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Monologue on the reading "El Túnel":

I am Juan Pablo Castel, I am the painter who murdered Maria Iribarne, although I do not
think it is necessary to give more explanations about me since what happened should
already be known to everyone.

In 1946, in the Spring room, I presented a painting that I called Maternity, several people
came to see my work, however the person who most caught my attention was a woman,
who came to see my painting, that woman It was Maria Iribarne, she caught my attention
because she was the only one who could understand the loneliness that my painting

I fell in love with her from the first moment, there are those who say that my love became
an obsession, I started looking for her all over the city, I just wanted to see her one more
time and talk to her about my painting, I spent months thinking about her hoping to find her
one more time. One afternoon I managed to find Maria on the street, at the time I did not
know what to do exactly, but I approached Maria and asked her opinion about my painting,
she blushed and did not know very well what to say, I think she was a little confused She
was almost crying already, so I preferred to go and leave her alone, but she followed me
and apologized to me and told me that she remembered my painting, but then she left and
we didn't speak any more that day.

After she left I kept looking for her and managed to see her, when I saw her grab her arm
and we went to the Plaza San Martín to ask her why she left, she told me that she didn't
even know then I told her in a very formal way "Promise that you will never leave again, I
need you ”.

At night I decided to call her on the phone but she hung up on me because she couldn't
speak at that time, so I waited until the next day and called her again but Maria did not
answer me but a woman answered me who told me that Maria had left But he left me a
letter, so I went to his house to get the letter, when I got home a blind man opened the
door for me and told me that his name was Allende and that he was Maria's husband, but
he gave me the letter and then I read it, the carto only said "I also think about you, Maria."

After a while, I called Maria to ask her out on a date the next day, she told me she was
going to go, but she never came, so I decided to go look for her, but when I got home I
saw her that Hunter ( her cousin) and she were taking a walk and when they came back
the light in Maria's room came on, so at that moment I was very jealous, I went upstairs
with a knife in my hand, I looked out of her window and she saw me and She was scared,
when she saw the knife she asked me what I was going to do, and the only thing I could
answer was that I had to kill her for having abandoned me and I stabbed her with the knife
several times in her chest and belly.
The next day I called Allende and told him everything, and I turned myself in to the police
and after a while I found out that Allende had committed suicide.

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