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Reading Comprehension Answers

1. Is the distance from Earth to another planet or moon always the same? Why or why not?
No, the distance from Earth to any other point in the solar system depends on where each is
in its orbit around the Sun.
2. How long did it take New Horizons to reach Pluto?
Nine years, five months, and twenty-five days (9 ½ years)
3. What is a light year?
The distance light travels in an average solar year
4. Why is it possible to take supplies to the International Space Station but not to a shuttle
on a long flight?
The ISS is orbiting the Earth and so is fairly easy to reach. To resupply a shuttle in deep
space, you would have to catch up to it and the shuttle with the supplies would itself
require supplies.
5. What two elements are combined in the space shuttle’s fuel cells?
Hydrogen and oxygen
6. What are the products of the fuel cell reaction?
Electrons, water, and heat
7. Name three negative impacts of space travel on the human body.
Loss of bone density, loss of muscle mass, exposure to radiation (also: misaligned spine and
psychological impacts
8. What did scientists use to put mice in suspended animation?
Hydrogen sulfide
9. You have been asked by your local government to create a comprehensive report on
whether we should attempt to fly people to potentially inhabitable planets as a means of
“seeding” human life outside our own solar system. Your report needs to break down the
positives and negatives of such a trip as well as explaining whether or not there is an
actual need to “seed” ourselves (don’t just say we should or shouldn’t, state your
reasons). Lastly, you must state your expert opinion on whether this should be carried

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