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Fill in the blanks:

(a) A Word of Command is divided into three parts viz. cautionary, pause and _________ word
of command.
(b) The command ‘DAHINE MUD’ while on the march is given when the _______ foot is forward
an on the ground.
(c) A Left or Right Turn is made through an angle of _____ degrees to the left or right.
(d) On the command ‘LAMBA DAHINE, CHOTTA BAEN EK LINE MEIN QADWAR’ all with the
exception of the markers are to turn to _______.
(e) On the command ‘KHULI LINE CHAL’, the front and rear ranks are to take ________ paces
forward and backward, respectively.
2. Choose the correct option from those given below to fill in the blanks: -
(a) On the command ‘VISHARJAN’ cadets are to turn …………….
(i) Left (ii) Right (iii) Half Left (iv) Half Right
(b) In ‘TEZ CHAL’, the length of each pace is ………………. Inches.
(i) 45 (ii) 30 (iii) 12 (iv) 18
(c) Maximum number of paces that can be taken sideways is……………….
(i) Two (ii) Four (iii) Six (iv) Any number of paces
(d) In ‘VISHRAM’ position, the distance between both the heels is approximately ………inches.
(i) Eight (ii) Ten (iii) Twelve (iv) Fifteen
(e) Counting for ‘SALUTING TO LEFT/RIGHT ON THE MARCH’ is ……………………….
(i) Check, T, L V, Shoot (ii) Check, Up
(iii) Check, T, Shoot (iv) Check, Up, Two, Three, Four, Five, Down
3. Match the following:
(a) Aadhar (i) To encourage manufacturing in India.
(b) BHIM App (ii) Loan for entrepreneurs
(c) Make in India (iii) For skill training schemes
(d) Startup India (iv) For fast, safe and trustworthy payments
(e) Skill India (v) For unique identity of citizens and its connectivity digitally
(f) Mudra Bank (vi) For encouraging new businessmen
4. State whether True or False:
(a) While assembling .22 Rifle, it must be ensured that the safety catch is in ‘R’.
(b) In .22” Deluxe Rifle, ammunition is filled in the magazine.
(c) The target used for advance shooting has five Bulls.
(d) While assembling .22” Rifle, the bayonet is fitted at last.
(e) In rifle firing speed is important that accuracy.
(f) There are six grooves in the barrel of a .22” Rifle.
5. Distinguish between Critical thinking and Creative thinking?
6. What are the communication barriers while speaking?
7. What are the feelings that one may experience while under stress?
8. What are the basic principles of time management?
9. Write down the characteristics of a creative person?
10. Explain how to unload a Rifle.
11. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Air Wing of NCC was raised on _____________.
(b) There are ____________ NCC Directorates in India.
12. Write down the objective of NCC?
13. State whether True or False:
(a) Cultural Integration does not form part of National Integration.
(b) In an Integrated Country people share common goals.
(c) National Security is the security of a country within its border
(d) In India, the Ministry of Defence takes care of internal security.
(e) National Integration means a feeling of togetherness and unity among the people of a
14. What is National Integration?
15. How does ‘Lack of Education’ affect National Integration?
16. What are the main attributes of National security?
17. Write down some of the factors chiefly responsible for weakening the National Integration.
18. Write down the measures to achieve National Integration.
19. Match the following:
(a) Empathy (i) Style of communication
(b) Etiquette (ii) Ability to be sensitive to another person’s situation
(c) Time Management (iii) Recognition of self
(d) Self Awareness (iv) Helps to earn respect and appreciation in the society.
(e) Aggressive (v) Helps you to set and achieve your long-term goals
20. State whether True or False:
(a) Experience is one of the major determinants of personality.
(b) Character is inborn, and not developed over period of time.
(c) Skills are acquired through practice and patience.
(d) Critical thinking requires skills in analyzing information and examining it in detail.
(e) Involving others in planning will increase communication gap.
(f) A creative person sees problems as opportunities.
(g) Past experiences does not influences personality
(h) Good decision making depends on understanding the situation well
21. What is the definition of ‘Life Skills’ according to WHO?
22. What are the benefits of developing Public Speaking Skills?
23. What are the components of effective communication?
24. Write down any three steps to be followed while making a decision.
25. Which all body parts are to be aligned with the target in lying position?
26. What are the essentials of good shooting?
27. Write down the correct sequence of stripping a .22” Rifle.
28. What are the positions from which rifle can be fired?
29. Define Grouping Capacity.
30. What are the ways of managing stress?
31. What are the important traits that a leader should possess?
32. Fill in the blanks:
(a) ___________ is the apex body for disaster management at national level.
(b) NDRF stands for ________________________________________.
(c) CBRN stands for ____________________________________________.
(d) NDMA is headed by the _________________________.
(e) __________ will act as the planning, coordinating and implementing body for Disaster
Management at the District level.
33. What are the different types of disasters?
34. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Swachh Bharat Abhiya was officially launched on _____________
(b) ____________________________ is a campaign of the Government of India that aims to
generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in India.
(c) POSCO stands for ________________________________________________.
(d) POSCO act defines a child as any person below the age of ___________________.
35. Fill in the blanks:
(a) The length of No.II MK IV .22” Rifle is _____ inches.
(b) The muzzle velocity of No. II MK IV .22” Rifle is _______________________.
(c) Effective range of No.II MK IV .22” Rifle is _________.
(d) The normal rate of fire of a .22” Deluxe Rifle is ___________________.
(e) There are __________ circles on a 1’X1’ target.
(f) _____________ of the rifle must always be pointed in a safe direction.
(g) In rifle firing, MPI stand for ______________.
(h) ________________ is the most comfortable and easiest position from which to fire the rifle.

