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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
a. Identify the voice of the verb in each sentence
b. Compose sentences using the active and passive voice
c. Appreciate the different voices of verb in a sentence

II. Subject Matter

Active and Passive Voice
A. Reference:
Avenues in English 6, pp 200 - 203
B. Materials:
Visual Aids, Flashcards, Powerpoint presentation, and Pictures
C. Ideas:
Voice is the quality of a verb that shows whether the subject is
the doer or receiver of the action.
Active voice is used to indicate that the subject of the sentence
is the doer of the action.
For example: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
Passive voice is created when the subject becomes the receiver
of the action.
For example: The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham
D. Processes:
Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Constructing
E. Values Infusion: Appreciate eating home cooked foods together
with the family.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Class, please stand for (The pupils will stand for the
the prayer. prayer)
Princess, please lead
the prayer.

2. Greetings!
Good morning Ma’am!
Good morning class!
We are good!
How are you today?
Wow, that is good to
None, Ma’am!
3. Checking of Attendance
Is anyone absent today?
Very good!

4.Checking of the
Do you have an None, Ma’am!

B. Drill
Class, I have here a tongue
twister. I will read it first and
Yes, Ma’am!
I want you to listen carefully.
Are you ready? (The pupils listen to the tongue
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe
shine shop.
Where she sits she shines,
and where she shines she

I saw Susie sitting in a shoe

shine shop.
Now, it is your turn to read. Where she sits she shines, and
Ready read. where she shines she sits. 

(The pupils follow the

Excellent job, class! instruction)
Let us give ourselves five
Ready go

C. Review
Before we learn a new lesson
today. Let me ask you first
some questions.

Give me a two vowel word. Tooth

Yes, Clark

Marvelous! You really

understood our lesson

D. Motivation
Class, let us play a game. I
want you to identify the
pictures. Fill in the missing Yes, Ma’am!

letters to complete the
Are you ready?

e, p

e, p, r, i

1. R_ci_e

What are the missing letters?

Yes, Christine
Let us read the word.

l, r
l, r, b, n

2. Sai_o_

What are the missing letters?

Yes, Clark
Let us read the word.

s, o, o
s, r, o, o
Fast Food

3. Fa_t F_ _ d

What are the missing letters?

Yes, Zerah
Let us read the word.
Fast Food

Well done, class!

Unlocking of Difficult terms

Before we continue with our

lesson. Let us first unlock
some difficult words. We are a. a set of instructions telling
going to play a game. What is you how to prepare and cook
the word? You are going to food, including a list of what
read first the meaning and food is needed for this
identify the correct word.
Are you ready? Recipe

Everybody read the first


a. a set of instructions telling

you how to prepare and cook b. a person who operates or
food, including a list of what works on a boat or a ship
food is needed for this
What is the word, Jasmine?
Very good!

Ex. I need a recipe on how to

make a chocolate cake.
c. hot food such as hamburgers
that is quick to cook or is
b. a person who operates or already cooked and is therefore
works on a boat or a ship served very quickly in a
What is the word, Sittie?

Ex. A sailor threw a rope a Fast Food

ashore and we tied the boat
to a post.

c. hot food such as

hamburgers that is quick to
cook or is already cooked
and is therefore served very
quickly in a restaurant.

What is the word, Princess?

Ex. Jollibee is my favorite

fast food store.

Excellent job! Those are the Yes, Ma’am!

words that we will encounter
in our lesson.

(The pupil’s listen to the story)
E. Presentation

Now, we are going to read a
story. I will read the story
first and I want you to listen
carefully. Are you ready?

Story of the Hamburger

The hamburger is the most

eaten food in the whole
world. The first hamburgers
were made and sold in
Connecticut by an American
called Louis Lassen. Loius
called them hamburger
because he was given the
recipe by the sailors from
Hambourg in Germany.

Hamburgers became a
favorite meal in America. It
became more popular when
they were bought in large
amount by teenagers who
like fast food than family Story of the Hamburger
meals. In 1948 two brothers
Dick and Mac Donald The hamburger is the most
opened a drive-in eaten food in the whole
hamburger restaurant in world. The first
San Bernardino, California. hamburgers were made
and sold in Connecticut by
Since then, the hamburgers an American called Louis
became very famous and are Lassen. Loius called them
eaten by the countries all hamburger because he was
around the world. given the recipe by the
sailors from Hambourg in
Now it’s your turn to read. Hamburgers became a
Ready read. favorite meal in America. It
became more popular
when they were bought in
large amount by teenagers
who like fast food than
family meals. In 1948 two
brothers Dick and Mac

Donald opened a drive-in
hamburger restaurant in
San Bernardino,

Since then, the

hamburgers became very
famous and are eaten by
the countries all around
the world.

Speaking: The most eaten food in the world

is hamburger.
Excellent job in reading.
Now we are going to answer
the following questions.
It is called Hamburger because
Comprehension Check-up the recipe was given by the
1. What is the most eaten sailors from Hambourgh,
food in the world? Germany.
Yes, Zerah.
Brilliant answer, Zerah!

2. Why was it called The owners of McDonalds are

Hamburger? Dick and Mac Donald.
Yes, Sittie.

Excellent answer, Sittie! Teenagers prefer fast food than

family meals.
3. Who are the owners of
Yes, Princess.
No, it is better to eat home
Very good, Princess! cooked food together with the
4. Who prefers fast food
than family meals?
Yes, Clark. (The pupil’s read the sentences)
Well done, Clark.

