brief quotations from the published or unpublished works of
another person, suitably attributed, are acceptable. You must always use your own words except when using
properly referenced quotations.

You are advised when taking notes from books or other sources to make notes in your own words, in a
selective and critical way.


Essential Reading

Supporting Materials

Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) Journal

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