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Urologic Diseases and Conditions

While the urologists of Advanced Urology Centers

of New York diagnose and treat patients who
suffer from emergency problems and issues, there
are a number of urologic diseases and conditions
that occur that deserve special mention.

These are some of the specific issues affecting

our patients that may require surgery, medication, radiation
oncology or other treatment modalities:

BPH with LUTS/Enlarged Prostate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is quite common and

involves the enlargement of a man’s prostate gland as he
ages. He can have trouble urinating, causing a number of
lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Advanced Urology
Centers of New York has helped thousands of men with this
problem, and if you think you are suffering from BPH, we can
help you, too.

Frequency/Overactive Bladder

If you find you have the urge to go to the bathroom all the
time, to the point where you may lose control of your bladder
before reaching a toilet, you may have an overactive bladder.
This condition, also known as OAB, involves the contraction
of a muscle in the bladder that squeezes (or contracts) at
inappropriate times. What causes it? How can it be
controlled? Our urologists will assist you in diagnosing and
treating OAB so you can resume your daily activities in a
normal manner.

Prostate Cancer

For men, prostate cancer can often be a fatal diagnosis. In

fact, it is the second-leading cause of death of men. Getting
screened is of great importance. Discussing your family
history with your physician, examining the other risk factors in
relation to your own situation and educating yourself about
this important topic can help you survive. Our outstanding
urologists will outline the tests you’ll need to help them make
a diagnosis. And, if you need treatment, we offer the latest in
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robotic surgery, radiotherapy, cryotherapy and other treatment


A new study suggests that nocturia, or nighttime urination, by

people of all ages could be a sign of a much larger problem.
Nocturia, defined as two or more episodes of urination during
the night, increases with age, and is associated with other
conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
hypertension and antidepressant use. Speak to your urologist
about this, if this is an issue for you.

Elevated PSA

Elevated PSA levels in a man’s blood could be indicative of

prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (or BPH), or prostate
cancer. To learn more click on the “Elevated PSA” above and
if you feel it’s time for you to take the additional step of
making an appointment with your primary care physician, or
with us, we urge you to do so promptly.

Microscopic Hematuria

Hematuria is the medical term for blood in a patient’s urine. It

can be temporary and not of major significance. On the other
hand, it can be extremely serious and require immediate
testing and treatment. When should you seek treatment for
hematuria? What else can you find out about hematuria? For
more information, click on the “Microscopic Hematuria” link,
and then contact us to make an appointment for a
consultation with one of our urologists.

Urinary Tract Infection

Did you know that millions of men and women suffer from
urinary tract infections each year and that almost half of all
Accessibility women will experience one during their lifetime? Advanced
Urology Centers of New York treats thousands of patients
each year for urinary tract infections.

Impotence/Erectile Dysfunction

Impotence, or erectile dysfunction (or ED), is a failure of an

otherwise normal and natural process. There are countless
television commercials showing popular prescription drugs
that can help in the treatment process. However, finding the
source of the problem and attempting to deal with it, rather
than just treating the symptoms, is where we provide a
valuable service for our patients. For more information, click
on the “Impotence/Erectile Dysfunction” link, and then
contact us to make an appointment for a consultation with
one of our urologists.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are painful, and somewhat common. Statistics

point to the fact that more than 30 million Americans have
suffered from urolithiasis, or stone disease, at some time in
their lives. If waiting for a stone to pass fails, we can treat
kidney stones by using shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy,
percutaneous nephrolithotomy or open surgery. In any case,
we have a variety of tools with which to help male and female
patients with kidney stones.

Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer is the sixth most-common type of cancer in

the US, with 65,000 people diagnosed each year, leading to as
many as 14,000 deaths per year. We can help diagnose and
treat bladder cancer, but it starts with a patient recognizing
the symptoms and getting an appointment to be tested.

Male Infertility

Infertility can affect men as well as women. For couples

trying to conceive a child, the issue of infertility needs to be
explored from the male side as well as the female side. Is the
man not producing enough sperm? Is there an issue with the
“quality” of the sperm? Are the sperm underdeveloped? Are
they abnormally-shaped? Is a varicocele (dilated scrotal
veins) affecting the sperm’s ability to transport to their
desired location? Is sperm pushing backwards into the
bladder? We can investigate the issues from the male
perspective and either find the source of the problem or rule
out the male as having physical problems relating to

Premature Ejaculation (PE)

While 1 in 5 men are thought to experience premature

ejaculation, our urologic experts can help patients explore the
psychological and physical issues that may be causing
premature ejaculation, or contributing to it. We may prescribe
behavioral therapies or medical therapies (medications) to try
to help find the source of the problem. Then, we can work
with patients to address those problems and reduce the
incidence of PE going forward. It all starts by making an
appointment with one of our physicians at one of our many
convenient locations.


This surgical procedure is an option selected by men who, for

one reason or another, decide that they no longer want to be
able to father children. Our urologists have performed
thousands of vasectomies, and if you are considering having
one yourself, we can often perform the procedure in our
office, or sometimes in a surgical center or hospital setting.

Kidney Cancer

The good news for patients is that kidney cancer has a

survival rate between 79-100 percent, but reducing risk
factors like smoking, hypertension, obesity and other factors
can help you avoid developing kidney cancer. Visiting your
urologist, getting screened and working with your primary
care physician to develop a plan to help you stay healthy is
one of our primary goals. Treating you after you have been
diagnosed is another primary goal for those who have already
developed kidney cancer.

Testicular Cancer

This form of cancer is both treatable and curable. If you

suspect you may have a problem, getting to a urologist’s
office and being tested offers the best chance to beat this
form of cancer. Is one of your testicles enlarged, or swollen?
Is it painful? If a tumor is suspected, you’ll probably need an
ultrasound test to confirm or rule out testicular cancer as a
possibility. Take the first step and make an appointment

Urethral Cancer

This rare form of cancer can affect both men and women. In
fact, more women than men are diagnosed with urethral
cancer. After a review of the patient’s family and medical
history, other diagnostic screening tools may include a tissue
biopsy under local anesthesia, or a cystourethroscopy (using
a cystoscope). Treatment options include surgery, radiation
and chemotherapy.


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the area around the prostate

gland, or an inflammation of the prostate itself. Men may
experience the pain and discomfort of prostatitis, while
others may experience no pain at all. There are four types of
prostatitis; acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial
prostatitis, chronic prostatitis and asymptomatic
inflammatory prostatitis.


Advanced Urology Centers of New York provides links to outside third-party web sites as a courtesy. We are not responsible for

any information you review on these sites, or any experience you may have on these sites, and we provide the links for your

convenience only.

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