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Chapter 6 Lesson 1, 2, & 3

The Progressive Movement

1890 - 1920

___________________________ changed American society.

Cities were _______________, working conditions were often ____________, and the political system was

These conditions gave rise to the _____________________ movement.

Led by _________________, clergy, ____________________, and other concerned citizens, the Progressive
movement campaigned for both _____________ and _____________ reforms.

What is the meaning of progressive?

What do you think the Progressive Era was about? What do you think was happening in the US?

What sort of social problems can you identify in these images?

What do these images have in common?

Why might it be difficult for the people in the photographs to effect change on their own behalf?

Lesson 1 - The Roots of Progressivism

Identify some of the social problems that affect our country today.

What do these problems have in common?

Why might it be difficult for the people exposed to these conditions to effect change on their own behalf?

The Rise of Progressivism

● The Progressive Era was a time when ____________________ to society were attempted by both
citizens and politicians.
● The movement took the position that the ____________________ should take a more ____________
role in solving the problems of _______________.
● People who made society aware of _____________________ became known as “_________________.”
● ______________________, worker safety, and women’s rights were some popular progressive issues.
● A muckraker is someone who reveals bad or ____________________________ by a person or a
● The person on the left is a muckraking ___________________________ who is trying to expose and
reform corporate corruption. His sign is telling the man on the right not to take money from big business.
● The man on the right is a _____________________. He is dressed in workman’s clothing and wearing
a working man’s cap.
● The man is holding a “_________________________.” People used to bring their lunches to work in
metal pails such as this one. The text on the pail reads, “The full dinner pail is good enough for me.”
● The cartoon is saying that the worker does not care about corruption or breaking up trusts. He
simply wants a __________ that will pay him enough to ______________.
● Do you think this cartoon is on the side of business or on the side of the muckraker?

● How do you think business leaders, politicians, and tenement owners felt about muckrakers?

Reforming Government
● Government _____________________ were also popular during the Progressive movement.
● Corrupt _________________________ and corrupt _______________________ led to government
● Direct primaries were introduced in many states, and elections could include the initiative,
referendum, and recall.
○ ___________________________ - a vote held by all members of a political party to decide their
candidate for public office
○ _________________ - the right of citizens to place a measure or issue before the voters or the
legislature for approval
○ ____________________ - a proposed law to be voted on by a governing body
○ _____________________ - the practice of letting voters accept or reject measures proposed by the
○ _____________________- the right that enables voters to remove unsatisfactory elected officials from
● The ___________________ Amendment permitted direct elections of senators.

Woman Suffrage
● After the Civil War ended, women’s rights groups focused on obtaining the
_____________________________ for women.
○ ________________ - right to vote

● Changes occurred __________________. By 1900, only ____________ states allowed women the right
to vote.

● Women’s groups used ______________________ methods of protest and some

______________________ leaders lobbied lawmakers in Washington, D.C.
○ ______________________ - A lobbying group tries to influence political decisions on specific issues.
For example, the senior citizens’ lobby focuses on issues that are important to senior citizens.
● The _____________ Amendment, ratified August 26, 1920, granted _________________ the right to
Amendment Review - 13th - 19th
13th - __________________________ and involuntary servitude (_________________________ Amendments)

14th- defines what it means to be a ___________________. “Right to due process and equal protection of the
law” (____________________________ Amendments)

15th- Gave _________________ the right to vote regardless of _________, _________, or _____________
(____________________________ Amendments)

16th- Gave federal government power to collect __________________ (____________________________


17th- Established that senators would be ______________________ (____________________________


18th- Prohibition of ___________________ making alcoholic drinks __________________

(____________________________ Amendments)

19th- Gave _________________ the right to vote (____________________________ Amendments)

Reforming Society
● Progressives worked to improve the ______________________ of the nation.
● ______________________ and reforms in child labor and health and safety occurred during the
Progressive Era.
● Big business was also a target for _______________, and the Interstate Commerce Commission was
created to regulate ___________________.
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
- 13-23 year old immigrant girls and __________________ worked and were paid per piece of
_______________ they finished.
- The owners blocked the ________________________ to “encourage” the workers to finish
_____________ and stay at their machines.
- The machine that cut the patterns (on the 8th floor of the building) caught _______________ and
was fueled by the clothing lying nearby.
- The __________________ women pounded on the locked doors, many tried to run to the fire escape
but it collapsed and killed many.
- Many jumped from the 8th story. _____________ people died and it is considered the worst factory
fire in the history of ______________________.