36. Write down any five measures to prevent female feticide.

37. Write any five practical steps that will help you minimize the exposure of your mobile device to
digital threats.
38. How can you contribute in the field of Social Service as an NCC Cadet?
39. Write down the five keys to safer food.
40. What is wound? What are the different types of wound?
41. What is ‘Mouth to Mouth Respiration?’ How is it given?
42. Explain different types of fractures and their first aid?
43. Marshal of the Indian Air Force _________________________
44. Write any two occasions when IAF acted major role in National security?
45. Define the following: -
(a) Newton’s First Law of Motion:
(b) Angle of Attack:
(c) Density:
(d) Power:
(e) Drag:
46. Write the importance of Airmanship.
What are the objectives of Air Traffic Services?
48. Define the following:-
(a) Air Navigation:
(b) Great circle:-
(c) Instrument Flight Rule :-
49. ETD means -
50. Fill in the following blanks:
(i) In __________ stroke, the waste products of the combustion are ejected out of the cylinder.
(ii) In an engine, burning of mixture of Fuel and Air takes place in ______________ chamber.
(iii) The fuel is burnt i______________ in the internal combustion engine.
(iv) The fuselage also provides attachment point for Wings.
(v) ________________________________________________________is one of the types of
wing of an aircraft.
51. Write two types of engines generally in use.
52. Write the purpose of undercarriage and type of undercarriage used on an aircraft.
53. Write true or false.
(a) Ailerons are fitted at the leading edge of the wing.
(b) The wings are the main lift producing part of an aircraft.
(c) Elevator provides the yawing movement of an aircraft.
(d) Trim tab is attached at leading edge of stabilizer.
(e) Slat is attached to the leading edge of wing.
54. Write the aim and principle of Air speed indicator?
56. Write the purpose of the following?
(a) Altimeter –
(b) Artificial Horizon –
57. What are the main substances used in Aero-modelling?
58. What are the different types of Aero-models?
59. Write the equivalent rank in Army.
(a) AVM
(b) Corporal
(c) Warrant Officer
(d) Group Captain
(e) Fg Offr
60. Name the following appointments.
(a) Chief of the Air Staff :
(b) President of India :
(c) Chief of the Army Staff :
(d) Defence Minister :
61. What is the use of aircraft recognition during war time? Give the Indian identification mark.
62. Write the Types of the following aircraft.
(a) MIRAGE-2000 -
(b) MI-35 -
(c) AN-32 -
(d) IL-76 -
(e) MI-17 -
63. Write true or false
(i) WMO stands for world meteorological organization.
(ii) Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and the weather process.

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