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Antidepressant Medications
An evidence-based review of the indications, adverse effects,
and special considerations related to these medications.

ABSTRACT: Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions. Many nurses will care for
patients who have depression and may be receiving treatment. Treatment often includes the use of medica-
tions that affect mood. This article provides a brief overview of the history, indications for use, adverse ef-
fects, and nursing considerations regarding antidepressants. This is the second in a series of articles about
medications used in the treatment of mental health disorders. For the first article in this series, see “Anti-
psychotic Medications,” June 2017.

Keywords: antidepressants, depression, mental health, mental illness, psychotropic medications

epression is a universal phenomenon. It episode in the past year, with that number represent-
should come as no surprise, therefore, that ing 12.5% of children in this age group.4 Major de-
nurses, regardless of the areas in which they pressive disorder, which is a chronic, recurring form
work, are more likely than not to care for patients of depression, is regarded as the most common mood
who have depression and who may be taking anti- disorder among Americans.5
depressant medications. Moreover, there is a strong
correlation between several medical diseases and UNDERSTANDING MENTAL ILLNESS: DEPRESSION
disorders and mental health issues. For example, According to the fifth edition of the American
people with cardiac problems often have depres- ­Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statisti-
sion, and those who have depression often develop cal Manual of Mental Disorders, depression is classi-
heart disease.1 It’s therefore important that nurses fied as a mood disorder and causes problems with
are aware of the history, indications for use, ad- how a person feels, thinks, acts, and behaves.6, 7 For
verse effects, and special considerations related to a diagnosis of depression, symptoms must be pres-
antidepressants. ent for at least two consecutive weeks.7 They can
According to the World Health Organization range from mild to severe and may include the fol-
(WHO), depression affects more than 300 million lowing7:
people worldwide. It is the leading cause of disabil-
ity globally, knows no age limitation, tends to affect • Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
women more than men, and can lead to suicide.2 Al- • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
though several treatments are available, the WHO re- once enjoyed
ports that fewer than 50% of people receive treatment. • Changes in appetite—weight loss or gain
According to the WHO, the number of people affected unrelated to dieting
by depression rose by 18% from 2005 to 2015.3 The • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has re- • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
ported that an estimated 16.1 million adults age 18 • Increase in purposeless physical activity
or older in 2015 had at least one major depressive (such as hand-wringing or pacing) or
episode in the previous year.4 This number represented slowed movements and speech (actions
6.7% of all U.S. adults. observable by others)
Adults, however, aren’t the only people experienc- • Feeling worthless or guilty
ing symptoms of depression. In 2015, the NIMH re- • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or mak-
ported that an estimated 3 million U.S. adolescents ing decisions
12 to 17 years of age had at least one major depressive • Thoughts of death or suicide

52 AJN ▼ September 2018 ▼ Vol. 118, No. 9

By Donna Sabella, PhD, MEd, MSN, CRNP, PMHNP-BC

Depression is a manageable disorder, especially so

since the advent of medications that affect mood.

