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Design and Development Water Quality

Measurement In Vanamme Shrimp Seeding Phase

Based On Internet of Things
Ari Wardana Brian Raafi’u
Instrumentation Engineering Instrumentation Engineering
Departement Departement
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia


Abstract— Pond water quality is a very important factor for
the survival and productivity of vannamei shrimp culture.
Water quality is influenced by several parameters including
turbidity, temperature, salinity, and PH. Monitoring using the
nodemcu esp 32 microcontroller based on the Internet of
Things. In addition, this system can also store the results of
monitoring data that can make water quality decisions. The
sensor measurement results will be sent to the web server
which is then processed and displayed on the interface. This
design consists of 3 main parts, namely the input part, which is
a sensor consisting of four sensor parameters, namely
temperature, pH, salt content and turbidity, the process part
which consists of the nodemcu esp32 microcontroller as a data
processing for water quality monitoring where the
programming uses the Arduino IDE software. . In addition,
there is also an interface device, namely the output section
consisting of LCD and Web.

Keywords— Internet of Things, Ph, Temprature, Salinity,

Turbidity, Nodemcu Esp 32.

Shrimp is one of the most popular community businesses
(Zaincuddin et al., 2015). Shrimp is one of the mainstay Fig. 1 Research Flowchart
commodities from the fishery sector. One type of shrimp that
is easily cultivated in Indonesia because of its many In the flow diagram, problem identification is carried out,
advantages is the vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). this problem is taken from the surrounding community,
according to ( Amri & Iskandar 2008), the advantages of
namely at the shrimp nursery to monitor water quality
this vannamei shrimp are more resistant to disease and their
because water is the main key to success in breeding. Then
entire life cycle is more controlled and has a large market,
especially in America. Healthy shrimp growth is largely proceed with literature study and literature study as a
determined by the quality of pond water [2]. Therefore, it is reference for the problems of water quality monitoring.
necessary to periodically monitor water quality. The Then do the design of the components used in monitoring
monitoring system is a system for observing the results of using sensors of temperature, salinity, turbidity, and pH. The
changes in a physical quantity on the object you want to design consists of designing hardware and designing
measure, and can be informed in the form of a display [3]. software.
Parameters that become indicators to see water quality, such B. Hardware Design
as temperature, degree of acidity , turbidity and salinity. One
of the intensive vanname shrimp cultivation sites which is
the object of research is in Tasikmadu Village, Palang
District, Tuban Regency. Currently, water quality monitoring
in intensive ponds is only done manually, namely water
quality measurements are carried out periodically every
morning and evening using manual measuring instruments.
Such a monitoring process tends to be impractical, requires
high worker wages and a high level of human error. With
advances in Technology, now data can be collected on site
and transmitted across large areas using IOT (Internet of
Thinks) [4]. Based on the above problems, in this study a
water quality monitoring system was designed in a vannamei
shrimp nursery. In this study, monitoring of water quality
parameters is designed which is the implementation of IoT
Fig. 2 Hardware Design
In Fig. 2 is a hardware design scheme consisting of
A. Procedure several components that are interconnected. Components in
In this Final Project, an outline of the final project flow the form of sensors for temperature, salinity, turbidity, and
can be seen at Fig. 1. pH. From the sensor, the measurement data will be taken
and then processed by the ADS 1115 module which
functions as an ADC except for the DS18B20 temperature
sensor because the output is digital and the communication
uses one wire so that the DS18B20 sensor is directly
connected to nodemcu esp 32. After the measurement data is
processed and can generate measurement results and
produce water quality decisions, the data will be sent online
via a wifi connection which is then forwarded to thingspeak
using the mqtt protocol for remote monitoring, while for
direct monitoring using an LCD.

