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English Week (28th January-1st February 2019)

Dear Miss/Mdm,

Here are the lists of the activities for English week and the person in charge. Thank you for your cooperation.

No. Activities Prizes Year Suggested Teacher in charge Allocated time

Involved Day

Opening ceremony - All Monday MC- Azlin After yaasin

Gimmick- Mdm Atikah
-Video by Miss Aifa

1 Colour hidden picture Prizes will be given to Pra B and C Mdm Rezaomi /Miss Aifa
each class ;
2 Word Jumble Activity Year 1 Mdm Hayati bt Abdullah
1 winner from 1 class.
During English
3 Hidden picture and word Eg; 1B- 1 prize Year 2 Mdm Norlia lesson period
1C- 1 prize
4 Form word activity Year 3 & 4 Mdm Azlin
each price –RM4
5 Crossword puzzle 5&6 Mdm. Siti Asma

6 Public speaking 3 prizes for each Mdm Tuan Nurul Atikah

competition competition
4,5 & 6 Wednesday After Recess
No 1-RM10
7 Story telling competition Mdm. Norlia
No 2- RM8
8 Poem Recitation No 3-RM7 Mdm Azlin

9 Science Storytelling in 3 prizes Year 3 Thursday Mdm Hayati After Recess


10 Spelling Bee Contest Prizes will be given Level 1 & Mdm Siti Asma
according to the year. level 2
Eg; Year 1- 3 prizes
-Gimmick by Mdm Rezaomi
Closing Ceremony All teachers Friday After Assembly
- Video by Miss Aifa
and pupil
- MC- Atikah

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