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I. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
The dialog is for question 1
Tegar : Mom, would you like to come to our farewell party next week?
Mrs. Martha : That sounds great, but I’m sorry I can’t. I have to go to Bali for a
Tegar : That’s okay, Mom.

1. The underlined utterance expresses ….

A. greeting
B. thanking
C. apologizing
D. leave taking
2. Complete this dialog.

Alex : Who are two boys in this picture, Sandra?

Sandra : They are my younger brothers. Both of them are athletes.
Alex : Do they like playing badminton?
Sandra : Yes, they do. They often defeat … rivals in many competitions.

A. they
B. them
C. their
D. theirs
The dialog is for question 3
Ahmad : We’ll have a meeting on Saturday March the 25th. What’s the date today, Ron?
Roni : Oh, if I’m not mistaken it’s March the 24th.
Ahmad : Oh I see. Thanks.
3. The dialog happened on ….
A. Friday the twenty fourth of March
B. Friday the twenty fifth of March
C. Saturday the twenty fourth of March
D. Saturday the twenty fifth of March
The text is for questions 4 and 5
Snowy is my favorite dog. It is Chinese breed. Snowy is small, fluffy, and cute. It
has thick white fur. When, I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Snowy does not like bones. Every
day it eats soft food like streamed rice, fish, or bread. When I’m at school, Snowy plays
with my cat. They get along well and never fight, maybe because Snowy does not bark a lot.
It treats the other animals in our house, and it never bites shoes.
We always spend time together at home. We do many activities; playing balls, hide
and seek, or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon I usually take her for a walk. People
love to see Snowy.
Snowy is really a sweet and friendly dog.

4. What is the text about?

A. A friendly and sweet dog.
B. A Friendly dog and a cute cat.
C. A friendship between a cat and a dog.
D. A friendship between the writer and his pet.
5. In the second paragraph, the writer wants to tell the readers about ….
A. Snowy’s physical appearance
B. The writer’s activities with his pet
C. Snowy is a cute cat and friendly dog
D. Everybody loves to walk with Snowy
The dialog is for questions 6 and 7
Raka and Beni are in the zoo now, looking at some birds in the cages.
Raka : Beni, look at the cage! What kind of bird is it?
Beni : It is (6) … cockatoo.
Raka : Can you tell me about that bird!
Beni : Well, (7) … are extremely affectionate birds. They are real intelligent and very
inquisitive birds.
Raka : What do you mean that they are intelligent and inquisitive birds?
Beni : They love to show off and make comical displays with outspread wings, head
bobbing, dancing, and loud calls. They are very active and curious about
Raka : Oh I see.
6. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. one
7. A. cocks
B. cookies
C. cockatoo
D. cockatoos
The text is for questions 8 and 9

Laura is my friend from Canada. She is 15 years old. She has long, curly, blond hair, and
blue eyes. She is tall and slim. She has many great friends. She is an optimistic and (8) …
girl. She likes reading books, dancing, playing volleyball, and cooking in her spare time.
She (9) … fond of bright colors. Her favorite color is red that’s why she loves wearing red

8. A. arrogant
B. energetic
C. apathetic
D. annoying
9. A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
10. The best arrangement from these jumbled words is ….
every – nice – Sarah – her family – summer – when– visits – is – the weather.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 6 – 9 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 8 – 2
B. 6 – 9 – 4 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 2
C. 3 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 9 – 1 – 8 – 2
D. 3 – 7 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 8 – 2
11. Complete this dialog!
Police : Don’t you know that you … stop when the traffic light is red?
Driver : Sorry, Sir. I was so absent-minded that I didn’t pay attention to the traffic
Police : Well, Sir. You’ll have to pay a fine.
Driver : Yes, Sir.
Police : Are you okay?
Driver : I’m dizzy. Actually I slept less last night.
Police : Oh, you … drink medicine and you need enough rest after getting home.
Driver : Yes, Sir. Thank You.

