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Customized 1 on 1 Course

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Beginner + Intermediate + Advanced Python + DS + Algo

Daily Assignments

 Installing Jupyter and Anaconda

 Deep dive into OOPs and its concepts
 Basics of Python: Case Sensitive, important characters
 Built in Functions in Python
 I/O Functions in Python
 Comments in Python
 Data Types in detail
 Python Variables
 Operators
 Type Casting
 Basic Mathematical functions
 Indexing and Slicing
 Working with Strings
 Deep dive into Data Structures in Python
 Details on List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary and its use cases
 List Manipulation and conversion
 Python Tuples
 Python Set
 Python Dictionary
 Conditional Statements in Python
 Looping
 for loop in Python
 while loop in python
 do while
 Switch cases
 Python Special Statements
 Deep dive into Functions in Python
 Nested functions
 Lambda function in Python
 Deep dive into Libraries in Python
 Decorators
 Generators
 Inheritance
 Subclasses and Overloading
 Calling Super Methods
 Changing Behavior of Methods
 Overriding Methods
 Inheritance Challenge
 Polymorphism
 Testing in Python
 Debugging
 Deep dive into Error Handling
 Regular Expressions
 Comprehensions
 Recursion
 Time Notations
 Linked List
 Circular Singly Linked List
 Doubly Linked List
 Stack
 Queue
 Tree
 Binary Tree
 AVL Tree
 Binary Heap
 Hashing
 Sorting
 Searching
 Graphs
 Minimum Spanning Tree
 Greedy Algorithms
 Divide and Conquer Algo
 Dynamic Programming

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