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Library of Alexandria:

Fire of Julius Caesar, in the year 47 BC in the war of the pretenders to the Egyptian
throne, Julius Caesar went to Egypt to help Queen Cleopatra, the war ended with a fire
which spread throughout Alexandria and almost destroyed the library, it is speculated that
about 40,000 scrolls (ancient manuscripts) were lost

In the year 272 there was a very dangerous epidemic known as the Antonine plague,
which took many deaths with it, the misfortune was such that the quality of life in
Alexandria began to deteriorate, not only in the economic sphere but also in the Cultural
also, since the cultural aspect was not very taken into account through this process, so
many buildings began to be degraded and with them the library of Alexandria.

In the fourth century Christianity was declared as the main religion in the empire, which led
to a large number of books which spoke of other religions began to be forgotten and
therefore began to degrade over time to the point where the moisture and other factors will
almost completely destroy them or make them unreadable

The last blow to the library of Alexandria came with the Arab invasion, where, in the year
640, the Muslims invaded Egypt, which led to the library of Alexandria to a total loss and
an irretrievable state, with its destruction they were lost many books and those that were
"saved" were stolen, it is said that the Muslims used these books as fuel, but that the
quantity was such that the books were not totally destroyed for 6 months.

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