A. mustn’t – should
B. shouldn’t – must
C. should – must
D. must – should
12. The card is sent to ….

A. congratulate someone who achieves all his wishes

B. wish someone gets his graduation soon
C. wish someone’s life blessed by God
D. congratulate someone’s graduation
The text is for questions 13 and 14

Last Saturday was the June Fair at school. It was good fun. There were lots of stalls selling
food and even a bouncy castle. There were donkey rides too.
They had some stocks and Mr. Benson, one of our teachers, sat in them. We threw wet
sponges at him. I hit him on the nose three times. When it was time to go home, they
couldn’t find the key to the stocks. Someone said that Jack Chen from my class had run off
with it. This made Mr. Benson really mad.
The fire brigade had to come! And guess what? The key turned up on Mr. Benson’s desk on
Monday! I wonder who put it there.

13. Why did Mr. Benson become really angry? Because ….

A. some students hit him with sponges
B. the key to the stock was gone
C. the fire brigade had to come
D. the fair was closed
14. From the text, we can conclude that ….
A. someone played prank on Mr. Benson
B. the writer knew who put the key on the desk
C. Jack Chen tricked Mr. Benson with the sponges
D. the key turned up on Mr. Benson’s desk one day after the fair
15. Complete this dialog.

Berta : Do you prefer travelling by train or by plane?

Tony : I prefer travelling by train.
Berta : Why?
Tony : Buying the train’s ticket needs … money than the plane’s ticket.

A. fewer
B. more
C. little
D. less
16. Complete this dialog.
Dude : Hi Ben, I heard that you got an accident a week ago, was it true?
Ben : Yes, Dude. It was a bad day.
Dude : What a pity. How … it happen?
Ben : It happened when I was going to Randy’s house. When I started to walk out from
A. the pavement, and was going to cross the road, suddenly the car … me from beside.
B. Luckily I was saved by John. He grabbed my hand quickly.

A. did – hit
B. was – hit
C. did – hate
D. was – hate
The text is for questions 17 to 20
Born with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He came from the royal family
environment Yogyakarta. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, when reached the age of 40
years, renamed Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Since then, he no longer uses a knighthood in front of
his name. This meant that he could freely close to the people, either physically or his heart.
The trip was really marred his life of struggle and devotion for the sake of his people. He
finished elementary school in the ELS (Elementary Netherlands). Then had continued to
STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it was not until the end due to illness. Then he
worked as a journalist at several newspapers. At the time, he was classified as powerful
writer. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit of
anti-colonial to readers. Besides tenacious as a young journalist, he is also active in social
and political organizations. In 1908, he was active in the propaganda section Boedi Oetomo
to socialize and arouse public awareness of Indonesia at that time about the importance of
unity in the nation. Then, along Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and Dr. Cipto
Mangoenkoesoemo, he founded the Indische Partij (the first political party that wing
nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims at achieving an independent
After the independence day, Ki Hajar Dewantara served as Minister of Education and
Culture of the first. Name Ki Hadjar Dewantara not only immortalized as a character
and Hero of education (father of National Education) the date of birth May 2 was made a
National Education, but also defined as National Movement hero by decree President RI 305
1959, dated November 28, 1959. He died on April 28, 1959 at Yogyakarta and was buried
there. Then by the successor college Student Park, established Dewantara Kirti Griya
Adapted from
17. Why did Soewardi Soeryaningrat rename his name to Ki Hajar Dewantara? Because he ….
A. came from the royal family
B. had reached the age of 40 years
C. no longer uses a knighthood in front of his name
D. could freely close to the people either physically or his heart
18. From the text we know that ….
A. the writing of Ki Hajar Dewantara are very communicative and sharp against the
government policy
B. through Boedi Oetomo, Ki Hajar Dewantara socialized the importance of unity in the
C. Ki Hajar Dewantara served as first Minister of Education and Culture on November 28,
D. Ki Hajar Dewantara founded the Indische Partij the first political party by himself
19. “Besides tenacious as a young journalist, he is also active in social and political
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. generous
B. irresolute
C. persistent
D. hazardous
The text is for question 20

