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Class 1: Introduction to AI

● Introduction to AI and Machine Learning.

● Overview on Fields of AI:
❖ Computer Vision.
❖ Natural Language Processing (NLP).
❖ Recommendation Systems.
❖ Robotics.
● Project: Creation of Chatbot using traditional programming.

Class 2: Understanding AI
● Understanding how AI works.
● Overview of Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
● Workflow of AI Projects.
● Differentiating arguments vs parameters.
● Project: Implementing functions using python programming.

Class 3: Introduction to Data Science

● Introduction to Data Science.
● Types of Data.
● Overview of DataFrame.
● Project: Handling DataFrame using python programming by learning various tasks
❖ Importing Dataset
❖ Data Exploration
❖ Data Visualisation
❖ Data Cleaning

Class 4: Machine Learning

● Overview on Machine Learning Algorithms with examples.
● Types of Machine Learning:
❖ Supervised
❖ Unsupervised
❖ Reinforcement
● Types of Supervised Learning:
❖ Classification
❖ Regression
● Project: Training and deploying machine learning model to predict salary of future
candidates using python programming.

Class 5: Supervised Learning - Regression

● Understanding Boxplot and features of Boxplot function.
● Understanding Training and Testing Data with train_test_split function.
● Project: Creating a machine learning model to solve a regression problem of
predicting weight by training and testing data using python programming.

Class 6: Supervised Learning - Binary Classification

● Understanding Binary Classification problems.
● Overview on Decision tree Algorithm.
● Overview on Random Forest Algorithm.
● Use of Confusion Matrix to check performance of the classification model.
● Project: Implementing Decision tree and Random forest algorithm using python
programming to train a classification model to predict diabetic patients, and using
confusion matrix to check performance of both algorithms.

Class 7: Supervised Learning - Multi-class Classification

● Understanding Multi-class Classification problems.
● One-vs-One method.
● One-vs-Many method.
● Project: Implementing Logistic Regression algorithm with both One-vs-One and
One-vs-Rest approach to solve a multi-class classification problem of Iris flower
prediction. Also, evaluating performance of both approaches using confusion matrix.

Class 8: Unsupervised Learning - Clustering

● Understanding Unsupervised Learning.
● Use of Unsupervised learning.
● Types of Unsupervised learning:
❖ Clustering
❖ Association
● Working of KMeans Algorithm.
● Use of Elbow method to determine K value.
● Project: Standardising the data and implementing KMeans algorithm to form clusters
in the dataset using python programming.

Class 9: Unsupervised Learning - Customer Segmentation

● Understanding Customer Segmentation.
● Types of characteristics used for segmentation.
● Concept of Targeting.
● Project: Implementing KMeans algorithm to segment customers into different clusters
and analysing the clusters to find the appropriate target customers.
Class 10: Unsupervised Learning - Association Rule Mining.
● Understanding Association problems.
● Market Basket Analysis.
● Working of Apriori Algorithm.
● Key metrics to evaluate association rules:
❖ Support
❖ Confidence
❖ Lift
● Steps involved in finding Association Rules.
● Project: Implement Apriori algorithm to generate association rules for Market Basket
Analysis using python programming.

Class 11: Recommendation System - Content Based

● Understanding Recommendation Systems.
● Working of Recommendation Systems.
● Types of Recommendation Systems:
❖ Content-based
❖ Collaborative
● Project: Building a content-based recommendation system using K Nearest
Neighbour(KNN) algorithm to recommend a car to the customer based on their input
of preferred car features.

Class 12: Recommendation System – Collaborative Filtering

● Understanding Collaborative filtering technique.
● Types of approaches in collaborative filtering:
❖ User-based
❖ Item-based
● Project: Building a movie recommendation system using item-based collaborative
filtering based on data from a movie rating matrix.

Class 13 – Natural Language Processing - Sentiment Analysis

● Natural Language Processing (NLP)
● Applications of NLP
● Fundamental NLP tasks.
● Tokenization
● Project: Creating a machine learning model that can predict the sentiment in a
sentence (Application of NLP).

Class 14: Deep Learning - Computer Vision

● Understanding Deep Learning.
● Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks.
● Image Processing
● Project: A neural network model is created for image recognition purposes to predict
the digit written in images of hand-written digits.
Class 15: Image Classification- Bonus Class
● Learn about pre-trained models.
● ResNet50 model trained using ImageNet data.
● Project: Use ResNet50 model to classify images (predicting what the image

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