Lesson 2 - Roosevelt and Taft

Roosevelt Revives the Presidency

● As president, ___________________________________ believed in Social Darwinism for
______________________ affairs but he was a ______________________ as far as ______________________
ideas were concerned.
○ __________________________ - a philosophy based on Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution and
natural selection, asserting that humans have developed through competition and natural selection
with only the strongest surviving
● Roosevelt reformed financial institutions to avoid ________________________ that would hurt
American citizens.
○ ________________________ - total control of a type of industry by one person or one company
● Roosevelt helped to support workers’ ________________ and believed in ________________________
big business.
○ ____________________ - to govern or direct according to rule

● Theodore Roosevelt was an avid supporter of ______________________________________.
● He supported legislation that helped transform the western _____________________.
● Gifford Pinchot headed the U.S. Forest Service, which helped control and regulate
____________________ use.
● Roosevelt helped develop the national parks system and supported the establishment of the

Taft’s Reforms
● ________________________________________________ was Theodore Roosevelt’s secretary of war,
and won the next ________________________of the United States.
● Taft was a ________________________ and believed that high tariffs limited
________________________and hurt consumers, but his ________________________ did not support that
● Taft pursued anti-trust cases and established the __________________________________ to help
improve child labor practices.
● However, Theodore Roosevelt eventually ________________________ Taft and announced that he
would again run for the presidency in _____________.

Lesson 3 - The Wilson Years

Was the Progressive Movement a success?

The Election of 1912

● The election of 1912 was between three progressive candidates:
○ ________________________,
○ ________________________,
○ and ________________________.
● President Taft was not seen as a _________________ candidate because he had
________________________ so many groups.
● While Roosevelt called his approach the ________________________ and supported laws to protect
laborers, Wilson called his approach the ________________________ and promoted less government control
and interference.
Wilson’s Reforms
● Wilson spent ________________________ as president, and introduced many reforms including
tariffs, banking trusts, and workers’ rights reforms.
○ ________________ - a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, especially
to reduce competition
● The ________________________ passed in 1913, allowed the government to collect income tax.
● In 1914, the ________________________________ was established to monitor business trade.

Lesson 1 - The Roots of Progressivism

The Rise of Progressivism
Who were the progressives?

How did progressives feel they could improve society?

Reforming Government
How did progressives think cities should be governed?

What did many progressives believe was the key to improving government?

How did the Seventeenth Amendment change the way senators are elected?

Woman Suffrage
What was the goal of the woman suffrage movement?

How did the separate suffrage organizations hope to achieve their goal?

Which amendment gave women the right to vote?

Reforming Society
What limits were placed on child labor?

What was Prohibition?

What is socialism?
Lesson 2 - Roosevelt and Taft
A. Main Idea: Theodore Roosevelt increased the government’s power to limit big business and protect
natural resources.

1. Detail: Roosevelt believed in the efficiency of trusts unless they created __________________ .

2. Detail: Roosevelt intervened in the __________________ of 1902 to protect the country from a shortage
that would have closed factories and left homes unheated.

3. Detail: Roosevelt had Congress create the __________________ to inform the public about abuses of
power by big business.

4. Detail: Two laws, the __________________ and the __________________, were passed in 1906 to protect

B. Main Idea: To protect our natural resources, Roosevelt urged Americans to conserve them.

1. Detail: The West’s landscape changed when the Newlands Reclamation Act allowed federal money to
pay for __________________ and __________________ .

2. Detail: Roosevelt felt that the best way to protect forests was to _________________.

3. Detail: Roosevelt greatly increased the power of the __________________ branch of the federal

C. Main Idea: Although Roosevelt felt Taft was ideal to continue his policies as the next president, many
Americans were disappointed.

1. Detail: Taft angered many progressives by signing the __________________ , which raised tariffs on some

2. Detail: A serious controversy arose between the former secretary of the interior, __________________, and
the new secretary, __________________ , over concern about the nation’s forest and mineral reserves.

3. Detail: Two of Taft’s achievements were the creation of the __________________ , which investigated
child labor, and the __________________ , which monitored mining companies, expanded national forests,
and protected waterpower sites from private development.

Lesson 3 - The Wilson Years

The Election of 1912 -
A. Theodore Roosevelt formed the __________________ Party when __________________ won the
Republican nomination. Both men ran against the Democratic candidate __________________ .

B. Roosevelt’s program to increase regulations of trusts and protect women and children was called
__________________ .

C. Wilson’s program to destroy monopolies and limit government power was called __________________ .

D. Because Republican voters were divided between two candidates, __________________ became the new

Wilson’s Reforms -
A. Wilson signed the __________________ in 1913 that reduced tariffs and provided for levying an
__________________ on the earnings of individuals.

B. Wilson supported the __________________ , allowing the government to supervise the banking system
and indirectly __________________ for the entire nation.

C. Wilson asked Congress to create the __________________ to monitor business. Progressives in Congress
passed the __________________ , which outlawed practices that restricted competition.

Progressivism’s Legacy and Limits -

A. Examples of progressivism within the federal government include laws passed to __________________
and __________________ .

B. Progressivism failed to address two types of discrimination: __________________ and __________________


C. To reduce discrimination, two organizations were founded: the __________________ and the
__________________ .

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