20. What is the writer’s intention in writing the notice?

A. To show the readers the school policy.
B. To inform the visitors to wait further notice.
C. To ask school members and visitors to obey the rules.
D. To tell the importance of maintaining social distancing.
The dialog is for question 21

Thania : “I congratulate you on being a member of our scout core team. It’s not easy to pass
the audition test, but you proved that you deserve it.”
Alven : “Thank you, but this accomplishment is the beginning of a new step. I have to
prepare for the online competition.”
Thania : “I see. I am sure our team will attain victory.”
Alven : “Thanks. Your support and pray are needed.”
Thania : “I always hope for your best.”

21. Why does Thania congratulate Alven? Because ….

A. he is appointed the leader of scout core team
B. he and his team won scout competition
C. he is included in scout core team
D. he has worked hard for his team
The dialog is for question 22

Putra : “Hello, Reva!”

Reva : “Hi, Putra. Please come in. We have waited you.”
Putra : “Did you prepare all we need? I bring milk can and coke can.”
Vatia : “Can we make something from those?”
Putra : “Of course. Let’s start to make it.”
Reva : “Why do you make some pattern on those can?”
Putra : “I design it (40) … make easy cut by following the line.”
Vatia : “I know. Can we help you to cut it?”
Putra : “Sure. We need iron scissors to cut it.”
Vatia : “We have prepared them.”
Putra : “Ok. Cut them by following the line. Be careful! It’s so sharp.”
Vatia : “Of course.”
22. A. so
B. thus
C. so that
D. in order to
The text is for questions 23 to 26

Peach Tea
Ingredients :
 2 cups peach syrup
 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
 4 tablespoons granulated sugar
 2 cinnamon sticks
 4 teabags
 4 cups cold water
Steps :
1. Heat water in a vessel and bring it to the boil.
2. Pour the boiled water over the teabags and cinnamon sticks.
3. Allow them to blend for four to five minutes by stirring briefly.
4. Pour only the tea in another container.
5. Add sugar, lemon juice, peach nectar and allow it to cool.
6. Pour into glasses containing ice cubes.
7. Garnish it with lemon or peach wedge. This should make about six cups of peach

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain how to make something.
B. To describe particular thing.
C. To share a catchy story.
D. To amuse the readers.
24. How do you blend the boiling water with teabags and cinnamon sticks?
A. By pour water.
B. By stirring briefly.
C. By using a blender.
D. By cutting cinnamon sticks.
25. “… allow it to cool …” (step 5). The word it refers to …
A. the lemon juice
B. the water
C. the sugar
D. the tea
26. “ Allow them to blend for four ...” (step 3). The word “allow” is similar to …
A. let
B. make
C. prepare
D. decorate
The text is for questions 27 to 30

An ecosystem is a community of living things interacting with each other and its
surroundings. It can be anything from a piece of rotting wood to a huge swamp.
In every ecosystem, each organism depends on another. When vegetation colonizes
an area, the first plants to grow there are small and simple, such as mosses and lichens.
Grass and sedges appear next. The simple plants stabilize the soil so that bigger and more
complex plants can move in. This is called vegetation succession.
Rainforest ecosystems cover only 8% of the world’s plant and animal species.
Green plants are autotrophs, or producers, which mean they make their own food. Animals
are heterotrophs, or consumers, which mean they get their food from other living things.
Primary consumers are herbivores that eat plants. Secondary consumers are carnivores that
eat herbivores or each other.
Farming has a huge effect on natural ecosystems. It reduces the number of species

