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Next we are going to talk about the black population found in the country of

The black population in Canada constitutes the largest minority present in that
Although unfortunately, this being one of the most affected due to the antecedents
left by racial segregation towards this population.
and one of these effects is in the field of education.
An example of this is the statistics that show that the number of black women with
a college degree is much lower compared to the number of white women.
Although, for their benefit, in recent years the number of black people has been
increasing due to the fact that in the population there are immigrants with a high
level of education that help to increase the performance of these people with
respect to education.
Although the truth is that in Canada, compared to other countries, the rights
regarding access to education for black people is highly respected since there are
no laws that prevent them from this right and there is no prevention of education for
this minority, although Institutions show cases of segregation, especially in
schools, the right to education in Canada for people of color is quite respected in
the country.
Below you will see some tables which includes some data regarding the Highest
level of black population ages 25-59 in education.
Looking at these tables, we can conclude or show how, among non-migrants, there
is a higher percentage of black women who have a higher title compared to black
Speaking of the migrant population, it is generally known that they have a greater
chance of having a higher degree, a case that did not occur in 2016 in which it is
evidenced that there are a greater number of non-immigrant black women with a
higher degree compared to immigrant women of color.
Now we will see a table that include data on the Percentage of 25-59 Year Olds
with a Higher Degree in Canada 2016.
In the following graph we can see the scale of women of color with postsecondary
education has been increasing over time.
If we analyze the table, this table can show how post-secondary education has
been increasing since 2001, showing greater advances of women compared to
men, this evidenced both in black people and in other people.
Unfortunately, since 2011 started, a decrease on the scale of black men with post-
secondary education can be seen, unlike the proportion of men in the rest of the
people, which remained stable.
Most young blacks long for a college degree, but proportionately less likely to think
they will.

In conclusion, we see how this article shows us some of the characteristics in

terms of education of the black population of Canada.
Unfortunately, compared to the rest of the population, we see how the education
rates in the black population are lower, although, despite all these duels, black
people residing in Canada have high educational satisfaction rates.

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