Several factors can put a person at increased risk for
depression. These include genetic, personal, environ-
mental, and biochemical risk factors that may occur
alone or in combination.7 Much is still unknown or
poorly understood about the genetic risks for de-
pression. It’s known that there’s a familial link to
depression. Some genes shared by family members
are responsible for the production, transport, and
activity of neurotransmitters, which affect mood.
Likewise, environmental or nongenetic factors, such
as poor and stressful relationships with others, social
isolation, and loss of employment, can also put some-
one at risk for depression.8 Nurses should be aware
that depression can also be caused by medical con-
ditions and the use of certain medications or recre-
ational drugs.9, 10
As researchers have developed a better understand-
ing of the causes of mental illness over the past half
century, an important theory, called the monoamine
hypothesis of depression, emerged. This theory posits
that depression can result from an imbalance of neu-
rotransmitters, which are chemicals that allow cells,
or neurons, to communicate with each other.11 Es-
sentially, neurotransmitters travel from one cell to the
next by crossing the synapse between the two. Neu-
rotransmitters can either increase or decrease the
activity of the receiving cell. Those that increase or
mimic the body’s normal response are referred to as
agonists, and those that decrease or inhibit this nor-
mal response are referred to as antagonists.12-14 The
monoamine hypothesis proposes that depression is
Sorrowing Old Man was painted in 1890 by Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh, who suf-
caused by a lack of norepinephrine, serotonin, and/
fered for years from mental illness. Photo by Peter Horree / Alamy Stock Photo.
or dopamine, which are monoamine neurotransmit-
ters in the brain.10, 12, 15 It’s believed that a decrease in
any of these neurotransmitters plays a role in the de-
velopment of the signs and symptoms of depression. depression were monoamine oxidase inhibitors, also
Both antipsychotics and medications to improve known as MAOIs. These were followed by tricyclic
mood were introduced in the 1950s.16 The discovery antidepressants (TCAs).
of the earliest medication to ease the symptoms of The most recently developed and perhaps
depression occurred after clinicians noticed that anti- best-known classes of antidepressants are selective
mycobacterial agents—such as isoniazid, which is a serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin–
derivative of hydrazine (a fuel used by the Germans norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Addi-
to propel rockets during World War II), and iproniazid tional reuptake inhibitory antidepressants include
(withdrawn from the market in 1961)—rid patients norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitors
of tuberculosis while also improving their mood and (NDRIs) and serotonin-2 antagonist reuptake in-
sense of well-being.11, 12, 15, 17 These agents worked by in- hibitors (SARIs).13, 15 As the name implies, reuptake
hibiting the monoamine oxidase enzyme, thus leading inhibitors inhibit a given neurotransmitter from being
to the realization that depression had a neurochemical taken back up into the presynaptic neuron, allowing
cause that could be managed using medications that for more to remain at the postsynaptic cleft to bind
corrected underlying neurotransmitter imbalances. with the postsynaptic receptors, thus improving a
The first class of antidepressants used to manage person’s mood.15, 18 AJN ▼ September 2018 ▼ Vol. 118, No. 9 53


Another class of medications are noradrenergic TCAs were developed as antihistamines but failed
and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NaSSAs). to manage allergy symptoms; instead, they success-
Medications in the NaSSA class include mirtaza­ fully improved the mood of those patients who were
pine (Remeron). Among other adverse effects, these depressed.12 (See Tricyclic Antidepressants and Their
drugs are known for their sedating and anticholin- Adverse Effects.) TCAs work by blocking the reup-
ergic characteristics, and can cause agranulocyto- take of two neurotransmitters: norepinephrine and
sis.13 serotonin. This allows for more of the neurotrans-
MAOIs. Drugs in this class inhibit the release of the mitters to be available at the receptor sites before
enzyme monoamine oxidase.5 (See Monoamine Oxi- reentering the neuron, thus having a positive effect
dase Inhibitors and Their Adverse Effects.) If the en- on mood.12 Like MAOIs, TCAs are currently not
zyme is not released, it is unable to break down the among first-line treatment options. They can have
neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, a negative impact on cardiac health, and can also
thereby allowing more of those transmitters to be cause death if taken in high doses; therefore, it’s im-
available to the nervous system, which improves portant that patients taking these medications are
mood.12, 15 Today, MAOIs are rarely used, or they are evaluated for suicide potential.9, 12 TCAs can be used
the last antidepressant to be used, owing to serious off label to manage, for example, pain associated with
and potentially fatal food and drug interactions (in- fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy.14
cluding with over-the-counter cold and cough medi- SSRIs. As the name implies, SSRIs work by inhibit-
cations) that can lead to hypertensive crisis.13, 14 ing the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin,
thus allowing more of it to remain at the receptor
sites to improve a person’s mood. (See Selective Se-
rotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Their Adverse Ef-
fects.) Today, SSRIs are among the most commonly
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Their used medications to manage depression and are re-
garded as first-line treatment. People experiencing
Adverse Effects adverse effects from one SSRI may benefit by switch-
ing to another drug in this class. SSRIs are safer than
Medications MAOIs and TCAs, have fewer adverse effects, and
•• Isocarboxazid (Marplan) are less likely to result in death from overdose. They
•• Phenelzine (Nardil) are also used to manage posttraumatic stress disorder
•• Tranylcypromine (Parnate) (PTSD), anxiety disorders, and obsessive–compulsive
disorder (OCD).13, 19 These and the other reuptake in-
Adverse Effects hibitors have the advantage of selectively targeting
•• Anticholinergic effects the neurotransmitters commonly associated with de-
•• Orthostatic hypotension pression (that is, serotonin, norepinephrine, and do-
•• Central nervous system stimulation pamine).19
•• Sexual dysfunction SNRIs, NDRIs, and SARIs inhibit the reuptake of
•• Hypertensive crisis brought on by eating foods containing tyra- serotonin and norepinephrine, norepinephrine and
mine or tryptophan-rich foods, such as aged cheese, wine, dopamine, and serotonin, respectively. SARIs also in-
chocolate, certain fish, and sour creama hibit serotonin 2A receptors. (See Other Antidepres-
sants and Their Adverse Effects.)
•• Avoid use with other MAOIs and antidepressants, as well as with OTHER INDICATIONS FOR USE
several other medications, including over-the-counter cold rem- Aside from their use in managing depression, select
edies. antidepressants are also used to treat people who have
•• Patients should adhere to a tyramine-free diet. other mental health issues and physical conditions, in-
•• Use cautiously in patients with diabetes, glaucoma, hyperthy- cluding panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, attention deficit–
roidism, or hypertension. hyperactivity disorder, bulimia, physical pain, and
•• A washout period of several weeks is required to clear the pa- premenstrual dysphoric disorder.15, 18 Of note for smok-
tient’s system, after which the patient can start another antide- ers, bupropion (Wellbutrin and others) is used to help
pressant. smoking cessation.20
MAOI = monoamine oxidase inhibitor.
This adverse effect can be serious and in some cases life-threatening.
PDR Network, LLC. PDR: prescribers’ digital reference. Whippany, NJ: ConnectiveRx; 2018. www. There are several important points to consider and remember regarding antidepressants. First, they don’t