Is it better to eat in fast food
than eating home cooked 1. The first hamburgers were
foods together with the made and sold in Connecticut
family? in 1895 by an American called
Yes, Erich Louis Lassen.
2. Louis Lassen made and sold
F. Discussion hamburgers in Connecticut in
Class, I want you to read 1895.
the following sentences. 3. Hamburgers were bought in
large quantities by teenagers
1. The first hamburgers who preferred fast food than
were made and sold in family meals.
Connecticut in 1895 by an 4. Teenagers who preferred fast
American called Louis food than family meals bought
Lassen. large quantities of hamburger.
2. Louis Lassen made and
sold hamburgers in
Connecticut in 1895.
3. Hamburgers were These are active and passive
bought in large quantities voice sentences.
by teenagers who preferred
fast food than family meals.
4. Teenagers who preferred
fast food than family meals
bought large quantities of

What have you observed

from the sentences?

Very good! Voice is the quality of a verb

that shows whether the subject
This morning, we are going is the doer or the receiver of
to learn about active and the action.
passive voice.

Let us first define what Active voice is used to indicate

voice is. that the subject of the sentence
is the doer of the action.
Voice is the quality of a
verb that shows whether
the subject is the doer or
the receiver of the action.

What is voice again, class?

There are two types of voices.
Active voice and Passive voice.


Class, please read.

Again, Active voice is used to

indicate that the subject of the
sentence is the doer of the

For example:
The boy kicked the ball.
1. A student wrote a winning
In this sentence, the subject of essay.
the sentence is “The boy”, he
is the one doing the action
which is “kicked” and the
receiver of the action is “the 2. Alexander Graham Bell
ball”. invented the telephone.

Let’s look at other examples.

Hayuu, please read the first 3. The chef prepared a

sentence. delicious meal.
1. A student wrote a winning

Kiflei, please read the second

A student, Alexander Graham
Bell, The Chef
2. Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone.

Sam, please read the third

3. The chef prepared a Wrote, invented, prepared
delicious meal.

What are the subjects in the


Excellent! The subjects, A

student, Alexander Graham
Bell and Chef are the doers of
the action. They are doing the

What are the verbs?

Very good! Those verbs are

transitive verbs with direct The passive voice is created
objects. when the subject is acted upon,
or the receiver of the action.
Thus, when the subject of the
sentence is the doer of the
action and the verb has a
direct object, then the verb is
in active voice.


Class, please read.

The passive voice is created

when the subject is acted
upon, or the receiver of the
action. 1. The winning easy was
written by a student.
For example:
The ball was by the
kicked boy.
S V O 2. The telephone was invented
by Alexander Graham Bell
The object “ball” becomes the
subject and the “the boy”
becomes the receiver of the
action. 3. A delicious meal was
prepared by the chef.
Let us look at other examples.

Erich, please read the first

1. The winning easy was
written by a student.

Erica, please read the second

2. The telephone was invented
by Alexander Graham Bell

Jasmine, please read the third

3. A delicious meal was

prepared by the chef.

In these examples, observe that

the subjects became the
receiver while the object
became the subject.
Passive voice
Take note of the form of the
verb “was + past participle + Active voice
Passive voice
Active voice

So, if the subject became the

receiver of the action and it
has the sentence pattern
“was + past participle + by”,
it is a passive voice.
(The pupil’s listen to the
WRITING instructions)
Let us have an exercise.
Identify the voice of the verb in
each sentence. Write active
voice and passive voice.

1. Baseball was played by

2. Martin removed the old
3. The baby was carried by the
(The pupils are composing their
own sentences)
4. She cooked the breakfast.


Let’s have a group activity. I

want you to group yourselves
into your respective groups, the
same groups that we had last
meeting. Now that you have
your groups. Stick with your (The pupils are reporting their
group, group 1 will be at the answers)
left side then followed by group
2 at the center and group 3 will
be at the right side of the room.
Group 1

Listen to the instruction: Group 2
Compose one sentence using Group 3
the active voice and one
sentence using the passive
Write the sentence in the paper Sam likes to play basketball.
that I will provide for each
group. Choose a representative Basketball was played by Sam.
to report your answers. I will
give you five minutes to do so.
Did you all understand the
instruction class? Good, if
there are no questions then the
timer starts now.

Times up. Post your answers

on the board and each Active voice
representative will report their
answers. Passive voice

Passive voice
Group 1 Active voice
Group 2
Group 3


1. Who can give me a sentence

with an active voice?
2. Who can give me a sentence
with a passive voice?
3. Why do you think we have
two different voice of the verb? C
4. How is it helpful in our
speaking and writing?

I have here 4 sentences.
Identify the voice of the verbs
in each sentence. C
1. Mother made a cake
2. The deer was chased by the
tiger. C
3. A novel was written by her.
4. The police caught the thief.
Excellent job! You understood

the lesson very well. Now let us
have a quiz.

Identify the voice of the verb in

each sentence. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer. (The pupil’s listen to the
1. He teaches English. instruction)
a. voice b. passive
c. active
2. The servant was punished
by the master.
a. active b. passive
c. voice
3. They are building a house.
a. voice b. passive
c. active
4. Bananas are being eaten by
the child.
a. active b. voice
c. passive
5. He was writing a book.
a. active b. passive
c. voice


For your assignment,

compose two sentences
using both the active and
passive voice.


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