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Today I was chosen to give a talk about Doctrine and Convenants

chapter 9, verse 8. I am going to change the words a little bit to help us


But behold I say unto you, that ye must study it out in your mind, then
you must ask me if it be right. If it is right I will cause your heart to feel
warm with love, so you will know that it is right.

In this scripture, Jesus is teaching that He will not do some things for us
automatically. He wants to help us but he also wants us to act. For
example, if somebody in your family breaks a bone, you can say a
prayer to Heavenly Father but he might not heal the bone automatically.
Sometimes you have to take the person to the hospital and see the
doctor. You are doing the action, and Jesus is answering your prayer by
helping that person to not be nervous or to heal faster and not hurt as

Another example is having fights with your friends. You might have a
fight about which game you want to play, but you can quickly say a
private prayer to Heavenly Father so he can help you get along with that
friend better. You have to do the action of apologizing to that friend and
acting nice to them, but Jesus will still help you get along with that
friend and calm down your heart. Jesus will always help you to know
how to fix problems by sending you the Holy Ghost, but it is your job to
act and follow the ideas Jesus sends you.

I know Jesus wants to help us study things out. I sometimes lose things
but Jesus helps me look hard and know where to find them. I also have
fights with my family and friends but Jesus helps me to know how to say
sorry and act nicer. I hope that when you have problems you will work
hard to try and fix them and ask Jesus to help you. In the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.

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