54 AJN ▼ September 2018 ▼ Vol. 118, No. 9

work for everyone. There have even been questions
about whether they work at all, and if so, the level of Tricyclic Antidepressants and Their Adverse
their effectiveness.14, 15, 21, 22 In a 1996 review of then re- Effects
cent clinical studies, Fava and Davidson found that
29% to 46% of patients failed to fully respond to Medications
treatment with antidepressants, even when taking the •• Amitriptyline (formerly available as Elavil)
proper dose for the proper duration.23 The efficacy •• Clomipramine (Anafranil)
of antidepressants may depend on several factors, in- •• Desipramine (Norpramin)
cluding whether patients stop the medications because •• Imipramine (Tofranil)
of adverse effects, don’t take the most effective dose, •• Nortriptyline (Pamelor)
or don’t take the medications for long enough.22 An-
other possible factor is that the medications may re- Adverse Effects
sult in better outcomes when they are used by people •• Cardiac arrhythmias and QT interval prolongation
who have moderate, severe, or chronic depression •• Anticholinergic effects
rather than a milder form of the condition.24 •• Orthostatic hypotension
When depression has not been successfully ame- •• Sedation
liorated by medication, a person may be diagnosed •• Elevated intraocular pressure
as having treatment-resistant depression. In such in- •• Extrapyramidal effects (tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, and pseu-
stances, electroconvulsive therapy may be considered. doparkinsonism motor symptoms)
There remains some controversy surrounding this pro- •• Weight gain
cedure because of past sensationalized portrayals in
the movies and literature. Although electroconvulsive Precautions
therapy is not without risks and requires general anes- •• Assess patient’s cardiac status prior to initiating treatment with
thesia, it is considered safer than in years past because TCAs; this should include a pretreatment ECG.
of efforts undertaken to refine the process. Common
but self-limiting adverse effects include headaches, ECG = electrocardiogram; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.
nausea, and confusion; rare but more serious adverse PDR Network, LLC. PDR: prescribers’ digital reference. Whippany, NJ: ConnectiveRx; 2018. www.
effects include pulmonary and cerebrovascular events.
In addition, memory loss after electroconvulsive ther-
apy can be short or long term.10, 25
For many, monotherapy, or the use of a single an-
tidepressant, is not effective.10 In this case, augmenta- the patient. This type of treatment can help patients
tion (adding a medication from a different class) or a before medication takes effect, and it’s also effective
combination of antidepressants may be necessary.10 in combination with medications.15 Mintz notes that
When antidepressants are effective, it may still take numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of com-
several weeks—two to six, on average, and some- bining these two modalities when treating patients
times more—for patients to notice any significant with depression.28 Research suggests that med­ication
symptom relief.9, 14, 26 It’s important that nurses in- should continue to be taken for six to 12 months af-
form patients about this anticipated interval and en- ter a remission of symptoms occurs.19
courage them to explore other ways to improve their
well-being in the meantime.
Potentially serious drug–drug interactions can
occur when using most medications, including anti- For many, monotherapy,
depressants. Interactions may occur when taking
more than one antidepressant or when taking an or the use of a single antidepressant,
antidepressant and another type of medication.15, 20
Of concern for many people who have mental
health issues, and especially for those with depres-
is not effective.
sion, is the risk of suicide. Patients should be assessed
for present and past suicidal ideation and suicide at-
tempts. They should be monitored for signs, such There has been some controversy surrounding the
as changes in mood, preoccupation with death, in- possible connection between antidepressant use and
creased use of alcohol or drugs, reckless behavior, suicide. There is concern that antidepressants heighten
and giving away their belongings.27 Nurses should the risk of suicidal ideation and suicide, especially
also explore whether psychotherapy might benefit among children, adolescents, and young adults, hence AJN ▼ September 2018 ▼ Vol. 118, No. 9 55


