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Definition of Cartography: Cartography is an art, science, and technology used in making maps

Definition of a map: a map is a partial or complete picture of a reduced surface in a flat plane and
has a certain scale
* Kinds of Maps
1. Based on the content
A. A general map is a map that depicts the appearance of everything on the earth's surface in one
B. Special map is a map that presents an overview of sightings with a certain focus. For example,
a picture of the appearance of population density in an area

2. Based on the scale

A. Cadastre Map: 1:100 – 1:5,000 scale (to draw a land certificate map)
B. Large Scale Map: 1:5,000 – 1:250,000 scale (for drawing narrow areas, such as districts)
C. Medium Scale Map: scale 1:250,000 – 1:500,000 (for a rather large area, eg province)
D. Small Scale Map: 1:500,000 – 1:1,000,000 scale (for a fairly large area, for example a
E. Geographic Scale Map: more than 1:1,000,000 scale (drawing the appearance of Asia or the

3. Based on the shape

A. Embossed Map: describes the earth's surface with its actual form, for example a relief
B. Flat Map: a map made on a flat plane, starting from paper, cloth, and others
C. Digital Maps: map data is on magnetic tape and processing and presentation via computer
4. Based on the data source
A. The master map is a map that is generated directly from the data found in the field.
B. Derived maps are maps that are drawn based on data from other maps that have been made

Map Components
Map Title
The title of the map is the first thing a person sees when looking at a map. Usually, the map title
is located at the top center of the map.
A border is a line that lies on the edge of the map and the ends of each line meet the end of the
adjacent line.
Orientation maps or directions diagrams show the position and direction of a point or area. The
orientation of the map is usually in the form of an arrow pointing north
Map Scale
Map scale is the ratio of the distance between two arbitrary points or the area on the map and the
actual distance
Legend or Map Description
The map legend contains a description of all the symbols on the map for easy understanding.
Coordinates (Longitude and Latitude)
Longitude and latitude are also known as astronomical lines. Longitude and latitude are usually
indicated in degrees.
Map symbol
Map symbols are used to represent actual objects.
Lettering is all meaningful writing on a map.
Map Color
The use of color is used to highlight different objects on the map
Data Source and Year of Manufacture
Map sources show the data sources used in making maps. Map sources provide assurance that
the data and information on the map are accurate.
Map insert
Is a small map that is placed in the appropriate position on the main map by shading or other
colors that indicate the location of the mapped area

Understanding Map Symbols

A map symbol is a sign or image that represents the appearance on the earth's surface contained
on the map of its appearance,
All kinds of map symbols
1. By nature
• Symbols that are quantitative; This symbol is used to distinguish or express the number
• Symbols that are qualitative; This symbol is used to distinguish the distribution of the
object depicted
2. Based on the shape
• Line symbols are used to present geographic location data such as rivers, regional
boundaries, roads, and so on.
• Point symbols, used to present place or positional data, such as symbols of cities, mines,
triangulation points (elevation points) of places from sea level and so on.
• The area symbol is used to show the appearance of an area such as swamps, forests,
deserts and so on.
3. Based on the function
• Water symbol; used for symbols of water forms.
• Land symbol; used for symbols of the earth's surface on land. Example: mountains,
mountains, volcanoes.
• Cultural symbols; used for symbols of forms of cultural products
Map Function
• Stores data on the earth's surface.
• Analyzing spatial data such as volume calculations.
• Provide information in urban planning and settlements.
• Provide information about natural spaces, both human and cultural.

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