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Christmas Cup Prado Tol.

Next December, Prado Tolima dresses up for soccer with the annual “Christmas
cup” championship. The event will take place at the Uldarico Ruenes municipal
soccer field. The attendance of 20 football teams of different categories is
expected, where boys, girls, youth and adults are integrated who enjoy an
adequate space for sports practice.
The Prado Tolima Christmas Cup has become an important event for different
sectors of the municipality, both sidewalks and neighborhoods. The performance of
the players who attend is getting better and better, and over the years this event
has had the presence of players with great experience in the world of sports such
as Daniel Bocanegra, a player who passed through teams such as Atletico
The event will be a great opportunity for children who dream of being professional
soccer players, this is the opportunity to show their performance and be able to go
to professional teams, it also serves for both pradunos and tourists to have fun and
spend a pleasant time with their families.

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