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Virtual Interview Questions

1.what are you full name?

My name is leonel Betancourt Gamarra
2.where were your born?
I was born in the Barranquilla city, Atlantic department
3.where are you living?
I am living Barranquilla
4.what is your email?
my email is
5.what is your phone number?
my phone number is three hundred two four seventy-nine sixty-four
forty-two (3024796442) old, are you?
I am thirty-nine years old
7.who does he live with?
I living with my wife and my daughter
8.tell us about your self?
I work in repair cell service; I am an enterprising person and I am studying
technique in accounting operations commercial an financial.
9.what motivates you?
My motivations are my family and the search for better quality of live
through my work.
10.what are your hobbies?
my favorite hobbies are reading literature about technology and playing
11.what are your future plans if you get this job?
my future plans are to save money to study in Canada
12.what are your future goals or What are your career goals?
My main and future goal is to graduate as a public accountant and lawyer.
13.what do you see as a major success in your life?
meet the objectives and goals that I set for myself in terms of work,
education and personal in search of happiness for family and me.
14.why did you leave your last job?
because my work aspirations and expectations are linked to improving my
quality of life
15.where do you see yourself in 5 years?
See my family, see myself living and working in Canada with my
professional accounting degree

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