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English homework

How do you define yourself and how do others influence your image of yourself?

I am a person who has many qualities that can be, a person who is kind to others
and wants the best for them, a person who tries to be good to everyone and does
not look for many problems, I am someone who is very friendly and who can
provide his help to someone who needs it, someone who is respectful with the
people I know and love, although I am also a very impatient and serious person but
I always try to have a positive attitude, I am also a person who is very honest and
direct with others , I do not like people who are hypocrites and who are false, as I
do not like people who are envious, I want to be someone who is proud and can
provide many things to my family.

the truth the influence or what others think about me does not matter so much, I
may receive advice and other things but what they think about me does not matter
much to me, since there are people who are false and hypocritical who speak
badly to the backs of one, the only opinions that I value are those of my family,
since they are the ones who know me the most.

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