the black box warning on these medications.14, 15, 19 hypertensive crisis—which occurs when a patient
It is important to regularly assess people with de- who is taking an MAOI simultaneously eats tyramine-
pression for suicidal ideation, even when they begin rich foods, such as aged cheese and meats, wine,
taking antidepressants and their condition improves; beans, or canned or frozen soups—include exces-
as patients’ energy levels rise, they may be more ca- sive sweating, tachycardia, chest pain, and a sud-
pable of following through on suicidal thoughts. den and explosive headache.19 Serotonin syndrome
Nurses should also be aware that a greatly improved occurs when a person’s serotonin level becomes too
mood during the first several weeks of treatment can high as a result of taking too many medications
signal that the patient is considering suicide.13, 14 More- that increase serotonin levels. The person can de-
over, hoarding medications for a later suicide attempt velop a rapid increase in temperature and blood
is not unheard of.19 pressure, tachycardia, agitation, nausea, diarrhea,
Although many of the adverse effects of antide- muscle twitching, tremors, rigidity, and changes in
pressants are not serious and lessen or resolve over mental status.9, 19 Both hypertensive crisis and sero-
time, a few are life threatening. These include hyper- tonin syndrome are medical emergencies that re-
tensive crisis, which can occur when taking MAOIs, quire immediate medical attention. Patients should
and serotonin syndrome. Signs and symptoms of stop taking the medications in question and notify
their prescribers.19
Abruptly stopping these medications, particularly
those that have a short half-life and have been taken
long term by the patient, can result in discontinuation
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and syndrome. This uncomfortable condition is charac-
terized by flu-like symptoms, headache, gastrointesti-
Their Adverse Effects nal disturbances, hyperarousal, insomnia, and electric
shock sensations, among other symptoms.9, 15, 29 Early
Medications reports referred to this as withdrawal, but the term
•• Citalopram (Celexa) discontinuation syndrome is now used to acknowl-
•• Escitalopram (Lexapro) edge that antidepressants are not addictive.29, 30
•• Fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem) Nurses should also be aware that symptoms of
•• Fluvoxamine (Luvox) mania—such as agitation, sleep disturbances, and
•• Paroxetine (Paxil and others) excitability—can be triggered by antidepressant use
•• Sertraline (Zoloft) in patients who haven’t been properly assessed or
treated for bipolar disorder but may have a history
Adverse Effects
of this disorder.18
•• Nervousness and agitation
Precautions and contraindications. It’s important
•• Sedation and fatigue
to be aware of all the medications a patient is taking,
•• Headache
even over-the-counter medications such as cold reme-
•• Insomnia
dies or St. John’s wort, which can negatively interact
•• Sexual dysfunction
with prescribed antidepressants. Depending on the
•• Gastrointestinal upset (nausea and diarrhea)
class of antidepressants prescribed, it’s also important
•• Weight loss or gain
to assess for cardiac health, kidney and liver function-
•• Serotonin syndromea
ing, a history of seizure disorder, recent use of MAOIs,
•• Discontinuation syndromea
a history of suicide attempts and suicidal ideation,
alcohol use, and the possibility of pregnancy.31
As with all medications, there are special concerns
•• Avoid mixing with other antidepressants and over-the-counter
when prescribing antidepressants to certain patient
medications, such as cold remedies and St. John’s wort. It’s espe-
populations. Caution should be exercised when pre-
cially important to avoid medications that increase serotonin
scribing for children, adolescents, and young adults—
levels to avoid serotonin syndrome.
especially given the black box warning related to the
•• Taper patients off medications slowly to avoid discontinuation
increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors
among these patients.13, 14, 18 Two antidepressants are
•• Assess patients’ use of blood thinners, antibiotics, lithium, and
prescribed for patients in this age range; fluoxetine
all other medications.
(Prozac, Sarafem) and escitalopram (Lexapro) have
This adverse effect can be serious and in some cases life-threatening.
been approved by the Food and Drug Administration
PDR Network, LLC. PDR: prescribers’ digital reference. Whippany, NJ: ConnectiveRx; 2018. www. (FDA) to treat children ages eight and older and 12 and older, respectively.15, 18

