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In today's life there are many ways to receive information through a variety of

media.I think the two most popular means are probably TV and the internet. Both
give each person a lot of information about Every aspect is a tool for us to relax,
while the information provided by them has some similarities, there are many
I will talk about the information provided by television first. On the upside, this
is the great invention of the 20th century when it was born and developed, and
became a powerful communication tool in The visual and vividness will help
customers easily be attracted, thereby remembering customers about their brand. It
is noticed by many people, has a strong effect, affects many people, helps to
increase conversion rates. It is a mainstream media. Besides, it is the downside of
television. Expensive cost is the biggest drawback of this medium, it is not
suitable for businesses with limited marketing costs. Next are the ads that can be
annoying to viewers, because there are many ads that are broadcast during the day,
sometimes the repetition will also make the audience mad, counterproductive. So
make use of it in moderation to turn television into an effective tool for your
Next is the type of information transmitted by the internet according to my
thoughts. On the upside, this is a form of advertising on Websites, Google Search,
Forums ... Because the Internet has a huge number of users, so the Exploiting these
resources brings great efficiency. The efficiency from using this media can also be
easily and effectively measured. The number of potential customers is increasing
and mainly concentrated on the Internet, so Internet advertising is a great tool
for every business that wants to exploit the above. Using advertising on the
Internet has many shortcomings, one of them is the spread of unorthodox
information. This is to limit the user's access to your ads. Furthermore, this
media sometimes makes customers feel annoyed.
Nowadays, the trend of people gradually living in the environment, the media is a
useful tool to increase the coverage with customers, helping to generate revenue
for themselves. Each of us needs to make the most of them

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