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INT English 4

Oral production activity units 10 and 11

Topic: Traffic accidents and how to prevent them

Student: Iván Yang Rodríguez Carranza

Course: English 4

Link to video:

I think that traffic congestion can be solve by a combination of tactics. First, the authorities need
to ensure that all the infrastructure around transportation, like traffic lights, highways are
properly working and maintain. So, the infrastructure must be checked regularly by the
government in order to prevent accidents.
Secondly, according to statistics of car accidents, the number one cause of accidents is the
negligent driving. So, the government must continue to find new ways to educate drivers to take
responsibility when they are driving and be careful with other drives.
Lastly, many times the police catch people who have committed a traffic violation, but they let
them go. If this did not happen then the drivers would be more responsible.

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