56 AJN ▼ September 2018 ▼ Vol. 118, No. 9

Other Antidepressants and Their Adverse Effects

Medications •• Central nervous system stimulation

SNRIs •• Hypertension
•• Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
•• Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq, Khedezla) SARIs
•• Venlafaxine (Effexor XR) •• Anticholinergic effects
•• Hepatotoxicity
NDRIs •• Headache
•• Bupropion (Wellbutrin and others) •• Agitation
•• Priapism
SARIs •• Sedation
•• Nefazodone
•• Trazodone Precautions
Adverse Effects •• Use cautiously in patients with seizure disorder,
SNRIs hypertension, and liver or kidney problems.
•• Central nervous system depression •• Taper medications to avoid discontinuation syn-
•• Nausea drome.
•• Headache
•• Decreased appetite NDRIs
•• Hypertension •• Contraindicated in patients with a history of sei-
•• Insomnia zure disorders, anorexia nervosa, or alcoholism.
•• Serotonin syndrome •• Use with caution in those with renal, hepatic, or
cardiovascular problems.
NDRIs •• Can be fatal when combined with MAOIs.
•• Anorexia
•• Lower seizure threshold SARIs
•• Nausea •• Do not use in patients who are taking MAOIs.
•• Blurred vision •• Use cautiously in patients with seizure disorders.

MAOI = monoamine oxidase inhibitor; NDRI = norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor; SARI = serotonin-2 antagonist reuptake inhibitor;
SNRI = serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
PDR Network, LLC. PDR: prescribers’ digital reference. Whippany, NJ: ConnectiveRx; 2018.

Taking any medication during pregnancy and ONGOING DEVELOPMENTS

while breastfeeding requires carefully weighing the Antidepressants can be a powerful tool in combat-
risks and benefits.15 Although several antidepressants ing depression in many people, but they don’t work
are considered relatively safe during pregnancy, some quickly, and they’re not effective for everyone. In some
are known to cause birth defects. The use of parox- cases, finding the right medication requires trial and er-
etine (Paxil and others), for instance, has been associ- ror and can take a while because of the time required
ated with cardiac defects in infants.15, 18 Women should to obtain positive effects. Such a situation can be un-
consult with their health care providers regarding the derstandably frustrating for patients who wish to feel
use of antidepressants both during and after preg- better sooner rather than later. Aside from medications,
nancy. psychotherapy and other nonpharmacological ap-
Likewise, antidepressant use in the elderly requires proaches to treatment—including cognitive behavioral
special consideration. The rule of thumb is to start at therapy, exercise, yoga, and dietary changes—can be
50% of the recommended dose and slowly increase utilized to improve patients’ moods and symptoms.10
the dose, as tolerated.15, 18, 31 Patients who have treatment-resistant depression, in
It’s important to counsel all patients about the im- which medications aren’t effective, may want to con-
portance of tapering antidepressants, instead of stop- sider electroconvulsive treatment, vagal nerve stimu-
ping abruptly, to avoid discontinuation syndrome.9, 15 lation, or transcranial direct current stimulation.10, 32 AJN ▼ September 2018 ▼ Vol. 118, No. 9 57


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