Fig. 3 The Result Hardware Design

C. Software Dessign

Fig. 5 Chart Salinity Sensor

b) Ph Sensor
TABEL. 2 Ph Sensor

Fig. 4 Software Design

The flowchart in programming begins with a wifi
connection and the mqqt protocol. After connecting then the
sensor settings are carried out. To make a water quality
decision, three visual quantities are needed, namely
temperature, salinity, and turbidity. When the three physical
quantities are in the range value, you will be able to make
good water decisions. Whereas for two physical quantities
that match the range, the result is that the water decision is
not good, if there is only one or none then the water quality
decision is not very good. From the measurement results
will be displayed on the LCD for direct monitoring, while
for long distances using thingspeak with the mqtt protocol.


A. Model Validation
a) Salinity Sensor
TABEL. 1 Salinity sensor
Fig. 6 Chart Ph Sensor
c) Temprature Sensor
TABEL. 3 Temprature Sensor
Fig. 10 Chart Measurement Ph

Fig. 7 Temprature Sensor

B. Unprocessed Water Sample Measurement
In this measurement, 3 water samples were taken
without engineering at the shrimp nursery. Water samples Fig. 11 Chart Measurement Temprature
were taken from the pond when the shrimp zoea, meysis,
and post larvae.
a) Zoea Water Sample

Fig. 12 Water Quality Decisions

From the data taken from water samples without
engineering in the zoea shrimp phase, it can be concluded
that the water quality is not good because the salt content is
not in accordance with the standard range of water quality
Fig. 8 Chart Measurement Salinity b) Mysis Water Sample

Fig. 13 Chart Measurement Salinity

Fig. 9 Chart Measurement Tutbidity
Fig. 14 Chart Measurement Turbidity Fig. 18 Chart Measurement Salinity

Fig. 19 Chart Measurement Turbidity

Fig. 15 Chart Measurement Ph

Fig. 16 Chart Measurement Temprature

Fig. 20 Chart Measurement Ph

Fig. 17 Water Quality Decisions

From the results of water quality measurements without
engineering in the mysis shrimp phase, the water quality
decisions are not very good because there are none of the
Fig. 21 Water Quality Decisions
parameters that match the water quality standards so that the
In the measurement of the Post Larva phase, the monitoring
water quality decision shows very bad.
results show that the water quality is not very good because
c) Post Larva Water Sample none of the readings from the three sensors matches the
standard range of water quality standards.
C. Engineering Water Measurement
In this measurement, it is necessary to test the tool in
order to make decisions with 3 decision results, namely
good water quality, bad water quality, and very bad water
quality. The references used for decision making are three
visual quantities, namely temperature, pH, and salt content.
a) Water Engineering Shows Good Water Quality

Fig. 25 Chart Measurement Temprature

Fig. 26 Water Quality Decisions

Fig. 22 Chart Measurement Salinity b) Water Engineering Shows Poor Water Quality

Fig. 27 Chart Measurement Salinity

Fig. 23 Chart Measurement Turbidity

Fig. 28 Chart Measurement Turbidity

Fig. 24 Chart Measurement Ph

Fig. 29 Chart Measurement Ph

Fig. 35 Chart Measurement Temprature
Fig. 30 Chart Measurement Temprature

Fig. 36 Water Quality Decisions

Fig. 31 Water Quality Decisions From the results of water manipulation, it shows that the
From the engineering results there is one physical quantity water quality is not very good because all physical
that is not in accordance with the range, namely the level of quantities do not show values that match the range of water
grams so that the results of the water quality decision show quality standard standards.
not good.
c) Water Engineering Shows Very Poor Water
Quality Taking water quality decisions with nodemcu esp 32 with
the initial step of designing a sensor circuit which is then
connected to ADS 1115 as ADC because the ADC on
nodemcu does not show linear results. After the sensor is
installed, it is calibrated so that the sensor becomes
compatible. Decision making is done from the results of
sensor readings which refer to the water quality standards.
Monitoring and decision making are displayed on the LCD
for direct monitoring. Meanwhile, remote monitoring uses
thingspeak. The measurement results will show that the
water quality decision is good, not good, and very bad

Fig. 32 Chart Measurement Salinity

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Fig. 34 Chart Measurement Ph

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