27. What is the text about?

A. Vegetation.
B. Ecosystem.
C. Plant species.
D. Animal interaction.
28. What can be classified into primary consumers?
A. Fox.
B. Deer.
C. Tiger.
D. Snake.
29. From the text, we know that …
A. an ecosystem is a community of animals and plants interacting with each other.
B. rainforest ecosystems cover less than 10% of the world’s plant and animal species.
C. vegetation succession is soil stabilization by complex plants.
D. farming can help increase the number of species.
30. “It reduces the number of species dramatically”. The underlined word can be replaced by.…
A. successfully
B. significantly
C. sufficiency
D. similarity
The text is for questions 31 to 33
There was once an old man. He was very old. Some people said he was a thousand
years old. He was also very wise and knew many things. Many people came to visit him
in cave near the sea. They always asked for his help.
One day, a young man came to see the wise old man.
“O, wise father. I want to be useful to people. I want to serve them all my life.
How can I do this?” said the young man.
“That’s very good. Here is a magic box. Don’t open it until you reach home. If
you open it now, something will happen to you,” said the old man.
“Thank you wise father,” said the young man.
He took the box and left. When he was out of the cave, he stopped.
“I wonder what is in the box? I’m going to look inside it,” he said to himself.
He opened the box and he instantly turned into a tall tree – a coconut tree. That
was his punishment for disobeying the old man’s advice, but he still had his wish because
the coconut tree is very useful to people.

31. Why did the young man see the old man? Because …
A. he wanted be a servant
B. he wanted be a rich man
C. he asked for the old man’s help
D. he asked for the old man’s magic box
32. The young man turned into a coconut tree … he opened the box near the cave.
A. however
B. although
C. before
D. after
33. The story educates us to ....
A. respect what old people tell us
B. accept ourselves as we are
C. be polite to other people
D. be generous people
The text is for questions 34 to 36

34. What is the benefit of reading the text?

A. To get the detailed information about the product.
B. To know the experience using the product.
C. To understand the description the product.
D. To discover the kinds of the product.
35. The product is useful for the people who want to …
A. cleanse the skin
B. treat the acne
C. wash the face
D. peel the mole
36. “…if irritation become severe, discontinue use…”. The word discontinue has closest
meaning with …
A. apply
B. boost
C. cease
D. decrease
The text is for questions 37 to 38

Skies are crying, I am watching

Catching tear drops in my hands
Only silence has an ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There is nothing left of me

You can take everything I have

You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
37. What is the song about?
A. A person’s love story
B. A person’s real friend
C. A person’s imagination
D. A person’s strength in life
38. Based on the lyric, what is the singer like?
A. She is pessimistic
B. She is versatile
C. She is spoiled
D. She is tough
The text is for questions 39 to 40

39. What is intention of the text?

A. To persuade people to visit the restaurant
B. To inform the address of food palace
C. To tell the price of the food there
D. To advertise a new palace
40. “Discover the new meaning of pleasure”. The synonym of the underlined word is …
A. pay
B. hide
C. taste
D. launch
II. Answer the following questions based on the text!
41. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
1. The cup is sturdy and beautiful.
2. Besides, the cup has a handle.
3. It is made of ceramic material and the color is blue.
4. I really like the cup. So I don’t let anyone to use it.
5. I have a favorite cup. I got it from my friend when he visited China.
6. I can use it to drink warm milk and tea safely.
The text is for questions number 42 and 43.

To all Third Grade Students

All library books have to be returned on the twenty-sixth of April, 2021. They should be
covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of
similar subjects. Fine will be charged to late return of the books. Students who have handed
on all books will get receipts that have to be submitted to the administration officers.

Library Staff

42. Who must pay the charge?

43. What must the students do after getting the receipts?
The text is for questions 44 to 45
Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods. They were discussing their
hopes and dreams when the first tree said, “One day I hope to be treasure chest. I could
be filled with gold, silver and precious gems. I could be decorated with intricate carving
and everyone would see the beauty.”
Then, the second tree said, “One day I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and
queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in
me because of the strength of my hull.”
Finally, the third tree said, “I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree inn
the forest. People will see me, from the top of the hill and look down on my branches
and think of the heaven and God, and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the
greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me.”

44. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

45. What happened to those trees?

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