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Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist, led theteam of scientists who created the first self-sustaining

nuclear chain reaction. Electricity was generated for the first time in December 20, 1951.Nuclear is the
largest source of clean power in the United States. It generates more than 800 billion kilowatt hours of
electricity each year and produces more than half of the nation's emissions-free electricity. Nuclear
generation is the only source of electricity that can produce a constant supply of power without emitting
greenhouse gases and has one of the lowest environmental impacts on land and natural resources of
any electricity source. I agree that nuclear energy is the most effective way at present time to substitute
fossil energy as coal and petroleum to decrease the emission of carbon dioxide.

I agree that nuclear energy produces high amounts of electricity without damaging the environment
and atmosphere. Nuclear power plants produce less pollution than many of our other current energy
sources, including coal fire and natural gas plants.this energy source is more efficient than solar, coal
and wind energy. Nuclear energy is not only capable of producing more energy than these other
sources, but is more eco-friendly as well. Another reason we should use more nuclear energy is that it is
a cheaper source of energy than gasoline, a fuel source that has been troubling our economy for many

The fact that we can produce electricity from nuclear sources for less money means that more
people will have access to electricity. This increased amount of lower priced electricity can be used to
provide energy to poor places and to create more jobs and increasing our use of nuclear power will
safely and efficiently produce the large amounts of energy that the citizens of our world need.

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