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Name: Muvida Dheliana

Registered Number: F041201065

The Relationship Between Communication And Language
Language is a vehicle that we use in presenting our ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions to
the world. It is what we exhibit our cultural norms and orientations in and the whole essence
of our being is captured in our language. Language and communication have a very close
relationship. Language is a system of communication that relies on verbal or non-verbal
codes to transfer information. Communication is a Latin word which means 'to share'. It is the
sharing of information between different individuals. It includes the sharing of ideas,
concepts, imaginations, behaviours and written content. Communication is simply defined as
the transfer of information from one place to another. Communication is a process of
transferring messages. The relationship between the two is reflected in the notion of language
according to the linguistic formulation and communication review, namely language as a
communication tool or media used by humans in interacting with each other. Language is the
most powerful tool of communication. Its function includes the: communication of ideas,
thoughts, opinion and emotional expression, social interaction, using the power of sound, g
recording facts, expression of identity. in my experience because I am a student of English
literature, so I must be able to communicate in English and understand every sentence in
English. so I can learn English well and can convey my ideas in English. This is why
language is indispensable in communication. if we can speak different languages, we can
easily communicate with other people.

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